God Rank Hero

Chapter 1696: Undersea Joint Operation

As soon as Da Fei succeeded, Gao Fei walked away, and at once he opened his distance from the patrols who heard the news on the radar. When the Bloodhawk flew to the asteroid group in the sky, he just broke away from the battle and entered stealth again. In fact, even if not invisible, the asteroid group here can provide an excellent hiding place for blood eagles.

The first victory was easy and easy. When Dafei was excited, he opened the battle information just now to check the data of the killed Titan sentinel: about 100 defenses, and more than 12,000 health. Dafei couldn't help but be shocked. The comprehensive attribute of this data is more than a hundred times that of the conventional 7th-level Titan 30 defense and 300 blood. It is no wonder that the blood eagle hit with so many shots, this is completely a wavelet ss what!

However, unlike those Titan gods, Titan arms are semi-mechanical and semi-spirit creatures, and their strength is related to the degree of mechanization. It is not surprising that no matter what kind of attributes appear, they will even mechanically explode or various arc shields. It's not impossible, so you must continue to be careful.

Then Dafei looked at the experience gained from the killing again, 30,000! The avatar's trumpet level suddenly rose to level 4, and Dafei was very pleased. Compared with the tens of millions of experience gained in a frightening battle, Da Fei would rather have such tens of thousands of experiences.

Then, continue to find such sentinels, there are at least two hundred sentinels in this mining area.

With the routine of the first war, of course there is the second war, and the third war is successful. For a while, the blood eagle hunted up and down, and the entire mine was alarmed for a long time. The patrol teams in the sky and the ground were exhausted. On the radar of the rear telescope, they gathered together like a red cloud drifting with the wind.

Da Fei's jaw is closed! Now the only thing that can stop the blood eagle from hunting is the blood eagle's physical and mana. At this moment, Da Fei finally remembered what Zehir had said. In the presence of the Titan Giant, humans had the meaning of acting as a mouse.

This is not only difficult for "rats" to be found, but also it is difficult to eliminate them at all! Whether it's an awkward Titan or a huge Void Dragon patrol with a small gun turret, there's nothing to do with the blood-hawk flying at high speed, let alone the other party's movements are under the overall surveillance of the airship telescope. So what will they do?

In short, let them think slowly, this is a holy place for leveling, brother first rushes to level 20, then, wow ha ha ha ...


Blood Sea Studio.

After accepting the command of Zoltan, the commander of Mithril City, the refurbished Flame Lord was also transferred to a leveling holy place, the city of the underworld on the underworld, a volcanic island on the underworld, The fumes of the volcano soared into the sky.

Before confronting forces such as the Bone Dragon Cliff and the Crab Sea, of course, the Sea of ​​Blood Sea must first familiarize itself with the surrounding environment. As a result, the Sea of ​​Blood Sea was surprised to find that as soon as the moonlight came out, the undead sea monsters in the nearby waters and the fish tide It ’s just as turbulent as it can be, and this experience is just as turbulent as the rolling waves, which makes the **** sea of ​​madness not stop!

But after an hour or two of monster killing frenzy, Xuehai Kuangtao suddenly found a very serious problem, the battleship fuel consumption was too large!

Although in the shipbuilding industry, the Flame Lord, which has the ability to paddle, still exists slightly quickly, but it is far worse to chase fish in the sea, and you must turn on the airship power furnace. This account is obviously a loss. Blood Sea Kuang Tao is not afraid of loss, but he is afraid that this city of inferno fire does not have enough supplies. The problem is exactly that the blood sea Kuangtao hasn't settled in the first place, and the Ninghuo City will not open up the supply significantly.

That is to say, you have to go to the front line to get rigid, which means you have to face a big fly? For Blood Sea Kuangtao who just discovered the leveling sacred land, Blood Sea Kuangtao is obviously not willing to stop here, let alone use nothing at all. Easy to get giant ships to take risks, no, to commit suicide!

Although Xuehai Kuangtao has a huge hatred for Da Fei, he has to admit that he faces a huge power gap. In fact, the blood sea Kuang Tao took this task to speculate. He wanted to have a better understanding of the undead world to adapt to this new identity. He didn't intend to desperately.

Also, the Swedish team has sent 7 people here for a while, where are they? Are they friends or foes? Obviously, the situation of the navy's valve division determines that this battle is a big fight, how can this be played?

At this time, the defensive battle outside the glory of the Chinese area just ended shortly. The big screen of the Chinese area's huge ship fire-fighting maintenance was broadcast live on the big screen.

Seeing this, Brother Tian sighed: "A Tao, you also saw that this giant ship is not unique to us. They have developed Xingchen Weiwei."

Blood Sea Kuangtao was not angry: "It's not my plagiarism!"

