God Rank Hero

Chapter 1667: Pre-emptive Jade Break

When a pig grows to the size of an elephant, it has no natural enemies. Even if it is not invincible, no one can kill it. Since stepping into Griffin Divine Realm, Piggy Run has always thought that he has no natural enemies. He is not the strongest player, but looking at the world, there should be no players who can kill himself. Even the big fly may not be able to kill. Got myself.

The Griffin King mounts 30,000 blood, shares life, defenses 300, 90% magic resistance, sacred body, and magic descending. This is the pig's confident and invincible capital. So in the face of the weird black mist and the weird light in the fog, the pig instinctively disapproves, even if there are enemies, so what?

So when the red light exploded in the black mist, more than a dozen blood rays rushed towards the face, and a large row of attacking system prompts to swipe the screen. The piglets did not cause the highest alert, but took more than a second. Time surprised each other's history!

System prompt: Warning! You are attacked by a player "* kh16d ..." in Japan ...

System prompt: Warning! You receive a "jhds% ..." attack from a Japanese player ...


Is there anyone here? A dozen Japanese? All Martian names?

And the dullness of more than a second is undoubtedly a huge omission for professional players. When the pig quickly ran back to God, he was shocked to find that his health was reduced by one third, and at the same time, the light The shining target ship was again dark.

Then the following things were a little bit twisty and a little bit panic. In short, Piggy ran and hesitated, and finally reluctant to use Shenjiang on this occasion, so he hung up, the screen and broadcast of Piggy to Xuewei Studio The big screen on the wall was dark.

At this moment, the little pigs ran like faces, and the beautiful sisters of Xuewei Studio also covered their mouths and died silently!

Finally, Chairman Zhou Qing sighed, "Piggy, is it serious?"

Piggy quickly ran and shook his head and sighed, "I'm still too young! I may not be able to summon the Griffin King for several days, and I can't fly."

Zhou Qing sighed: "Then you will continue to practice in Shenyang during this period."

Piggy snorted quickly and said: "I see. When I leave the mountain, it will be when these chickens and flying dogs jump!"

Zhou Qing shook his head: "It's not the first time these mysterious Martians have appeared, and it's hard to say whether they are Japanese players, but one thing we can be sure that they are so tightly guarded must be a big lead in Besib. , We need to prepare early. "

The beauty of all the girls was excited: "Contact Fei Ge, let Fei Ge destroy them!"

Zhou Qing smiled bitterly: "I just can't get in touch, and we can't rely on Fei Ge everywhere, let alone foreign players have found a way to host a senior npc as a hostage to counter Fei Ge, Fei Ge is not any scene. All are suitable for battle. In short, there will be more than a day to mine the city of our gods, and then there will be a big wave of rhythm, everyone maintain your energy and prepare for the battle. "

"Got it."


At the same time, the special command of the supernova team cheers!

Fordson was very satisfied with the volley, and encouraged the teenagers: "Yes, although he almost let him run away, your calculations are impeccable."

Tommy did say with confidence: "Even if he runs away, his physical strength will not last long, and he will still fall and drown in the sea."

Fordson nodded his head solemnly and said solemnly: "But although he didn't get any reconnaissance results, he has already noticed the Chinese here and may even guess our ongoing plan. What do you think?"

Tommy immediately said: "Offense is the best defense, anyway, we have been exposed, anyway, we are not the first time to launch, let us do it in advance! And the captain you also saw, even with the Chinese just now In addition, our special accounts do not have absolute advantages and do not constitute suspicion of cheating. We don't need to hide our strength! Not to mention that we all have the Japanese flag and no need to worry! "

Fordson frowned.

Tommy continued: "I heard that a group of Japanese ghost night squads have ended their title period and they will be released. These people have been detained for almost 10 days. They have been separated from the ranks of first-class players and have no training value. They still want to It's really shameless to continue to ride our Bessib ride, we don't need to let them waste resources, we can let them show their true value! "

Fordson laughed, "Well, you have this idea to show that you have become a qualified captain, and leave it to you."

"Yes, private r!"


Mitsubishi Team Command, today is a memorable day for the Mitsubishi Team. Some time ago, in order to support the female demon Falina during the national war, there were more than 60 "ghosts" in the night ghost group, and more than 300 mainline members were put in traitor prisons because they attacked the general npc of this camp. The days of waiting finally got released. At the same time, during the National War of the City of Divine Punishment in China, the two demon lords who sacrificed themselves in order to lay down their own layout were almost released in the afternoon.

