God Rank Hero

Chapter 1653: Titans in the Nether World

"Well said, this world doesn't need to be turbulent!"

The blue smoke was obviously very satisfied with Da Fei's answer, and his tone became much more relaxed: "The establishment of the mage city was helped by the Titans and the Dragons represented by Saisu. These are two very great and ancient Race, our common goal at that time was to explore the truth of the mysterious universe of knowledge. But over time, some people have forgotten their original intentions, or some people have helped us from the beginning, such as Say some titans ... "

"At the beginning, when Timokhan proposed the time-reversal experiment, we all thought it was a great feat and fully supported it, but gradually we discovered that this was not the case. Timokhan's true intention was to rescue him. The Titan God King once sealed, although the God King is not evil and should not be exiled, but the world can no longer tolerate his existence, his return means war and destruction, but fortunately the experiment failed, Timokhan And paid for it ... "

Hearing Dafei's frown here: Is this definitely a failure of the experiment? Instead of you deliberately making trouble? However, the script exactly matches his own guess, which also gives Da Fei a greater confidence.

The Wind Whisperer continued: "Although the King of Titans is indeed a huge hidden danger, I appreciate the thought and courage of the warrior to explore, but I do not express my support because you are facing the King of God, even if his strength is severely weakened. It ’s not an ordinary divine offense, let alone being a mortal warrior. What I want to focus on is the King of Time, Tamokhan. What do you think of a warrior?

Da Fei frowned and said that he came back for a long time? Sure enough, the lack of strength can not trigger the plot task of God King? Or the **** king is too strong, she dare not mess with a little god? Well, she also made it clear that the King of God cannot be offended, so talk about the King of Time, anyway, brother also took his task.

Da Fei gave the answer that has been thinking for a long time: "I think that the King of Time has weakened for so long, but his Holy Crown City has not weakened because of this. The Seven City Alliance does not seem to have loosened, and even ordinary people have not felt it at all. There is any difference, so I think this is the result that other major city owners intend to maintain. A weak King of Time is in the interest of the stability of the Seven Cities Alliance. That is to say, it seems wrong for me to help the King of Time out of trouble? "

The Wind Whisperer laughed: "A too weak King of Time is not in line with the long-term stability of the Seven Cities Alliance, and you cannot help the King of Time to call it wrong. The King of Time is obviously misled by some Titans. Going astray, as a colleague of his many years of friendship, we also need to help him in some ways, so the Warrior should help him further, what does the Warrior think? "

Dafei frowned: "Going further?"

The Windspeaker said positively: "Yes, I do not support the Warriors to challenge the powerful King of Titans, but it is okay to teach a few Titan Lords, do you think? By the way, the gun in the warrior ’s hands also seems to be a Titan. The semi-finished weapon, but the key material of this weapon is not found in the main material world, and must be found in the void world of the exiled Titans. "

Da Fei's heart moved, and he subconsciously took out the Titan's grip in his hand and said in astonishment, "Have you said this gun?"

Wind whisperer Shen said: "Exactly! The power of the finished weapon is beyond imagination, and the state of your gun now is almost the same as a toothpick."

Let me go! I haven't shot it myself for many years, and I don't need to do it myself. I almost forgot this electric stick that was blindly tossed by an angel blacksmith! Even the goddess of law said that the power of the finished product was beyond imagination, so how should it be a weapon of the time hourglass level?

OK, brother has the task to complete obsessive-compulsive disorder, and can solve a legacy problem with ease, but it is a matter of mind. Dafei asked in surprise: "What materials do you need to find?"

The Windspeaker laughed: "If you are willing to accept the challenge, you can ask Zehir, the master of the elements in the next room."

Do you have to clear the level again? Da Fei nodded: "Okay, I accept!"

The Wind Whisperer said with satisfaction: "Very good, I have said here long enough, you can ask him any questions you have."

After that, the blue smoke turned into light debris and disappeared. The system prompts a jingle:

The system prompts: You get the favor of Holla, the main whisperer of Silverwind City, and Hola's hostility towards you disappears.

Oh yeah! Another good impression. With so many good impressions, even if the brother steals technology later, it may not be the enemy of the Seven Cities Alliance, right? What you want to do in business is to make money with qi. Every day, fighting and killing will affect your brother to be the richest man in the world.

Da Fei was pleased to start rummaging again and again, and soon found another 20 books! This harvest is really huge. The books collected in the two rooms are enough to copy the book. The trio copy for a day or two. However, the trio continued to absorb experience and grow in battles in the Underworld. Wisdom will only increase, and the speed of copying books will become faster and faster.

