God Rank Hero

Chapter 1688: Flicker Britain transforms Noah's Ark

At nearly 1pm in the afternoon, when Dafei finished eating takeaway and squatting, the large was about to go online, the phone rang, and Xiaofang was again.

Xiaofang was extremely happy: "Brother, your brother-in-law sent it, he killed one hundred and thirty people, burst out three pieces of artefacts packed with packages, and just became a hot search headline in China. Close it! "

Grandma! Dafei took a spit of water, your brother-in-law! What is my brother-in-law? Dafei didn't feel good: "That means he has 3 million net worth?"

Xiaofang laughed: "Big brother is really joking, three artifacts, I am afraid they have 30 million worth!"

Dafei cut a cry: "Artifacts without the sacred domain skills are dregs, make him not proud."

Xiaofang laughed: "Even though, this battle relies on the artifact ring on the Big Brother, but after all, there is no other eye-catching, so Big Brother is wronged and ranked third in the hot search. a bit."

Dafei smirked in surprise: "It's all a vanity!"

Xiaofang laughed: "That's prestigious! Okay, it hurt the books in World War I, so they wouldn't even dare to challenge it next time!"

and many more! Brother is actually third? Although it is a trumpet, it doesn't stop there? Da Fei was rather upset and asked, "Who is the second?"

Xiaofang laughed: "Big brother still cares about his name? The second is Su Junhao, a Taiwanese player who has become very popular during this time. Just now, more than 20 of their guilds sent Taiwanese players to destroy more than 2000 to attack the city The pro-Japanese Taiwanese players have made a big splash! If it wasn't for the main battlefield, their headlines would be him! "

Dafei frowned, as if he heard Xiaoli say that there was this person.

Xiaofang asked with a smile: "What does Brother say about this person?"

Dafei grinned: "Yes, it is worth encouraging you to continue!"

Xiaofang laughed again: "What does your elder brother think of the 2,000 pro-Japanese Taiwanese players?"

Dafei couldn't help crying: "Who cares for the crowd? What do you ask?"

Xiaofang laughed: "It is necessary, when the reporter will return to the city, there must be a reporter to ask, I will help you cope with this! This is the treatment of the number three hot search person."

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "So, you say so, when the owner is good, he will throw a bone to the dog. When the owner is not good, he will kill the dog to eat meat. That's it."

Xiaofang laughed: "I see, that brother is slowly busy, I will call if something happens."


After the call was over, Da Fei's hearts were mixed, and Da Wei was finally out of his head. This life, what a **** jerk! In short, while it is still leisurely, go to the forum to see the situation. Brother is no longer in the rivers and lakes, there is almost no legend of brothers on the rivers and lakes!


The United States and Japan jointly commanded the chat group, and the atmosphere was dull and depressed, and the team's team reported a lot of battle damage. In this battle, the U.S. and Japanese teams were annihilated. The entire team paid three artifacts and thousands of pieces of equipment ranging from s to c, plus extra experience penalties in the offensive safe zone. It was a heavy loss.

Only through a thorough defeat can we realize thoroughly. The Japanese team ’s cannon fodder as the siege may have ended, but the US special team actually does not have to play this game at all. With the American power, it can completely avoid the bulky warship in China, and continue to go deep into the unguarded hinterland of China to kill the Quartet. Even hundreds of thousands of players in China who are totally able to kill dare not leave the city.

But I don't know why, when the giant ship in China appeared, the members of the US and Japanese teams were still eager to jump. Only at this time did the members of the US and Japanese teams finally realize why the China area, which has always been low-key and confidential, would advertise and make all kinds of hatred before the war.

This defeat was actually good for the Japanese team. Everyone returned to the city and died once. I ’m afraid that I ’m still fighting in the front. Those who die back to the city must come to the rescue and send to death. This is the nightmare of the Japanese team.

So Igarashi was afraid that the young and energetic captain would not have rushed to change the topic: "Mr. Captain, now we have lost the opportunity to sneak in China, they will definitely strengthen the defense of the arrow tower, although we are not afraid of any players, But the arrow tower is really troublesome, so I think "

Tommy interrupted impatiently: "We will not continue to attack! If it were not for your organization of so many useless idiots, our plan would not have been exposed!"

Fordson shook his head: "There is no need to mention this."

Igarashi hurriedly bowed his head: "Hi Yi! I was totally at fault, but we were not totally unharmed. At least we exposed the research on giant ships in China in advance, which made us realize that even when the airship era came, The ship will not be eliminated, but it also shows its sea, land, and air amphibious combat capabilities, which can be developed as a main battle force! "

Fordson nodded: "That makes sense!"

Tommy was even more impatient: "Where do we have the energy to redevelop the giant ship?"

Fifty Lans had a clever move: "Oh Noah's Ark in the UK! Even if it can teleport, you can lift off when you find the Ark's wings, but after all, it can't solve the reality of huge energy consumption. Let's take the development of our Besib continent as For example, although the transport performance of Noah's Ark is very strong, it does consume one third of its resources as power, which is a huge loss and urgently needs improvement! "

Fordson frowned, apparently very excited!

Igarashi commented on the situation and continued: "And the previous two days Noah's Ark encountered a mysterious pirate fleet and was injured by the opponent's giant ship. This shows that Noah's Ark has no absolute advantage even in the face of traditional warships. Once the airship suicide tactics are adopted in China, it is very likely to sink the energy-deficient Noah's Ark, let alone the large-flying airship is always ready to sneak attack, then Noah's Ark must also cope with this situation, and it is necessary to upgrade! "

That's right, in order to divert the attention of the US team, Igarashi also worked hard! Since it is to be a cannon fodder, then pull the British team up. As long as the British team is supported, the United States will call on them to die for their lives no matter what, then the pressure on the Japanese team will not be as great as it is today.

And this time, Fordson and Tommy were obviously moving! After pondering for a moment, Fordson nodded: "Very well, the problems you are talking about have always been the concerns of Prince George, then we immediately convened Prince George to focus on the modification of Noah's Ark!"

Igarashi was overjoyed: "A wise decision! I believe that there will be demonstrations of Chinese semi-finished products. His Excellency the Prince will definitely not object!"

Tommy Haha laughed: "No objection!" (~ ^ ~)

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