Facts have proven that their efforts are totally worth it. Farina not only succeeded in destroying the city of gods and punishments in China, but also built an increasingly powerful new order in the underground world.

Although these more than ten days of confinement have made these numbers lag far behind the top players in other countries, it does not matter. These numbers are all selected **** or quasi-hero heroes. The foundation is superior. With such a high level of scenes, the mainland of Burma could catch up again after a period of hard work. At that time, the United States and the European Union must suffer the defeat of China, and Japan will again have unparalleled development opportunities at that time.

Just as the manager Igarashi gave his encouragement speech, the US supernova team sent a new video instruction, the blonde boy Tommy this time. Although Igarashi didn't know what the kid was doing, Igarashi saw the presence of the Supernova team's secret video conference many times. Who should be the master of this big man?

Igarashi knew very well how to deal with the young and vigorous young master, and did not dare to neglect his smile. Kezhen personally greeted him in a video: "Mr. Tommy!"

Tommy shook his head proudly: "Mr. Manager can call me the captain of the special operations team. First of all, congratulations on the lifting of the 373 members of your team."

When I saw the proud expression of the other side, Igarashi was more at ease, and nodded and smiled, "Thank you for your care."

Tommy nodded solemnly and said, "I'm here to inform Mr. Manager of an important thing. The Chinese have already discovered the location of Bessib. In case of accident, we must pre-emptively, so we decided to wait two hours , We have to guerrilla 70,000 Chinese lord players in all b-level areas around the landlord city in China. After a few days of construction since the opening of the New World, the construction of these lord players should be well invested, and China The main force of the district is to guard the mines in the city of the gods. This is a great time for us to rob each other! "

With his eyes widened, Igarashi thought that he had heard it wrong: "Sacking 70,000 Chinese lords in all b-class areas? Two hours later?"

Tommy said positively: "Yes, even if it cannot be looted, it will be destroyed on the spot."

Igarashi shivered with excitement: "But that's the main force of ordinary players in China. We can't mobilize so many troops in two hours? Many players in our league are on the way to developing a level A area. Is it impossible to move back? "

Tommy shook his head: "Mr. Manager, if we mobilize a large force, wouldn't China be aware of it? We don't need a large force, and we don't need to hinder the development of A-level areas."

Igarashi said: "What are our plans?"

Tommy sternly said: "Of course, the 373 unbanned players of your clan cooperated with us to attack, in the words of your Japanese, riding a thousand to one enemy! It ’s no surprise to fight for Level 1 jade crush for this big cleaning This great and glorious task can only be undertaken by your team! "

With one enemy hundred? Igarashi dropped his chin in shock: "Captain, we can provide 310 players to go all out, but our 61 hundred ghost night walkers are indeed god-level heroes each with an average value of more than $ 3 million. Has a very big future, as long as it is in Besib "

"Enough!" Interrupted Tommy impatiently: "The Chinese won't give you much time. What I want is the god-like ability of these 61 people. If you can't even deal with ordinary players, you are worth 3 million. ? And the main force of the two demon lords must also reinforce the battlefield as soon as the embargo is lifted. This is an order! Our operation is called Operation Yuzai. Is there any problem? "

Igarashi's face is all green. Is this to consume half of the Mitsubishi team's main force? Igaran asked with a tremor: "Who will assist us then?"

Tommy said coldly: "I don't care, anyway, you have to be in place for two hours, so, get ready!" After the video was interrupted.

At this moment, Mitsubishi's headquarters was in a bang.

Tsukamoto said angrily, "President, this little cub is too rude and arrogant."

"Shut up!" Igaran yelled, "Your attitude is arrogant. Didn't you realize our situation? Your attitude will shut down our team!"

When Tsukamoto's face changed, he bowed his head and said, "Hey, I'm wrong!"

Igarashi coldly said: "Notify Juna Kinoshita of the Taiwan branch and let him gather 10,000 Taiwanese players in place within two hours!"

Tsukamoto's spirit refreshed: "Hey! Although it's too early, but they can't help them, it's time for them to dedicate their lives to our Japanese team!"

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