God Rank Hero

Chapter 1761: Sinking the Styx Ferry

It's 2pm Beijing time now. In the New World National Warfare Zone, the one million troops in China are rushing towards the main city of Japan. Hundreds of reporters from all over the world are following this huge army live broadcast of the amazing scene in the game industry, and the whole process of letting reporters from all countries reflect the absolute crushing confidence of the regiment.

In the giant island of Besib shrouded in green poisonous mist, thousands of US-Japanese-Indian **** players are driving full 12 horsepower to develop. Tens of thousands of **** workers from the abyss **** portal rushed to the quarry site on the island, and thousands of transport vehicles continued to and fro between the quarry and the coast wall construction site. At the site of the Besib altar on the top of the Giant Island, a huge fly statue was gradually formed by the casting of hundreds of NPC mages.

Around the giant fly statues are six small fly statues in the form of a six-man star array. Every 1 day of game time, when the light of Saturn in the sky is sprinkled on these statues, these statues will be randomly produced. 1 to 6 Besib troops of varying quantity and quality.

Each time the birth of the soldiers means an exciting little festival for the island's joint players. Everyone can no longer imagine how great it will be when the main statue is completed? The joint team takes time! Every day, the strength of the Bezeb army will grow. As the Besib Legion grows and the Minos Labyrinth takes shape, the Void Launching Site will begin soon.

So at this moment, the American teammates and Indian teammates will give the inner entangled Japanese coworkers a lot of chicken soup: "Keep on! Hold on!" "Even if the Japanese players' premises are completely destroyed by the Chinese team, we will use more powerful power. Revenge! "

Although the chicken soup is the foundation of the Japanese team's power, but facing the endless Chinese regiment on the map, players across Japan have felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts. What the Japanese team can do is only to motivate players across the country to dig The trench tower repaired the challenge of the Chinese regiment.


At this moment, there are also entangled European teams participating in the Troy. At this stage, the game only needs to be blocked and dragged to the draw as planned. But such a simple tactic has been shaken by the crazy investment orders of players around the world.

In fact, from the perspective of the world's e-sports circle, the game has been in service for half a year. Except for small and medium-sized studios in various countries who have made money and run businesses to make a lot of money, basically those large teams in various countries are still in the strategic layout stage and have not yet entered the profitable stage. Fast lane. As for the quarterly reports of the Japanese Mitsubishi team, they have lost money, not to mention more than a billion.

Therefore, at this time in the video conference room, teams from all over the world are floating in the air, not to mention that ordinary EU teams cannot be calm, even the EU strong teams such as Britain, France and Germany are tempted! In particular, the British people have always advocated mercantilism, and it is impossible to not make money in front of them. But the British did smell a conspiracy from the overwhelming order. The reason is simple, the hype on the forum is really hot and disturbing.

"It must be Chinese!" Prince George personally characterized the anomaly: "It must be the Chinese trying to shake our tactical determination."

Gao Wen frowned: "But even so, there is still a large part of normal customer orders!"

Prince George said: "Okay, once we give up as simple as that, if there is an accident behind us, the entire market will lose confidence in us, and customers will go to Americans and Chinese to place orders. As a result, we cannot To bear, we must lead the EU to take these orders. "

Lancelot said in a deep voice: "I can restore the angel form and then merge with Gao Wen. The sum of the attributes of the two of us is not as good as Da Fei but it is feasible to find a way to introduce the beast. The captain of France's invincible charge is almost there. After the cooling time, the German team ’s death tank can also be used in the molten cave. Of course, if you are lucky, you can use the final resources to release a magical cannon in the molten cave directly.

Prince George was surprised: "What about the spy? As long as there is a spy who informs Da Fei, we may all fail."

Gao Shen Shen said: "If you want to deceive the enemy, you must first deceive yourself. We can first hold a meeting to coordinate the action time, and then when everyone does not pay attention, we act alone in advance!"

Lancelot gritted his teeth: "Good idea!"

Prince George nodded: "Very good! Even if we lose, we can end this **** confrontation early, so prepare for the meeting."



