God Rank Hero

Chapter 1745: Challenge Leo

EU Joint Team Command.

When a British player doing nothing in the team channel teased a girlfriend of a French player and caused the channel to yell and scream, Noah's Ark suddenly untied the cable tied to the dock, and teleported directly to the volcano between the loud roar The coast of the island, and the hull of the intact side of the gunboat was deliberately facing the crater hole on the shore.


When the whole group of players was aggressive, the British captain quickly ordered with a solemn and solemn tone: "It was too late to explain. The members of Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 immediately landed on the blockade, and all the gunners in Groups 5 and 6 were aimed at the melt. Hole, 7 groups enter the hole to search for the big fly, Leonidas is preparing to summon the Bacchus to kill, and between the words, a small attack array on the ark rises!

The whole group was uproar! However, everyone is a highly disciplined and professional pro player, and executes the command as quickly as possible after a short delay of one or two seconds.


At this moment, Da Fei, who received Zhou Qing's emergency report, also aggressively placed his angels at the entrance of the molten cave, and could not wait for long eyes to die. Want to stab your brother while Kota Boss? The idea is good, but unfortunately you are still too young.

To be honest, if it weren't for the magic artillery of Noah's Ark, the extinction artillery or the like, Dafei would only need to send a pier to rush out of the hole to clean up all these slags in seconds.

At this time, watching the fuzzy red dots of several players on the radar channel quietly approached, Da Fei was even more disdainful. Was it useful to sneak in front of brother? Come on, hurry up and let my brother give you a good day.

Impatiently, those red dot players suddenly stopped advancing and then quickly backed out. Da Fei suddenly felt like this, what is it like?

The answer is, of course, that the EU players did not find that Da Fei was beating the beast. Otherwise, the roar of the beast can be heard at the entrance of the cave. How can there be no sound at all?

At this moment, the EU team command was very awkward. Even if Da Fei is testing the strength of the beast, as long as Da Fei and the beast go to war, the EU team will have a chance to succeed. The British team clearly grasped such a good opportunity, but Da Fei happened to be so unpredictable? Was this reported to Da Fei at the critical moment?

What should we do now? Now that Da Fei has found out, continuing to send team members to conduct reconnaissance is to give people a head. No stupid order will be executed.

Lancelot gritted his teeth: "Then stop Da Fei, and let him never go out again! Teams 1, 2, 3, and 4 build roadblocks at the entrance of the cave to prevent Da Fei from escaping! The Ark Magic Cannon is on standby 24 hours, as long as The flying dare angels fly together to kill the great prophecy! "

A team member asked, "Da Fei will dive, what if Da Fei dives?"

Lancelot said in a deep voice: "I also want to see how he dives in the lava pool terrain!"

Just then Leonidas shouted, "I'm against it!"

Lancelot pressed his bad mood and asked in a deep voice, "Isn't this the delaying tactic you want?"

Leonidas grinned: "That's what I mean, but I have other ideas. First of all, I would like to inform you of the good news. Dafei's reputation in the Temple of Hades has suddenly become angry, and we may be able to do this. Get help from the gods. "

The whole group was surprised: "What did Da Fei do?"

Leo shook his head and smiled: "No matter what Da Fei did, the consequences of offending the **** of one of the three main gods is, in Chinese terms, nozuonodie. There are too many main gods that offend Da Fei. He is in Zuodie."

Lancelot interrupted immediately: "It's godie! This is the standard interpretation in the Oxford Dictionary."

Leo gave a stand: "Okay, so to celebrate, I decided to take the initiative, at least I have to confirm whether Da Fei is in this hole. As long as I can introduce the beast in the melee, then Da Fei will definitely die. And What if I find that Da Fei is punching and trying to escape at this time? I can harass him to stop him! "

The whole group agreed: "Good idea! Makes sense!"

Lancelot could not help but glance at Leo: "Good luck!"


