God Rank Hero

Chapter 1659: Get a "scientific research" breakthrough

It is now 10pm. Within 4 hours after Xiaoli left, Da Fei encountered and killed a wavelet ss again, and obtained another nuclear bomb crystal. Now Da Fei has a total of 8 nuclear bomb crystals. Among them, 5 crystals were obtained today, which fully confirms the speculation that the appearance of wave ss in the air will become increasingly dense.

It ’s better to be dense. This is the result that Dafei wants. This will give Buffett enough exercise opportunities. At the same time, a wave of 10 million experience will also give Dafei the confidence to use the hourglass.

Then it ’s finally here. As Dafei finishes his homework in the airship engine room again, the system prompts a bang:

System prompt: Congratulations! You have successfully drawn "Incomplete Drawings of Machine Parts No. 036", and you have successfully grasped the skills of "Advanced Instrument Drawing Design", your wisdom1.

Incomplete drawing of machine part No. 036: Imitation drawing, which can be used to make imitation products. The quality of imitation products reaches up to three-fifths of the attributes of the formal products. (Note: The current drawing does not have information on the material of the imitation, which will further affect the attributes of the imitation.)

What the hell! Finally realized!

At this moment, Da Fei feels like another generation! If you remember correctly, it should be the intermediate level that I realized at this time the night before, and now it takes more than 30 hours to realize the advanced level. The difficulty of this drawing can be imagined!

Of course, 50 points of wisdom is definitely not for dry meals, and punching skills may not be so difficult, but it is too lucky to punch the skills. Kolos's scenes are refreshed and changed every ten minutes. Only newer airship scenes can change skills. Those ruined ruin scenes can only be used to exercise Buffett. So sometimes you have to wait an hour or even two hours before you can effectively punch a skill, which is really inefficient.

If this is the case, the experts at the back can hardly imagine it! Can't get it done in two days? Two days have been spent on it, and Troy has to abstain from the finals. Can this be tolerated?

Da Fei decided to change his mind and can no longer continue to punch skills in the airship. Then there is only one goal, that is, the machine connected with the 7 Fashen control halls in the middle of the basement hall. The shape of the machine resembles a perpetual motion machine. The name on the manual is "Space Twisting Array Conversion Machine". This must be the core of Colos machine.

Previously, even though Dafei realized master-level cutting-edge instrumentation and added artifact tools to the grandmaster level, he still didn't want to dismantle a screw of this machine, and drawing was impossible.

But now, Da Fei decided to challenge this machine. Because this machine will not be refreshed by the scene, even if Dafei spends an hour or two to remove a screw from the machine, it is worthwhile, and then staring at this screw painting with advanced drawing skills, are you afraid of not being able to punch the experts? The screws on the core machine must be god-level screws, and they will definitely increase proficiency?

But there is still a small problem, that is, he can't let Buffett blame, which will delay his development a little? But counting it out, Buffett hasn't slept for a long time, so take this opportunity to let him rest.

Da Fei laughed and said, "Let's go, we move our target back to the underground hall. You haven't slept for a long time, and you should rest."

Buffett was surprised: "Rest? I feel so full of energy and time is tight, how can I rest?"

Dafei wondered: "You have been fighting for many days since you last slept, and you haven't had much rest in the middle, have you? Are you tired?"

Buffett waved his arm and shook his head: "I feel like I'm full of energy, I think it's the result of me eating mushrooms these days!"

Da Fei is even more curious: "Mushrooms still have this magic effect?" Suddenly, brother also accompany you every day to eat, brother's angel space has eaten an extra 200 points of space, you can install an additional 200 archers!

Buffett exhilarated, "I can't tell you. I seem to have returned to my physical condition when I was young when I was on the ship when I was doing floor cleaning. Is my time back to old? Or is my time slowing down and reducing the rate of aging? Or am I Constantly challenge the monsters to improve their power for a while? In short, I feel that I can't stop, so friends, if you are not convenient, you can return to the lobby, I will continue to fight on the ground, I will be a few minutes before the time change Back to your friends, don't worry about me being struck by lightning. "

Dafei frowned, needless to say, it must be training him to achieve results, then don't stop!

Da Fei reassured: "Okay, you must come back when you encounter a big monster. Don't forget the time!"

"Relax, my friend!" After speaking, Buffett rushed to the few void monsters appearing in the void gap not far away.

Looking at the various doom effects on these mobs, Da Fei immediately relieved. Even without his own hero bonus, Buffett's fight against mobs is not a problem. And then again, only by letting him truly leave himself can he be regarded as training him independently? OK, if we can become a hero, it will be a matter of two days tomorrow.

