God Rank Hero

Chapter 1673: Titan Void

With regard to the internal cabin environment of the Time Traveler, Dafei can no longer be familiar with the vicissitudes of change, and as an old driver in the airship industry, Dafei has not done much research on a "new" airship with severe castration. interest.

Dafei's focus at this time is how to enter the Titan void? This is a test that the King of Time and Zehir once left for himself, and his angels also realized that the perception of emptiness found a clue. But at this point, the answer to this question is really simple: let the enemy open the door for himself, and it is still a large door that can enter the airship!

When the airship slowly lifted off, Da Fei directly rushed to the shrinking void door that rushed to the retreat of the Titan Army, and the scene was dark.

System prompt: You have entered the Titan Void, and the scene is loading, please be patient!

The system prompts: You start the airship teleportation and consume 10 airship energy! You can add resources to enter the fuel space of the airship power stove. The current power stove can hold 400 units of resources.

Come in!

Dafei is very satisfied with the teleportation effect of the airship, which is exactly transmitted in the blink of an eyelid. This is much faster than the spacecraft flying in the space of two or three seconds, so you can increase it to 100! As for the power furnace space that can only accommodate 400 units of resources, it is indeed far from the 1,000 units of Skyship. Well, after all, it is a power stove that is not much repaired, and there is no comparable.

Then the key problem is that this energy consumption problem is very big, you have to grab the mine first.

While the scene was loading, Da Fei once again pulled out the empty mining area map for viewing. Looking at the Titans' defensive fortifications and forces, Da Fei's first reaction was to reject the idea of ​​directly attacking the mine, unless he was crazy! In short, the void is so large. After entering, find a puppet to hide, and then slowly find opportunities to guerrilla steal the mine!

Between the thoughts of Da Fei, the scene is loaded, and a science fiction starry sky scene is presented in front of Da Fei. On the dark and desolate ground like the moon's surface, there are magnificent giant fortress temples. Countless titans and void monsters Lined up on the earth. In the sky, there are countless fragmented floating lands suspended like the asteroid ring of Saturn, which is the perfect hiding place for airships.

But it was too late to observe carefully. The red light exploded in front of Dafei's eyes. Hundreds of Titans near the ground portal began to throw lightning swords at Dafei!

How can they get them? Send!

With a blink of an eyelid, the airship appeared in the void asteroid belt. At this time, the titans on the ground were as big as human beings and could no longer threaten the airship. Then look up, a huge blue earth in the distance hangs the starry sky, and the blue planet is surrounded by a few small earths like the moon.

Dafei frowned. This clearly is the new world and the old world, right? The relationship between the mortal world and the void is this relationship between the earth and extraterrestrial planets?

Then Da Fei looked up, a flaming planet, a silver planet at the other end of the starry sky. That silver planet is like the silver moon seen on the underworld? The flaming planet, let's just consider it the **** where the demons live? In short, the game ’s worldview is really grand. I do n’t know how many millions of electricity bills will be burned in a day?

Just as Dafei felt the starry sky sighing for life, the golden light flashed in front of Dafei radar!

System Tip: Your Nether Lord "Alice Tower" 's Nether Awareness skill has discovered a medium-sized "Nether Crack"!

Da Fei looked back at God and found that a floating space gate appeared on a floating island like a vortex. The specifications of this gate are similar to those of the Titan Army. In other words, the void gates in the void appear and disappear at any time like the vortex on the sea, and ordinary people cannot find their existence at all. What's the connotation?

Just then, Alysta talked, and the sound echoed like a reverberation and shock sound: "Sir, I feel an energy reaction on the other side of the Void Gate. Can I enter for reconnaissance?"

This is the first time Dafei has listened to her. Dafei has been awake for a long time before returning to God. Oh, "Oh, well, it seems that these void doors can disappear at any time? Come back as soon as you enter!"

Alice Tower shook her head and said, "Master, rest assured, a void door of this size will not disappear soon, and a large amount of energy will be required to produce a void door of this size. Therefore, the space opposite the void door must have the energy that adults urgently need. Should not be missed!"

That's it! If there is a mine on the opposite side, wouldn't it just solve the problem of brother's energy shortage? Dafei was overjoyed: "Okay, then hurry up! Do pay attention to safety and keep your life first!"

"Yes, sir!" After finishing speaking, Alesta left the airship to fly to the target, and then disappeared into the void gate.

Buffett was indeed excited when he looked at the Titan Army on the ground: "Friend, I bet, the other party would never think that we would have the ability to repair this airship, so they must have no way to take us!"

Dafei laughed and said, "You said you don't want to gamble!" But that's also the case. Brother didn't follow the rules of the card at all, and went directly against the sky to steal the technology. What can they do to me?

Isaac also said: "The master should not be careless. From the relationship between the Lord of the Elements and the Titans, it is obvious that the Titans will guard against these mages, and our skills are from the mage, so it is difficult to say that there is an advantage."

Da Fei frowned: "Also, I don't know if there is a Void Monster that can fly?"

Isaac Shen said: "The most famous flying beast in the void world is the Void Electron, and even creatures such as the Void Dragon. The owner must be careful! Maybe it won't be long before the Titans come to hunt."

Da Fei's heart is tight, but this airship has no weapons and armor at all. If there is not enough energy to transmit, it will be troublesome.

While thinking about it, a flash of light flashed in front of the void door, and Alice Tower returned. Just looking at the speed of her impetuous flying string, Da Fei felt wrong!

Sure enough, Alesta said with a serious look as soon as she got on board: "Master, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that there is a lot of void ore in the space opposite!"

Da Fei's face was drawn: "The bad news is that there is a powerful biological guard?"

Alice Tower said positively: "Yes, a huge void dragon full of electric light!"

Isaac said: "It's a Void Void, it can fly!"

Dafei jaw dropped! What the hell! Which pot does not mention which pot, are there really void beasts guarding the mine? So what? What do you fight?

Da Fei immediately remembered the three Elemental Lord crystals that Zehir gave him! In the elemental biological clock, the storm element can fly, and it is also charged. It is the nemesis of charged creatures, that's it! If it doesn't work, summon the Fire Lord and the Ice Lord as well. This is Brother's first battle to gain a foothold in the Titan Void.

Da Fei's determination has been made with a big wave: "Airship, teleport door!" To be continued.

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