Brother Tian shook his head: "Stop that, we have some, others already have it, and it is not a secret weapon. It is not even advanced than Da Fei, so we do n’t have to keep hiding it. Let ’s find Tu Long and their partners. Our goal is to find a way to get rid of that np's Mithril City. It seems that there are also many volcanic mines in this city of fire, which are also very fat, which is totally worth joining together.

Blood Sea Kuangtao jumped into his heart: "Someone is fighting the Battle of the Underworld? Why is there no news at all?"

Tian Ge smirked in surprise: "It is because there is no news at all, that is absolutely there! Lao Tzu did not believe that the dragon dragon master attacked the spirit clan. Sweden all came to 7 people to come to fight the national war. Does the Chinese conference say nothing? "

The pony laughed: "That is, all are side-by-side condemning Japan and talking about Wan Chai. No one in Sweden has mentioned this. It is definitely the news that the take-out has been brought to the wind."

Bloody Sea Kuang Tao nodded: "The Grand Guild has this urine. Brother will talk about it that day."

Tian Ge laughed: "I'll say it's okay, the key is to pull the subordinates to cooperate."

Xuehai Kuangtao didn't feel good: "I've been beaten up to be a dog, and I still have a basket of face! Tian Ge rest assured."

The pony and the elder brother laughed, "Atao finally realized!"


The chat room of the Chinese team alliance, the president of the three major guilds in China, and the president of Wei Wei are discussing with the Swedish captain on the development cooperation of the giant ship and other matters to further promote the exchange between Chinese and Swiss players. In order to satisfy the curiosity of the Swedish captain, the key figure “Jun Xiang” who was on the battleship today, that is, Xiaofang, was also invited to participate in this secret meeting.

Needless to say, Xiaofang's good looks attracted the Nordic foreign guests to praise it, and strongly suggested that the Swedish team and Chinese e-sports beauties have been working together to do world-class live broadcasts, and open the EU and China live broadcast markets to each other. It is recommended to immediately arouse the strong interest of the big men present.

While everyone was laughing and laughing, Ma Yinglong suddenly laughed: "Old friend, I think we can talk a little deeper." So Ma Yinglong released a screenshot of the flame lord who was bleeding.

The captain of Sweden was astounded: "It's another giant airship !? You have mass-produced a giant ship in China? Where is this?"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "It's also the underworld! He just entered the game, but the force he participated in is a small force called Underworld Island, which is very promising. Does my old friend know what I mean?"

The captain of Sweden exclaimed: "Is the strength of China really strong, as long as there are warships! What about flying?"

Ma Yinglong coughed dryly: "Waiting for his reply, he is very busy, as busy as Da v."

That's right, as long as it involves foreign guests asking about Dafei, the external calibre of each major guild is this sentence. And it must not be said that "we can't contact Dafei", this is very shameless!

The Swedish captain nodded: "I see. Anyway, it's all about Da Fei's position, right?"

The big brothers laughed, "That's it."


It is now 4 pm. The big flying blood eagle trumpet is killing and killing insanely in the Titan mining area. He has killed more than one hundred and ten Titan sentries, and his avatar has successfully upgraded to level 20.

The result of Dafei's madness is to directly lay down those Nether Dragon patrols who are exhausted and rushed to the ground, and then lay down to rest. At this time, the mining area is chaotic in front of Dafei, and it is not defense.

Da Fei was tired of playing on the ground, and Da Fei began to consider diving into the underground mining area to find the "eternal mineral" he wanted most, and this is the key to repairing the Titan's grip.

Just then, Da Fei's phone rang again, and after taking a look, Xiao Fang said, "Brother, are you busy? How do you think of an important matter ..."

Needless to say, Xiaofang spontaneously came to convey the conference spirit of the Battle of the Underworld. After listening to Xiaofang's briefing, Dafei smiled with relief: "You have said such confidential things that you have the trust of the Guild?"

Xiaofang laughed: "Big brother was originally a member of the guild. The Junxiang number who participated in the meeting was originally big brother's number. Let the big brother know that this is not a matter of course? Otherwise, the next time the big brother gets on the number, the game friend asks his big face. Isn't that good? "

Dafei laughed: "That's what I said. What I think is that everyone works hard and cooperates well, and I fully support it!"

Xiaofang laughed: "I see. If there is something, I will continue to call the elder brother."

After the call was over, Da Fei was a little bit embarrassed. This operation of the Minghai is undoubtedly beneficial to himself. Tu Long and Sweden are the traitors of the underworld. Bloodsea Kuangtao does not know who the traitors are, and with their cooperation, he will save a lot of effort to unify the Minghai. The problem is that np will not cooperate with players?

You can only contact Captain Renoir through Pandora and Isaac to see if you can direct the operation with this remote control. After all, it was his fault that he couldn't go back, and Da Fei was even more heart-bound. In short, when the blood eagle's physical and mana is restored, go deep into the underground mining area! (To be continued.)

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