At 2:30 in the afternoon, Da Fei, who was sleeping on the bone pile, was suddenly awakened by her friend's information. Dafei then realized that he didn't know when he fell asleep, and that it took him an hour to sleep. It seems that things like archeology are really not for you.

The message was, of course, from Ma Yinglong: "Fei brother, two news, one is that Fei brother Xiao Pandora's battleship has been converted, and is ready to continue to challenge that Karon. Another news is that at 1 pm tomorrow, the copy of Troy The EU team is ready to launch a decisive battle against Feige, and they are finally able to hold their breath. "

Da Fei's spirit refreshed: "Why should they wait until that time tomorrow?"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "Three reasons, one is that the invincible charge cooling time of Captain Napoleon of France has finally arrived. That skill is really invincible. When we are in the city of the gods, we can not use this trick, or is it more invincible Little nun slaps down. "

That is necessary. The mortal invincible move directly reduces the effect of 50% on the true **** domain on the Beamon suit. Can the invincible effect reduced by half still be invincible?

Da Fei smiled proudly: "Brother has a field, and he is invincible to discuss it. What is the second reason?"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "The second reason is actually their compromise. They originally planned to hold Fei Ge for two days and two nights. If they act tomorrow night, they can drag Fei Ge one day and one night. Even if they fail, they will barely be It's not too bad to complete half of the mission. As for the third point, it was the middle of the night in our time zone in China. It was the easiest time for people to relax and relax. In short, Feige must maintain his spirit and not be left out of them. "

Frightened! Da Fei was really scared by the third point. Aren't you just snoring for an hour just now? OK, big brother retreated into the deep sea fortress, let them come back.

Dafei laughed: "I see. Then give me a live video with a constantly bright perspective. I want to see the effect of the modified warship."

"Fei brother wait a moment ..."


Now, the refitted Glorious Wing is set off again for Yushen River. A black paint turret with a severely incompatible painting style was added to the converted bow deck, giving it a modern warship atmosphere.

In the video, Ma Yinglong's admiration came: "Feige's ship is awesome. We are still thinking about how a land building defense tower can be installed on the ship. How high is the building technique to make a ship?" A success is nothing at all! "

Da Fei laughed secretly, and even the higher-end Lich Tower was built on the Shining Wing, what is a defensive tower? In the final analysis, this must be the reason why the old captain Renoir's own building and shipbuilding technology is in place. His epic hero of the famous plot has turned into a hero ship and is absolutely perfect.

Da Fei laughed and said, "Most of them are still the Swedish team, right?"

Ma Yinglong dismissed it: "Feige looked at them too high. The boards they saw were the same as those of the dogs, and the holes they made were the same as the patches. It is fortunate that this level can not leak."

Dafei laughed: "It's okay, this ship can repair itself, or it will not be as long as the flesh grows seamlessly with the original ecology."

Ma Yinglong coughed respectfully and said, "Feige, your old man has developed so many cutting-edge warships that are definitely gods of shipbuilding. I wonder if Feige can help my brother to build a cutting-edge warship?"

Dafei couldn't laugh or cry: "Building a ship? You look down on me too!"

Ma Yinglong hurriedly corrected: "Refit! It ’s okay to help with the modification! It's not a secret. The brother also has an atlas of the bone emperor battleship on hand, and he has been hesitating whether to make it. As long as Fei is willing to help, brother and I sell a few houses You have to smash it into a pot and sell it! "

Dafei wondered: "Bone Emperor battleship? Very nifty?"

Ma Yinglong smiled bitterly: "It's okay to fight traditional naval battles, but now that it has entered the era of airships, what use is it for? But this brilliant wing of Fei Ge has given my brother hope, and I also have a dream of flying. My heart "

Da Fei laughed and said, "Okay, people just have to dream. But I can only give a hint. My boat can fly to the sky after the Lich Dragon of the ghost dragon cliff of the underworld is converted to the bone dragon wings. If you want to fly, you have to think more about Guilong Cliff. "

Ma Yinglong said excitedly: "Thank you Fei Ge Jinkou for pointing me out. With the brother Fei, I will build a ship immediately!"

