God Rank Hero

Chapter 1756: How to deal with Karon?

Karon's giant paddle stirred a rapid vortex on the water, and then the giant paddle waved. A wave of water in the vortex came out like a giant whale spouting water. The bright wings of the middle released a dead gas knot. World! The enchantment and the hull quake!

The water wave impact is as endless as a fire gun. The Wing of Glory is in the mid-air Middle East. The water mist is confused. There is no room to fire back. Although the phantom cannon has a tracking function, everyone is a professional master. Was that expensive cannonball wasted under such unreliable circumstances?

Caronhaha laughed wildly: "Don't even have the realm, dare you come to the underworld to die? Do you think that your enchantment can last for a long time or my Ninghe water cannon attack lasts? Don't forget, my Shenhe water The lightest water in the world, I release it without pressure, and the Yushen River water can corrode soul and death ... "

At this moment, the Tulong Command was uproar!

In the back, I only heard Pandora's sentence, "Karon attacked us, we were in a disadvantaged position". Da Fei was even more frightened, and immediately took the prompt instructions: "Run away!"

Although the Wing of Radiance has been modified and made rapid progress, there is no realm. There is no realm. How long can it be blocked by the shield formed by the dead enchantment?

So the next moment, a bright dead gas shock wave was suddenly released on the mast of the Lich Tower of the Wings of Radiance to offset the pressure of the Caron water cannon, and then the power was fully opened to flap the wings and fly away. In the case of escape, the opponent's water cannon has also become a helper, which can be regarded as letting a flying heart of Da Fei relax.

After a while, the box came again with Pandora's report: "Master, with this Karon, we may not be able to operate in the area."

Dafei frowned. "Where should the Flame River go to find Helen?"

Pandora sighed: "Unsure, I don't know what enemies we will meet there."

Da Fei had to order: "Find a safe place to check the damage, and then report to me."

"Yes, master!"

Now Da Fei is so upset. One is that there is no exit for the exit on the side of the clone, and the other is that the deity cannot block the hole. Now he has offended the Nether God and even frustrated with the Nether world adventure. This is a three-sided collision! Got to find a way to break the game?

The avatar can only rely on himself, and the deity can only rely on himself. No one can help. Well, there are still a few foreigners on Pandora's side, and a group of rear staff members of the Dragon Slayer Guild. Can they do nothing? Mostly not, expect them to be worse-wait!

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly remembered that there was still a Thain copying a book on board! As long as there is a lamp nerve in the place, does it mean that you can continue to purchase from the Master City? Row! I bought a lot of big things this time, even if the king of time is dissatisfied with my brother, but at least he has a new friend, the master of the elements, and he still doesn't believe he can't buy high-end goods?

Da Fei immediately contacted Pandora: "Look for Mr. Thain and let him plan what he needs to buy to survive this crisis. Money is not a problem! As long as there are good goods!"

"Yes, master."


At this moment, the video conference room of Tulong Command is also full of discussions. The defeat of this battle basically put an end to this underworld tour. This Karon's strength is worthy of the God of the Underworld, and it is indeed more than one grade stronger than the strength of the Underworld Monsters. It is really worthless to take risks in such a nonsense place.

Therefore, Ma Yinglong could only make suggestions with an insurance mentality: "Old friend, I think we'd better persuade Fei Brother's npc to return to Minghai, and honestly do the task of Minghai."

The 10,000 captains of Sweden are unwilling, because this is not only a problem of the underworld missions, but also a test of the strength of Dafei and the strength of the Chinese region. Will "Brexit into China." Is Dafei only capable of this?

With anxiety, a green dot suddenly appeared on the radar deck. New npc?

Everyone rushed to the deck and took a look. It was actually a lamp **** mage in the city of the mage! Chang Liang even exclaimed aloud: "Look! This is the manager of the mage city, Thain! Feige also brought such a character on board?"

manager! ? The Swedish team is making good progress in the city of the mage. Of course, knowing what a light nerve means, it means a robot cat!

In the tumult of the crowd, the lamplight said to Pandora lightly: "Madam, our ship needs a major cabin change and the introduction of advanced equipment!"

Pandora laughed: "Tell Mr. Arranger!"

Then the next moment, in front of the eyes, the robot cat crushed a golden scroll, a huge space door emerged from it, and then the space door burst out with rows of boxes stacked on the deck!

"Wow!" The whole team calmly couldn't exclaim!

Thain said lightly: "This is only a phase of renovation project, fight for the water cannon attack of this Karon!"

A Swedish player can no longer hold back the excitement and hurried forward to ask: "Excuse me, how do we fight Karon's water cannon? Is this a field machine?"

Thain shook his head: "It is not a domain machine for the time being. The river water of Yushen River is the lightest water in the world, so it may be the easiest water to evaporate. We first order a batch of flamethrowers for flame defense towers, as long as they can Use the flames to offset the impact of the water cannon so that our warship can maintain the attack, then the rest is up to the warriors. "

The whole group was astonished: "ood !!!"

Thain laughed again: "As for now, it also needs the warriors to help transform."

A group of members exclaimed, "OK!"


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