God Rank Hero

Chapter 1646: Smeared clouds

After Da Fei went offline, Xiao Li landed on his brother's game number with great respect. Although I have been watching Big Brother's presentation this evening, I also know that the properties of Big Brother are very strong, but when she saw the property panel of Big Flying, she was shocked!

More than 500 attacks, more than 500 defenses, more than 200 magic power, more than 400 knowledge, 50,000 command, more than 10,000 lives, more than 6,000 mana, and a lot of bling god-level skills and dozens of points Free attribute points of points!

This is the high mountain that ordinary players can't reach, no, it is the Beidou above the high mountain! Xiaoli also listened to the beauties of the Guild Channel and said that the entry threshold for the Underworld Temple is that the sum of the basic attribute points under the state of not wearing equipment must reach at least 300, and the hardware condition of light alone is that it is difficult for most players to pass. Not even the royal overlord can meet this requirement!

However, such a powerful attribute skill is indeed a cloud in the mouth of Big Brother. Because in the realm of God, these are not worth mentioning. At present, the goal of the elder brother is to become a god, and the key to trouble the elder brother is to overcome this scene.

Then Xiaoli opened Da Fei's task list, various "Conspirators on the Great Channel", "The Rise of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce", "The Underworld", "Wings of Liberty", "The Rise of the Coopers", "Selecting the Dwarves to Succession" A lot of epic legendary missions such as the "Troy Battlefield" flashed Xiaoli's eyes! Brother has been doing so many things all the time!

Xiaoli has also stayed at the Blood Wei Guild for so long. At present, I only know that only one pig in the guild quickly ran to an epic mission to go to the **** world and didn't know what to do. Xiaofang's epic task of digging a canal was also completed directly and indirectly with the help of his brother and other major guilds, and his luck was quite large.

This is the difficulty of the epic task. Brother's hard work is beyond imagination! At this moment, Xiaoli felt that she had a great responsibility. At the same time, it is even more helpless why the older brother didn't say earlier, after all, the game is also an industry now than it was then, and it seems that he has to help the older brother to plan these tasks anyway.

As soon as she said that she wanted to help with the strategy, Xiaoli naturally set her sights on the mission of the first Great Channel Conspirator on the list. This mission took place a few months ago when the service was launched. There is no progress at all, but not only that, from the explanation just explained by the elder brother, the elder brother and the conspirator Makar had a period of cooperation!

This is wrong!

Xiaoli also followed Xiaofang's epic mission. She also heard about the characteristics of some epic missions from the beauty of the guild, that is, once the process of the epic mission starts, it will advance itself. For example, Xiaofang went to an npc chamber of commerce to borrow money for excavation of the canal, and then dissatisfied with the interest for two days. When Xiaofang admits that she has negotiated capital to borrow again two days later, the other party has to be subdued, not only with less interest, but also willing to pay for labor.

In Xiaofang's words, this kind of game of enduring npc waiting for him to become weak is called pig raising. Conversely, letting npc play more and more is called raising tigers! The situation that the elder brother has been ignoring him but also alarmed the other party and even helped him occupy the mine is a typical case of raising tigers!

With the power of this duke, it took so long to know how big a tiger it was, and the task is probably not epic!

Maybe this is the first big brother to play a game, the first time he received an epic task, a huge mistake made by a serious lack of experience!

At this moment, Xiaoli began to worry about her brother again. But worrying is useless, let's talk about the scene before us first. Xiaoli feels that she doesn't want to wait any longer, and no longer gets distracted to look at things that are not related to the current situation.


It is now 4 am Beijing time, and the royal hegemon's journey around the world is still continuing.

In the mining area outside the city of the gods, when Su Junhao with the white five-ring Olympic flag and the "United Front" guild red logo led dozens of Taiwanese players to enter, the Chinese players applauded the flowers and swept the screen, waiting for a long time. Gold reporters from various media in various countries came forward to interview.

