God Rank Hero

Chapter 1680: Nether Predator

After Xiaofang's call ended, Dafei felt that time was tight, after all, the rear was unstable. But now I ca n’t wait anymore. In the final analysis, I have to increase the mining speed. Although Da Fei has made these Void Crests eat a few waves of mineral crystals during the rest period of restoring physical strength, the growth effect is obviously not visible in an hour or two.

After all, it is just an ordinary creature. It is completely incomparable with the metamorphosis of the original warrior Lilim who stuttered and saw the wind. The crystals here are also incomparable with the rare high-energy mines Lilim ate. Da Fei is thinking about whether to give them a nuclear bomb crystal to try? Can't eat fried?

In anxiety, a white light flashed on Buffett's head, who was collecting the electric corpse's body:

System Tip: Your follower hero Buffett successfully mastered the Master Gathering technique!

Dafei wondered, "Master?"

Buffett laughed: "This collection artifact is really easy to use! Friends don't look at me like this. Before I became a hero, I was a collection master, a mining master, a cooking master! But there is nothing to show off, basically most of them Adult dwarves are masters in this field, and only to become a master is worth boasting! "

Although Dafei has never been interested in these popular life skills, any progress in the current tangle situation is exciting news. Da Fei asked with a smile: "That's right, what's the difference between becoming a master-level collector?"

Buffett is indeed wielding the electric sacrifice artifact in his hand solemnly: "Not a master, now I have been added to the god-level collection by the artifact, and I feel the unusual part of the prey"

Having said that, Buffett began to concentrate on cutting a piece of meat in the giant salamander's body carefully with giant teeth, and his expression was as focused as when the card was opened at the gaming table.

Dafei frowned, there was a play!

Sure enough, when Buffett cut this piece of meat, the previous fly could not see any different pieces of meat suddenly flashed, and the system prompted a bang:

System Tip: Your follower hero Buffett successfully collected 6 Void Void Essences of Life!

Void Electron Life Essence: Divine-level cooking ingredients, God-level alchemy materials, concentrated materials of Void Electron life essence.

what! Dafei's surprise intersection: "God-level materials !?"

Buffett laughed: "Yes! At the same God-level mine, God-level miners can collect invaluable gems. Ordinary miners can only work with ordinary ore all year round! The same is true for collectors. Only the top collectors are allowed to collect the most important dragon trophies, otherwise it will cause serious waste. Of course, the premise is that the specifications of the trophies themselves must also reach God level! "

indeed so! Just like treasure hunting, only the skills can be found. If the skills are not available, it is **** even if it is digging three feet. The rule of this game world is the idealistic world. It is the will that determines the existence of matter. Transferred materialist world. At this moment, Da Fei is very grateful that Bi Meno was brought in by the gods of the Moon Goddess to help with it, otherwise, the loss of his own psychology was unbearable.

Dafei excitedly said, "What can this piece of god-like meat do?"

Buffett laughed: "Maybe I should use it to make a dish? I still have some time mushrooms. How do I invent a god-level menu of time mushroom stir-fry?"

Dafei laughed: "Will you gain strength after eating this dish?"

Buffett smiled and solemnly said: "I felt a strange power in my body when I ate mushrooms, so I don't think it is impossible to find the answer to my friend's curse from these void creatures! Perhaps, it is me It's time to help my friends from another angle in my own way. In short, let me collect all the essence of life before I say it! "After talking about Buffett, he went back to his full concentration of collection work.

Dafei could not help but be filled with emotion. That ’s right. This game has no unique strategy. Who knows if the curse of my brother will get an unexpected breakthrough from the most inconspicuous cooking? If these Void Life Essences are as good as Tang Seng's flesh, then everything is possible.

If so, what would be the effect of feeding these mines? Will it evolve rapidly? Don't worry, see how much you can collect!

As a result, Da Fei was excited and watched the lightning meat flesh continuously collected from the electric slug corpses, and then gradually piled into a pile of small meat mountains, I am afraid that there is a car with 10 units Right? So much, let each catfish eat a small mouthful for average development, or let a catfish eat a large mouthful for concentrated development?

In the middle of calculations, a thunderous sound suddenly came from the void, and Dafei was shocked. Did the Titans find him?

Da Fei hurriedly looked up in the direction of the thunder, and saw that the undulating mask around the void island was twisting violently. That mask is of course the boundary of this small enclosed space.

Dafei was shocked and immediately ordered the whole team to prepare for the challenge. Buffett even scolded in frustration: "Damn! There's so much meat left!"

Isn't Dafei sad? If the airship had such a large built-in space as the Flying Aircraft of the year, of course, the huge corpse of the electric puppet could be dragged into the cabin and taken away. The problem is that this giant puppet is not under the airship, so it can't be transported at all!

