God Rank Hero

Chapter 1751: Who else can enter the Dukes of William?

It is now 12:30 noon, and the blood eagle form of Da Fei circling around the broken continent of "Dongpo Elbow" searched around, but the blood eagle god-level reconnaissance that Da Fei had high hopes for was not found.

Da Fei finally realized that this mission was actually a pit. What is the difference between finding a playing card on the smoky continent and finding a needle in the sea? If even a player with a huge flying advantage has tossed for half an hour without results, then how can the majority of players who can't fly do this task? This task can't be so ingenious, is it tailor-made for the flying player like himself? The system is not so generous.

where is the problem?

Dafei suddenly found himself ignoring the most important thing, the painting of the Duke's house! Isn't the terrain of the Duke's painting the perspective of where the soul is? Isn't it enough to find the painted terrain directly?

Dafei suddenly realized! It turns out that the answer is so simple. The lossy brother is stupid and not **** here for so long but wait! What is painted on? Da Fei was aggressive again. The duke's poor family apprentice couldn't even light up the four-walled hall. When he passed by, he just saw a red and black ball from the lantern of the old housekeeper, who couldn't see or remember what he painted?

What the hell! Suddenly, Da Fei's sorrowful nose that knew the truth is about to fall off. Brother really is the kind of scum that can't find the answer in front of the exam!

Then I can only go back to the Duke's Mansion to see what the painting painted. However, this avatar cannot be returned, and the deity can't get out of the Trojan copy. Then only ask other players for help, let other players go in to record videos or screenshots to send to brother.

But are other players eligible to enter the Duke's Mansion? Although compared with Makar, William has no right to die or die, but he is also a duke! The grade is too high, it is not so easy to enter!

Da Fei contacted Zhou Qing on his friend's information: "Beautiful lady, I have a big issue to ask you to help, can you contact me?"

Zhou Qing was somewhat flattered: "Feige has something to talk about, as long as we can do it."

I'm afraid you can't do it! Da Fei sighed, "It is very important to have an oil painting in the hall of the Dukes of William's House. I want to invite people to go in and take a closer look, and then send the complete and clear screenshot of the painting to my brother.

Zhou Qing was surprised: "Is this the matter?"

Dafei cried out, "That's it!"

Zhou Qing said with a loud voice, "No one in our guild can enter the Ducal Mansion. I ask other guilds."

Da Fei's heart was tight: "It's troublesome, things are very urgent!"

Zhou Qing hurriedly said: "The urgent matter of Fei Ge is our urgent matter in China, and we must do our best to resolve it. Fei Ge waits for my good news."

"it is good!"

Dafei breathed out a long breath. Although I accidentally let Xuewei run errands or something, I have never once depended on them so much. This life is alive, no matter when you martial arts and the world still have time to ask for help, now they can only expect them to bring good news. Hundreds of millions of players in China, I always have a master of crouching tigers, hidden dragons? For example, those who learn gardening in Duke's Mansion Garden should be able to?

As for now, don't toss anymore, go back to the ruins to find a hole to hang the plane to rest and take a nap, and by the way solve an afternoon meal, order a Dongpo elbow online.


When Zhou Qing told Dafei's missions to the major and medium guilds, the chiefs of the big brothers were surprised: "Why did Fei suddenly play the game toss this thing up? Is it related to the game?"

"It's related! Now that the competition is running out, Fei Ge has nothing to do, so I guess he's practicing the trumpet? Do you think people like Fei Ge will have no trumpet?"

Zhou Qing anxiously said, "Hurry up, even the matter of Fei Ge trumpet is a big thing."

"Don't worry, beauties, we are asking in the guild."

"The moment I remember, Fanghua could go in! Last month, I went in with the president of that guild."

"It's a mad **** guild, a trash guild! They will grow crazy gods are a junk!"

"It's been a long time since I heard about Fanghua? Where did she go?"

"Packed up with the np fleet for a week or two, I don't know where to go."


Suddenly? Zhou Qing frowned, and it seemed that she could only find her. She could have entered the Duke's Mansion very early, and now there is no problem. It is just that she cannot return to the sea, right?

In desperation, Zhou Qing sent a message to Shan Fanghua on the list of friends. At this moment, the news of Feige's accident has caused a sensation in the guild. Xiaofang has known for a long time, but she is looking for the legendary "mobile island" in the waters of the deserted continent.

So Xiaofang had no choice but to tell the truth, and then recommended the candidate: "The last time I was able to enter the Duke's Mansion, I joined the mad gods' guild, borrowing the guild's light to invest in painting exhibitions. The progress of the mad **** guild should be good, can you go to their president to try it? "(Note: Chapter 937" The Instant Fanghua and the Duke's Transaction ")

Suddenly, Fanghua's relationship with Xuewei had been so bad that she didn't even dare to show up in real life. The tone of her normal speaking this time made Zhou Qing a little unaccustomed to her. Is it because she has been silent for too long and forgets the past? But now is not the time to care about these little things.

Zhou Qing had to say, "Thank you!"

Suddenly Fanghua was very polite this time: "I have a friend of the Mad God President, I can help you first."

Zhou Qing frowned and stopped immediately: "Don't be busy, this guild of gods is not very good at talking."


When it comes to the relationship between this mad **** guild and Mohan Fanghua, Zhou Qing gets angry. This mad **** guild was once a domineer of Elk Town. There was a time when the chartered ss failed, and a large number of members of the guild were scattered, and they were shouting to sell the guild. At that time, Zhou Qing also intended to buy at a low price. But it was this moment when Fanghua and this mad **** entered the Duke's Mansion once, that mad **** changed his mind, and he didn't sell it with a bite! This is to confirm that the broken guild will appreciate!

Therefore, if he could not contact the Mad God Guild, Zhou Qing tried not to contact the Xunzi Guild.

Soon, the news from major, medium and small guilds summed up: "No one can enter!"

Zhou Qing was a little weird: "How is that possible? With so many guilds in China, so many players can't enter?"

A group of small and medium-sized presidents complained: "Your grand guild despise there, and our little guilds are harassed by the garbage pk of the crazy **** guild. Who has the mood to do the task?"

"That is, the crazy lunatics of the crazy gods would rather be killed by their own red names and downgrade explosive equipment than let others go to the Duke to do the task."

Zhou Qing sighed: "Well, let's contact the Mad God Guild ..." (To be continued.)

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