At this point, Da Fei's message rang again, and Zhou Qing brought the latest information: "Fei Brother, that Leo went to the hole to find you singled out. He has the Bacchus attendant Pan Shen and has a powerful vertigo in the Bacchus field. The effect, even if you ca n’t pick it, you must lead the beast to harm you, so be careful! ”Just after reading the information, there is a red dot on Dafei ’s radar.

I rub! Fatty? A cat and a dog dare to find a brother solo! A strong killing chicken rose from Dafei's heart: "Then let him come over!"

But having said that, Da Fei is really tangled again! Have you played Pan Shen yourself? If it is absolutely no problem to retract into the deep sea fortress, but hitting a cat and a dog to retract into the fortress will completely increase the popularity of others and destroy his prestige. Then even if he loses, he will still be glorious. His worth will also skyrocket. Will brother accomplish this good thing?

Moreover, the other party said that it was mainly to lead the beast to harm the brother, it means that they did not know that the beast was actually gone, and once they knew that there was no beast, they would endlessly find ways to come in and grab the mine, which is also endless trouble. Although I am not afraid that they will enter the hole, if there is another who has an adventure or something, can I ask Xiaomao God to help out, which is even more troublesome!

Then he can only be blocked in the passage to fight, only in the passage is reasonable, so that the other side thinks that the beast is still there.

At this point, Dafei opened the achievements panel and opened the long-lost achievement "Illusion Killer": at the current 6th floor, you are attacking +6, defending +6, and physical strength in the fantasy realm of wine mystery, nightmare space, and emerald dream. +6, Life +1869. Every time you kill an ordinary Pan **** in the fantasy world, you will get 1 layer of fantasy killer effect. (Note: Chapter 1242 "Beat General Pan Shen")

Dafei took a deep breath, OK! I'm not afraid that you have a Bacchus field, but I am afraid that your Bacchus field is not authentic enough! Brother 800 strategic attack plus 600 attacks in the fantasy world, plus the field of the Titan's grip, brother and your **** Pan Shenbang on the bar.

As for the troops that are out of the battle, of course, there are two contract angels that are not going to die, Nur and Nalhia. As for the other 10 Void Angels, do n’t go to war. If you die, you will lose money. And these angels They are all brother ’s secret troops, and there is no need to play a cat and a dog to reveal the hole cards. By the way, brother and nightmare horn can summon poker cards, chess, bear doll three wave ss-level fantasy units in the fantasy, which can make up for the vacancy of the void angel army.

At this moment, Da Fei seems to have forgotten that this copy is not afraid of death soldiers. After deliberations, Da Fei walked into the molten cave and met the red dot slowly and carefully on the map.

That's right, at this moment Leonidas's mood is excited, nervous, and hesitant. Although he said on the team channel that he was looking for Da Fei to be singled out, he really couldn't be so calm when he faced the legendary Da Fei.

What if I lose by myself and go without a return? Leo had been thinking about this problem for a moment. Now Da Fei is blocked in the beast cave. Both sides enter a dry state where no one can do anything. As long as the British team does not make stupid mistakes, it is a draw! It's a waste of time to stay in this copy yourself.

So it's better to die by yourself. After leaving the game, hurry up to do the task in Mount Olympus, and further draw the gods that offend Dafei, especially the new offending **** of the underworld. The copy is left to the British to continue to dry up.

What if I win? Such a wonderful ending Leo is a bit dare not to think, but can't do it! In the case of Da Fei's belly and back, this is the best opportunity, as long as you lead the beast to win! Maybe there is no need to lead to the **** beast. He has the god-level army Pan God lent to himself by the Bacchus before the game! How does Dafei survive in such a perverted field as Pan Shen?

Positive imagination, there was a steady footstep in front of the channel, a red dot on the radar was approaching steadily!

Leo's frightened heart shrank, and without hesitation, he clicked the glass props with trembling hands to summon Pan Shen! (~ ^ ~)

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