Facing various problems that have been expected, Su Junhao answered one by one: "We are here to help mining. We will provide the mined ore to the Royal Guild for free, but the Royal Guild is very fair. They still have to ask us at market prices. The acquisition here is really difficult. "

"We have recruited a total of 25 people at the United Front Guild, and we are all here now. Of course we know the meaning of the United Front Guild name, so these players are all island youths. As for what will happen after we establish this guild? I think It must be wonderful, right? "

"The matter of the former Yixing Clan has passed. For me, it opened a new page in my life, and my vision has become wider. My interest is not limited to game comics. I think this is growing up……"

At this time, the atmosphere of Taipei Yixing Clan during the night was dull. The news broadcast by Japanese watchman Guan Bai watching the city of the gods was very angry.

The fat manager of the team asked cautiously: "This kind of public buying and splitting our players in Taiwan is too much to be seen. If we don't express our opinions, the various media on the island will attack us. This wind can't last! Or we call United Front Guilds of all sizes in Taiwan? "

Killing life Bai Moran nodded for a moment before he said, "It's a pity! Just do what you say."

The manager was a little flattered and said, "It's no pity! His ability can be replaced by a translator, but our loyalty to the team and the board cannot be replaced by any machine."

Killing life off white anger: "Hachi! Do you mean that we can replace Japanese with machines?"

The manager hurried: "Supervisory misunderstanding, I don't mean that"

Killing him, Bai Bai waved his hand impatiently: "You go out immediately to implement!"

"Hey! You must not let the supervisor down!"

When the manager exited the door with a nod of his head, Gong Guanbai still felt unhappy, so he immediately reported the incident to the Mitsubishi headquarters.

Then the next moment, Shino Ono, who was taking a nap, received the latest instructions from the headquarters: "Use all publicity to discredit this Taiwan renegade Su Junhao!"

Ono's spirit refreshed! This is the old profession of his own wish. Ono has been on the Chinese network for more than ten years. Various methods of discrediting rhythms to instigate regional discrimination, ethnic discrimination, police discrimination, and so on in China can be described as pure fire. For sensitive areas like Taiwan The excitement will make Gao Chao excited ono!

Ono's drowsiness was immediately countermeasures, that is, the angry young people who rebelled against the mainland used a variety of extremely vicious language to spit this "Japanese miscellaneous money to the mainland". As long as the rhythm is brought up, some angry young people who have no opinion and discrimination Will automatically join the clan to help the flames. In short, to make Taiwanese young people not feel the friendship and civilization of the mainland, and to completely cut off the so-called unity from the psychological point of view, we must never allow Taiwan and the mainland to approach each other emotionally.

This is a tried and tested routine! However, in the face of an increasingly affluent, powerful and confident China, it is not important to have close feelings and friendship, and there are always some people who claim to be united to kneel in front of Chinese tyrants. This routine has been in recent years. Not so easy to use!

On the contrary, the routine of the local tyrant is indeed invincible, and playing the local tyrant has to pay the price!

Ono realized that the arduousness of the task was different from the past, he immediately calmed down his excitement, and began to contact the website moderators and editors in a serious and serious manner to launch a smearing offensive ...


At this moment, Su Junhao, who had finished the interview, led the team through the general iron-plated defensive positions in China.

Entered a crowded mining area.

At this moment, the new members of the guild were completely shocked by the power of the Chinese area, and could not help but amazed. Even Su Junhao was a little stunned, and a strange thought suddenly came to his mind: Isn't it the most correct choice to adhere to the strong? Why do you fall in love with so many weak Japanese? Is it right to love Yaya and Oku just because they are obsessed with anime?

At that moment, Vice President A Renyi pointed to a blank mining area in the distance where no one could enter: "Look, Da Fei's mining nun!"

The members were amazed, "It's too ducky! Players from other places have squeezed into ants, so a lot of local players she can't mine can't pass!"

Yaba? Good duck fighter! but I like it! But why do I like it?

At this moment, Su Junhao couldn't understand his strange mood. Perhaps because the royal overlord had hinted that he might see Dafei, Su Junhao virtually considered himself as a stakeholder related to Dafei. At this moment, Su Junhao especially wanted to see Dafei, as long as he could see Dafei himself, would he get a huge leap?

And Su Junhao really didn't know that a cloud of darkness had indeed covered himself ... (to be continued.)

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