Da Fei returned to the Mushroom Forest in the basement hall. At this time, Erhui reported: "Master, Lich Isaac brings good news!" After that, he handed Isaac's lifeguard box to Da Fei.

At this time, the box that does not litter normally emits black and bright light to show the texture of precious metals. Is this a developed rhythm?

Dafei said, "Isak, are you stronger?"

A louder and clearer voice was heard in the box than before: "Yes, master! Our combined army won a decisive victory in the underworld, and one underworld lord was destroyed and conquered. As a loot, I also I got some of his strength, so I am much stronger, and now I can better serve the host! "

Sure enough! Lord Undersea, that is an undead god, but this battle has been separated from the day before yesterday, and it is still difficult for our army to combine multiple parties to fight more and fight less.

Dafei hurriedly asked, "What about the loss of our army?"

Isaac replied: "Sorry, I have been focusing on the host service at the Alchemy Lab on the Renoir. The outside battle is not something I can focus on. By the way, I now feel that my wisdom has been greatly improved, and I I can read the owner ’s books faster and complete the copying task! "

it is good! very good! Dafei exulted, "What about Pandora?"

Nalhia handed Pandora's Box Report to report: "Adult Pandora is learning and has reached level 44. She is restricted by the adult's level, so she cannot increase her level, but she has a lot of power."

At this point, the already magnificent Pandora's Box was even more glorious, and Da Fei couldn't look straight! In the final analysis, it was her own hind leg that dragged her as a sub-hero at level 44. Otherwise, how many levels would she have to advance in the battle of the underworld?

Dafei said with emotion: "Okay, then let her continue studying, I will not disturb her."

The subordinates have improved so much now, and they can no longer drag on their hind legs. Da Fei thought about it and asked: "Isak, you said that your current wisdom can understand these books, then can you read the maintenance book of the space twisted array converter?"

Isaac replied: "Although this book is very advanced, I think I can understand some basic chapters."

Basic chapter? Dafei frowned: "I just want to open the shell of this machine, is this basic? Is there a step in the book? Can it be done?"

Isaac said, "Yes! I remember that Volume 1 is a theory. I don't understand it now. But I copied Volume 2. The first page of that volume is the maintenance procedure. Please ask the owner to find the Volume 2 book. Come, I can instruct the owner to dismantle gradually! "

Oh yeah! Really achieved results, Dafei ecstatic overjoyed and immediately handed the book to the front to open the first page.

Isaac reads: "The space twisting array converter requires master-level cutting-edge instrument skills to complete the dismantling of the first 3 steps, master-level skills to complete the disassembly of the first 6 steps, and the seventh step must be god-level skills. To dismantle congratulations to the master, the master can move the first 6 steps! "

Dafei was overjoyed: "Okay! Let's get started!"

Under the instructions of Isaac, Da Fei's manual flashed, Da Fei's dismantling officially started, and a long progress bar appeared in front of him!

Dafei is very pleased! In the past, because I couldn't understand the instructions, I could only forcibly dismantle. But in the face of the most advanced machines, even the master-level skills can not be dismantled. After all, the manual is the top priority, and knowledge is the power!

And this is just the victory of one lord in the Underworld. If all other lords are swept away, it will not be against the sky and so on!

Da Fei suddenly remembered the warning from the Lich Dragon and Samuel. Now, of course, it is possible to unintentionally join forces to destroy a Minghai force, but this also means that the other leaders of the Minghai will immediately alliance after the danger, and the two major groups of the Minghai will be established, which is a big trouble!

However, now is not the time to think so much, wait for my brother to guide here to become a god. It doesn't matter if Minghai loses completely, as long as Renoir gets fat and runs away.

In Da Fei's thinking, the long progress bar finally advanced and the system prompts a bang:

System Tip: You have successfully referenced the “Volume 2 Array Transformer Maintenance Manual Volume 2” and successfully dismantled the “001 enclosure” of the machine, and you have obtained “Information of Master Class Advanced Instruments”!

Get it! Sure enough, I got the master-level information! When my brother realizes the Grand Master level, and the tool is a bonus, it is God level, then can this machine be completely dismantled?

Can brother draw this shell? Dafei immediately began to draw a picture of the part of the shell that was removed. Then a long progress bar appeared. To be precise, the progress bar was beyond imagination. It was four or five times longer than the progress bar for drawing those parts in the airship. This means that the difficulty of drawing it is It is also four or five times. Can a single high-level drawing succeed? Maybe not, but it doesn't matter, you still have the ultimate trick of invincible luck!

Dafei wait and see! (To be continued.)

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