God Rank Hero

Chapter 1661: Xueba Search

At 11:30 in the evening, Xiaoli, who had been sleeping for hours, woke up and took over.

Xiaofang stretched out a smile and said, "How good is my wife resting? Today I can work overtime!"

Xiaoli laughed: "Are you hungry then? I'll cook some supper for you."

Xiaofang laughed: "No, I'll take a break early and continue to lose weight. I'll give you the elder brother's account first, but it's fine, just sit in the town and do nothing, just about three Four hundred stars of 300 special warriors will come here. As for how to become the master of the city, it goes without saying, if you are interested in looking at the event log, you will know. "

Xiaoli laughed: "Great, I only went out one day and you became a city master!"

Xiaofang laughed: "It's a big brother! Are you saying no?"

Xiaoli also smiled meaningfully: "If I said that Brother could be as powerful as Dafei, do you believe it?"

Xiaofang laughed: "Believe! I believe in dreams. In short, we all need to be one family. Don't be polite if I ask for help in the future."

Xiaoli laughed: "Well, you can sleep peacefully tonight, something to tell you tomorrow."

Xiaofang laughed: "Okay good night, don't look for me until dawn!" After yawning, he crawled into the room and went to sleep.

The next moment, Da Fei received a text message from Xiao Li: "Brother, I'm asleep, let me take the next step. You don't have much rest today, go to bed early."

Da Fei is very pleased, not only did he not rest well today? The months since I played this game have been intermittent and I haven't slept well. Many times I still dream to wake myself up.

And this kind of meticulous thing about searching for stars is really not suitable for big masters like myself, just leave it to Xiaoli. So Da Fei explained to Xiaoli her plan and the next goal. After confirming that there were no problems, she dropped the helmet and went offline.

As soon as Da Fei's eyelids were closed, the uneasy drowsiness spreads all over the body, and the feeling of falling asleep without worries is really practical ...


At this time, the newly-initiated undead camp mission to the Chinese National War in the Nordic Crown Corps of Sweden was entangled with everyone, can't they go? This is a problem.

Going, it is obvious that it is against Da Fei, looking for a pump! Even the big v dare not guarantee that it can compete with the big fly when the big fly has warships. But do not go, that is to make the Swedish team lose important development opportunities. The only thing the Swedish team can do is wait for the reply from the big v. The big v with a living fossil is the spiritual leader and humanoid totem that the Swedish team cannot replace.

Finally, after thinking for more than ten minutes, Big V still suggested: Go! There is only one biggest reason: to explore the map! Don't think about other things, just adapt to it.

That ’s right, it ’s difficult for Big V to judge how much direct and indirect influence this national war will have on the team. After all, the big v ’s journey in the underworld just reached the underworld where Achilles bathed, and the big v was not sure if there was a direct relationship between the underworld and the undersea.

From the background setting of the game, the environment setting of the underworld may also refer to the classical classic "The Divine Comedy" of the Italian poet Dante, that is, the underworld is divided into nine layers, that is, nine large maps, each map is an independent world. At the same time, when Da v traveled on the Minghe River, he also saw a large "Manzhushahua" on the shore, a plant that can live in the world and the underworld at the same time, which is a bit of the shadow of Indian culture.

In short, the underworld is definitely a scene worth exploring and developing. Now that the overall situation of Hongming Village has been determined and the world is focusing on the new world, the Swedish team should take a decisive shot.

As for the candidates for the battle, there is no doubt that the seven "Undead Hell" members of the Hades group are the only ones who can survive in the crisis-ridden Hades. Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that the undead artifact that is not equipped with Troy City further enhances the survivability.

Then, at 0am Beijing time and 6pm European time, the World Channel clanged:

World Channel: The Battle of the Underworld in the Undead Camp in China begins! Swedish player Ida in the European Union ... wait for 7 players to enter the Chinese national battlefield!

Is there another national war? At this moment, players from all over China and players from all over the world are in an uproar!

Ma Yinglong was so amazed, he immediately gave instructions: "Sun Xing, look in the city to see if you can meet them!"

"Crouch! Boss, I have bought a small wooden boat and started to swim in the Ninghai Sea, how can I go back to find them?"

Ma Yinglong greeted the members of the public relations department immediately: "Help me contact the Swedish team, and I will personally ask their intentions!"

In the face of the Swedish team's entry, feeling the hostility of the **** sea of ​​madness is even colder: "Labour and management must see how great the Swedish team is!"


At this point, Xiaoli has taken over the Feifei for more than half an hour and strictly carried out her brother's plan to find the Star House. However, Xiaoli's method is different. It is not a search of the ruins of the Blood Eagle Mancheng, but a careful study of the city layout of the Seven Cities Alliance.

After all, the elder brother has searched for so long, and after searching for a while, he did not find a functional building, it is definitely not a simple problem that can be solved.

Earlier, when Xiaoli and Xiaofang took over the prestige mission of Kolos, they carefully studied the relevant game background of the city of wizards. Of course, they also studied the layout structure of the city of wizards in order to search for mission items. There is a huge difference at a glance between the city and the seven mage cities: that is, the seven mage cities are floating cities, and the city's base plate is as thick as a space warship science fiction. Colos is an ordinary city built on the ground.

In fact, the mage city is a "space battleship". Even a rough fortress such as the city of **** punishment can fly, let alone the mage city shows its extraordinary power in the world. In the case where the floating city itself is extremely high, the star building of the 7 mage cities is naturally a high tower. However, the data shows that the Seven Cities Alliance has more advanced observation and early warning buildings, the Sky Boat!

The same name as the airship of the elder brother. It is a floating building suspended above the city and may also be an airship.

That is to say, if it is not necessary for Kolos as an experimental city to float, its star building should not be an ordinary tall tower, because it cannot meet normal needs at all, it is most likely a floating building. .

In order to confirm, Xiaoli used Pandora's Box to contact Thain again to inquire, but Thain was only a low-level little lamp god. It could not provide such information for such an important experiment that year, but it affirmed the model of the building. The existence of "Sky Boat".

That must exist, because this is background information that players can find.

So Xiaoli thought that this floating building might fall into the desert like the airship of the King of Time. Therefore, Xiaoli controlled the Dafei to take a video screenshot of the city to observe and observe. The blood eagle searched the carpet in the desert outside the city and found that any ruins in the desert immediately sent the blood eagle to observe At the same time, take a screenshot record and leave it to the base map software for comparison after the scene is refreshed.

In short, Xiaoli's method is to learn the search method. This is completely different from Da Fei's knowledge of the city of the Master.

And this time, Dafei should feel extremely lucky, because his feelings are finally out of order!

As the scene was refreshed again, Xiao Li quickly compared a different building ruin on the desert map. The previous few refreshes did not have this ruin, but this time it did!

Xiaoli immediately sent the blood eagle to land and took a look. It was a tower steeply sunk into the yellow sand. The part of the tower exposed from the ground was not half a story high. In this desert of rubble and debris, if you did n’t pay attention, you would n’t see it at all. Pay attention to its sudden appearance.

At this moment, the yellow dot of the radar under the blood eagle flashed!

System prompt: Your reconnaissance eagle "Xiaofei" found an unknown abandoned wild facility!

It must be the goal! At this moment, Xiao Li almost cried with excitement! This is really helping the big brother and correcting the big brother's misunderstanding. This kind of joy is not comparable to the succession of a successor. (To be continued.)

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