By the way, I do n’t know how the fight is over there. The three were too busy copying the books to ask any question, so it didn't matter.

After finishing the assembly, Da Fei made persistent efforts and came to the door of the last hall. It should be a pit father task when you go in, right? Then be sure to figure out what should be understood before sending the task.

Just when Da Fei was about to open the door, the door did open automatically, and an elegant and light voice came from the hall: "I'm waiting for you, please come in!"

Withdraw hostility completely! Da Fei enters with relief, and then in the hall, he sees a picture of a handsome young man in a gorgeous robe.

Elemental Lord Zehir! The race is unknown, usually in the form of a human, a genius mage, and the existence of a king of power second to time in the Seven Cities Alliance. With strong elemental adaptability, and proficient in 4-series elemental magic, he releases a magic that is more than twice the power of other equivalent magic mages, and can even perform four-series magic at the same time.

This is the introduction of Zehir's game. If there is no nuclear bomb crystal and time hourglass, Dafei simply does not know how to face such a humanoid cannon.

Zehir said with a smile: "Everyone doesn't like to talk in this terrible environment, so they entrust me with the most troublesome things. First of all, I can tell the Warriors clearly that both me and Cyrus and Hola Afterwards, he opposes this time experiment, so we will consume a lot of divine power to guard the control hall that we control. As for the Lord of Destruction, Faiz's attitude is indifferent, as long as he can blow up. Then Deken, the Dragon Slayer. He is a dragon killer, of course, it is not the same as the Dragon Clan of Saisu. Then Magnus, his storm power also benefits from the Titans. In short, this is the position of our seven city lords divided into two factions, The King of Time is dominant. He has the final say. Do you understand? "

Da Fei said, "I see." Then Da Fei asked, "Will the King of Time decide now?"

Zehir laughed: "Good question, it seems that you understand the change in the delicate balance of the Seven Cities Alliance. The Holy Crown City is the current presidency, and of course the King of Time has the final say in name. Ah, of course, we must also maintain the authority of the rotating presidency on the bright side. The rules cannot be abandoned. The Seven Cities Alliance is the authority in the minds of the world and cannot be shaken. But once the Holy Crown City is not the rotating presidency, the situation It may be different. But this is not the point I will discuss with the Warriors. Are the Warriors ready to teach a few Titan Lords? "

Da Fei also laughed: "I am willing to learn, but I dare not say that I am ready, after all, I am still cursed."

Zehir laughed: "Just as long as you want, the answer to the curse and the Lord Titan are in the world behind this fissure. But the way of teaching does not have to be directly against them, which is also very scary. You just need to destroy their temples and facilities, so that they can weaken their connection and influence on our world, and let them stay in the void honestly. As far as I can help you is to give you 4 things ! "

System Tip: You accept the quest "Titan of the Netherlands" by Zehir, the Lord of the Elements, and you get the quest item "Flame Lord Crystal Ball, Ice Lord Crystal Ball, Storm Lord Crystal Ball, Earth Lord Crystal Ball".

Looking at the four extra flames or crystal crystal **** in the bag, Dafei was surprised: "This is it?"

Zehir laughed: "You can use them when you meet strong enemies, you can summon an elemental monster, of course, they exist in the void world for a short time, you must use them carefully. As for how to enter the void The world in the fissures is actually the task entrusted to you by the King of Time. We have limited power here and cannot help you. Believe that you can do it with your wisdom and ability? "

Da Fei asked again, "The material of my gun?"

Zehir laughed: "It's very simple. Once this weapon encounters the material it needs, the material will resonate, you will find the material, and then you just place the weapon on the found material, and it will automatically Draw material to grow. "

Dafei's eyes widened: "It's that simple?"

Zehir sighed: "Hope is as simple as that, I believe this gun will also help you in the void world. In short, I have finished, then I should leave this terrible place, so goodbye After that, Zehir's image disappeared.

Da Fei then returned to God and sighed, it seems to be changing the map! However, Brother is not in a hurry to change it. Will he be willing to leave without eating?

So Da Fei searched Zehir's room again and got 15 magic books! Then the system prompts a jingle:

System prompt: Congratulations! You collected 7 volumes of the book "The Limits of Time Twisting and Destruction", and collected all 14 volumes of "Maintenance of Space Twisting Array ...", and you got the achievement "Learning without boundaries", your knowledge +20, magic +20, life +1000, mana +1000!

Grandma! Da Fei was surprised and laughed. The original collection will also give a gift of achievement, cool! (To be continued.)

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