God Rank Hero

Chapter 897: My sister is so handsome

Cuihu Park, the clear water pearl in downtown Shendong, and Cuihu Road on the shore of the lake are the distribution centers of antique bird markets. {Coming here means taste, meaning elegance.

At this time, Da Fei strolled with great taste in the aunt square dance aunt group, and her thoughts fluctuated. I remember when I came here last time, I was still a temporary water delivery worker with an income of less than 4,000 yuan a month. Now, in the blink of an eye, it is not the same as before, and I am already a small tyrant with more than 20 million deposits.

However, I am afraid that the banquet to be attended today is not a place where the net worth of 20 million can be achieved. In short, the temperament must be calm and calm.

Da Fei came to the door of Xuewei Cafe in advance, a glass coffee building in a western-style iron fence garden, and a wooden sign on the iron door hung from the idler.

Secret, brother has no invitation, and few people should be considered idlers, right? Da Fei felt it was inconvenient to knock on the door, but waited for Xiao Li and Xiao Fang to come together, so he walked to the lake railing across the road and pretended to look around while smoking.

The appearance of Da Fei was of course captured by the door camera of Xuewei Studio.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but said, "Tianhao Brother? Is this it?"

Lin Tianhao glanced at the big screen, then snorted for a while, then finally shook his head: "I can't remember clearly, but obviously not."

The beautiful girl sang and continued to laugh. After talking for five minutes like this, I checked the light rain on the camera from time to time and found the situation again: "Hey, right? This person stood on the side of the road for a few minutes and called the cell phone again, obviously waiting for someone?"

Lin Tianhao stood up suddenly and laughed, "Let me ask."

At 5:30 in the afternoon, it was getting dark. The world in Da Fei's sunglasses is dark. What the hell. This woman is in trouble. Brothers who lived in the suburbs arrived first, and they were still halfway through.

While the egg was in pain, someone suddenly greeted behind him, "Is it Brother Ding?"

Da Fei frowned and looked back. A handsome tall man Yu Xuanang's suit man greeted himself with an unsure face, which was the long-lost little white face Lin Tianhao!

What the hell! Who is your elder brother, give me a rough look and don't slap me! Dafei laughed, "It turned out to be Lin, I haven't seen you in a long time!"

"It's really Brother Ding!" Lin Tianhao came forward and shook hands suddenly: "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time, but I didn't recognize it all at once."

Brother is so handsome that he can't recognize himself. Not to mention others! Da Fei laughed, "Nothing, nothing, such an important tea party, I have to make some adjustments."

Lin Tianhao laughed: "Brother Nadin, please."

Isn't it shameless that you let your brother get in? Dafei shook his head and smiled, "I'll wait, they'll be here in a while."

Lin Tianhao laughed: "Okay, then I'll wait together!" After drawing out a box of big flying Fei Yan had never seen the brand.

The smoke turned out to be a men's meeting, and those who came from Dafei couldn't refuse to draw one. Lin Tianhao immediately stretched out the lighter to light it.

What the hell! Too good to say, brother can't afford it! However, it is too cramped to say something "don't come by myself" and loses temperament. So Dafei naturally took a deep breath, and then praised: "General Lin, good smoke!"

Lin Tianhao smiled lightly: "What's the elder brother been doing?"

I pulled it out. The thing that annoyed me most was that people asked him what was busy. Brother is busy conquering the world and has no time to sleep, you know? Dafei spit out a long ring of cigarettes: "I was too busy eating and eating, and speaking out made Mr. Lin laugh."

Lin Tianhao said in a deep voice: "Isn't that big brother interested in the game? The big brother's game number is now no less than 1 million. Now the average job can't be compared with the game. If the big brother does Tired to try playing games full time? "

Is this a job for brother? Nice guy? But okay, there is nothing to talk about with him, so just talk about the game. Dafei pretended to be surprised: "1 million? Yen?"

Lin Tianhao laughed: "Of course it is Renminbi, but I believe that even if it is the U.S. dollar, some people are willing to buy it. But the big brother is a chicken that can lay golden eggs. It is best not to sell it."

Da Fei was surprised: "It's so easy to make money from games? What about people from all over the country who want to play games?" Well, brother pretends to be addicted.