Dafei laughed and asked, "Which shipyard did you build it? Guilongya doesn't have a shipyard."

Ma Yinglong suddenly said: "This ..."

Da Fei laughed: "Brother can also mention that, you will find the master of the island of Ninghuo on Ninghuo Island. Their shipbuilding skills are absolutely beyond the imagination of the boss of the horse! It is estimated that no one in the undead world can build a ship more than they do. Now. "

Ma Yinglong immediately realized: "Thank you Feige!"

Dafei laughed: "Don't worry, things will come slowly. First, win these battles and get things done smoothly."

"Feige was right ..."

Between words, the Wing of Radiance reached the bank of the Yushen River again. This time, Pandora took the initiative to turn on the ship's horn to challenge the other party: "Hello Caron, we are back again. I wonder how you think about what we just talked about?"

The huge vortex in the Yushen River surged again, the glittering Minghe ferry reappeared, and Karon gas quickly destroyed: "It's a shameless maggot, and it rolls as far as it can—" As soon as the voice fell, it was agitated by the giant oar, the water There is another huge vortex appearing!

"Ready !!!" The slogan of the Swedish players came from the gun cabin.

Da Fei's heart is tight, and it is time to test the results of Yan Jin!

At the next moment, Karon's tricks were reapplied, and the large water column spewed like a spitting water dragon. At this moment, the flame of the turret flashed, and a fire column burst out. When the water column and the fire column collided head-on, it seemed A steam bomb exploded, and the hull was instantly surrounded by steam and water mist!

However, the violent turmoil that previously caused the artillery to fail to target did not appear! Ma Yinglong overjoyed: "Have a chance!"

"Fire!" Of course, the professional Swedish players will not miss this wonderful opportunity. With an order, the three consecutive shots of the eight phantom crossbow guns roared in unison!

The explosion of steam blocked everyone's sight, and everyone could only see eight arcs flying from the radar towards the huge red spot on the radar!

--boom! !! !! The waves were loud, the erythema was trembling, and the water column attacking the Wings of Radiance was interrupted instantly!

Saw! Through the faint vapor, I saw the ship of Karon blasted directly into the sky! Da Fei's eyes narrowed, this is the power of the Phantom Crossbow!

But it's not over yet. This is the first round of three-stroke fire. When the ferry landed on the water again, the second round of barrage attacks screamed. This time, the big fly finally saw a circle of defensive hoods, cannonballs, etc. All blasted on the hood, causing little damage!

Da Fei's heart is cold, this is the strength of Karon to become the **** of the underworld gate!

However, even if it was on the defensive hood, the power of the explosion caused huge water waves, and the ferry flies into the sky again under the impact of the water waves!

And Dafei's amateur eyes can be seen through the vapor mist, professional masters can of course see it better, and already have a countermeasure-"Ship! Shoot!"

With the order of the Swedish captain, the third round of the three-bladed crossbow attack came out, and this gun condensed the crystallization of the professional master's operating technical response ability. The eight rounds of the bomber directly attacked the ferry's apparently imbalanced line Prow!

--boom! !! !! There was another explosion, and there was still not much damage, but under the deliberate push of the explosion, Karon's ferry was seriously out of balance in the air!

Seeing this, Dafei couldn't help crying out: "This is going to capsize !!!"

Sure enough, this time, the ferry was like a diver diving into the water, even if it was still in the field, even if it suffered no harm from 38 to 24 phantom cannonballs, but it could not change its own water. Gesture-Tongtong! !! !!

The pelican enters the water, the water arrow soars into the sky!

-"No !!!" Karon's angry roar faintly came from the water!

"Victory!" At this moment, the team members exclaimed!

Dafei is even more shocked! This is the strength of the professional master of Shente! Changing to yourself will definitely not produce such a great effect!

Dafei immediately praised: "Now! Brother wants to give them a red envelope!"

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