Dafei gritted his teeth and said, "Even if it is for our unfinished meat, we will destroy the enemy in this battle!"

"No, no, no!" Buffett waved and hurriedly said, "Friends, we should take the opportunity to act, there is no need to take such a big risk for anything."

Dafei smirked in surprise: "You're right, I'm excited!" I have to say that with his counsel, let him be the first officer to steal mine and that's stability.

Just then, Alysta began: "It's not like an enemy invasion. If the enemy invades directly through the void gate, there is no need to forcefully break through the space barrier!"

Dafei frowned, too! As long as it is not an invasion. So what is such a big battle? Da Fei raised his artifact telescope to observe the most turbulent areas where the mask was distorted, and then the next moment Da Fei faintly saw a floating island image approaching here!

Da Fei's heart beats, video? Dafei can't be more familiar with this phenomenon! Whether it is the window of the world of the sky image, or the passage of the world tree space where the opposite scene can be seen, encountering this situation means that there is also a floating island in the opposite space, and looking at this trend, it seems that the opposite island wants Come over?

Just then, Isaac spoke: "Master, this is the fusion of space! In the void world, space and time are very unstable, so there is a teacher who uses foam space to describe void, and the master can understand us The foam in question is merging with the foam next door into a new foam! "

That's it! Da Fei said, "That is to say, we will find a new space even if we don't move here?"

Isaac: "Exactly! But we don't know what kind of powerful creatures will be on the floating island opposite. It is always right to prepare for the battle!"

Dafei was relieved then: "Very good! No matter how strong it is, it's nothing more than a Void Electron! Now that we have the Void Realm system, we are totally in a position to fight."

Isaac: "Master, Void Electron will only appear in areas with abundant mineral crystals. And the fusion of the two spaces will usually cause the collision of the two core islands. The master must be prepared to meet the collision."

"I see!" Looking at the images in the distorted sky getting closer, Da Fei didn't seem to see a lot of mineral crystals, which made Da Fei slightly disappointed. But no matter how strong the enemy is, that brother can continue to mine with peace of mind.

Finally, after a few minutes of lightning and thunder, the mask in the sky suddenly burst into a strong light that illuminates the sky. Then, a floating stone island no smaller than Dafei ’s mining island officially appeared on the island. In the field of vision of Da Fei, and slowly flying forward.

The well-prepared big fly has lifted the airship to the edge of the "foam" to prevent flying stones from posing a threat to the airship.

Finally, there was a loud bang, and the two floating islands were embedded in the collision as the smoke and dust scattered.

Buffett was extremely worried: "I hope not to bury the electric corpse."

Dafei smiled bitterly: "I hope I don't bury so many mineral crystals!"

Just then, the red light flashed on the radar, and countless small red dots appeared in the smoke!

Dafei suddenly burst into joy: "Many little monsters! Is this a miner for me?"

Buffett hurriedly said: "No, they are trying to grab the electric corpse! Stop them!"

Watching the red dots on the radar quickly gathered towards the position of the electric corpse's body, a big hand swiftly waved: "Teleport!"

With a blink of an eyelid, the airship returned to the top of the electric corpse's body. In the billowing smoke, he saw hundreds of thousands of void beasts like dogs rushing in!

What the hell! Even with a dog and a bite, the big electric corpse of this ship will be gone! Big Feiji's big hand waved: "The whole army is dispatched, kill them all!"

At the next moment, the 12 angels of Da Fei plus 27 Voids and Warren Buffett all entered the battle, blocking the path that the monsters rushed in. Da Fei also finally saw the names of these four-cornered monsters like the hounds. "Beast Eater", in short, not a strong one!

Da Fei's army stabbed enemies one by one and two by one. Even though the combat effectiveness of the 27 Void Puppets is extremely low compared to the angels, the attack and defense bonus of Da Fei's abnormal attack is a spike of mouth. As a result, their combat effectiveness is not different from that of angels, they are one size at a time! What a reality!

Soon, in the face of a small void-like monster that came out of nowhere, Da Fei's soldiers couldn't help it, and they began to crawl from other rock walls to the electric corpse's body. , Then bite off a piece of meat and turn around and run!

Lying down! Brother's essence of life! At this moment, Dafei wanted to cry without tears, and finally realized what it means to use soldiers when they use it. If the brother has 100 archers, why is this!

In sorrow and indignation, Isaac spoke: "Master, this is a void predator. They are in large numbers and usually dormant. Once there is food, they will be hatched by their lord."

Dafei hurriedly said, "Say the key!"

Isaac: "Slay the Lord!"

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Yuer, Nalxia, search out and kill this lord!" To be continued

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