Lin Tianhao laughed, "It is because the starting point is high, making money is easy, and ordinary ordinary players can maintain the daily gold coin spending in the game. It is good. The blood Wei Guild is a very high starting point. In the game, it is quite The golden rice bowls of the big companies exist as well. And today, two new districts in Southeast Asia and South America have been opened. The market will only grow bigger and bigger. Don't miss this opportunity, and hurry up if you can. "

Da Fei said aloud, "When President Lin said so, I was really moved, but I didn't particularly play."

Lin Tianhao laughed: "I'm not special, but I have entered the Beauty Masters Guild. It's hard to think about dishes. Big brother, your number is to hang up to level 50 in the copy, and only the Grand Guild has this treatment. what!"

Dafei couldn't help himself: "I really cherish the benefits of this treatment! By the way, since many countries are playing this game, which country is the best?"

Lin Tianhao laughed: "It's not clear, we in China are very bullish, but if it is true, it may be the United States. Many of their hole cards have not been exposed so far ..."

At this time, in the Xuewei Studio, a scene where Lin Tianhao and a strange man laughed side by side on the shore of the lake fell into the camera screen. Xiao Yu couldn't help but be surprised: "It was really a big brother in the legend! So he looks like this?"

A group of beautiful women laughed, "Isn't it? Let's see!"

"Invisible, back to us!"

"Xiaoyu, reverse the surveillance video just now!"

Xiao Yu laughed: "Okay, beauties are ready!"

When a full-body white suit with a little sunglasses and a man with a big partial head appeared on the screen, the beauty of the audience couldn't help but burst out laughing: "A white suit, really a man dare to wear it!"

"Hey, this suit also has a vest at once. This look is too retro, isn't it like that in the Republic of China dark war drama?"

"Comrades who broke into the enemy!"

"Don't say it, it really looks like! What is this big brother doing?"

"Will you know when you will ask?"

. . . . . .

And at this time. Dafei didn't know that her image had left a deep impression on the beauties. Chatting with Lin Tianhao happy. Just then the phone rang. Needless to say. It's Xiao Li, definitely here.

Da Fei couldn't pick it up, and looked back in haste. Sure enough, she saw two beauties with long coats, short skirts and tights standing outside the cafe, a ponytail was talking on the phone and a shawl was facing Dafei's eyes. It is Xiaofang and Xiaoli!

Xiaofang immediately greeted, "General Lin!"

Xiaoli could not help exclaiming: "Brother?"

Let me go! Seeing their looks, Da Fei broke the egg instantly! Why wear such tight pants! Why do you wear such a short skirt! Fortunately, brother came back today. Otherwise, God knows if he will be successful with this costumed beast!

Lin Tianhao immediately waved and laughed: "It's all here, then come in!"

Xiaofang exclaimed when she saw Dafei's new look: "Brother, it's you!"

Xiaoli couldn't help crying: "I can hardly recognize my brother!"

Lin Tianhao laughed: "It is worthy of being a big brother, so handsome that his sister doesn't even know it."

I pulled it out and finally spoke a word. Da Fei coughed dryly: "Then hurry in, President Lin has been with me for a long time."

Lin Tianhao laughed: "Where it is convenient to smoke outside!"

At this moment, two beautiful women in black and white maid dresses opened the iron door to salute and greeted: "Welcome!"

Xiaofang exclaimed: "Wow! Good tide, so Japanese maid fan!"

Dafei laughed quickly and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome." I let go. The two that even opened the door are so beautiful, this blood Wei studio is really no small matter! No, no. Can't smirk, temperament temperament! Hold on, hold on!

Under the leadership of the maid, Da Fei entered the cafe. The cafe was dark, but a refreshing fragrance came out, it was a woman's fragrance!

At that moment, two "bangs" and "bangs" rang, the hall was suddenly brightly lit, the music rang, and the salute salute sprinkled everyone flying, and a group of beautiful women applauded in front of them: "Welcome to the new members of the Association, the blood arrows are exquisite, and the blood arrows are fragrant. , Junxiang is here! "

A lot of beauties! At this moment, under the sky of fireworks flying, Dafei took a look!

Xiaofang and Xiaoli bowed to introduce themselves quickly: "Thank you! Everyone is so kind! My name is Shen Fang, and I am a blood arrow."

"My name is Ding Jiali, and I am an exquisite blood arrow."

The beauties were in a panic: "Wow! It's so beautiful, it's so pure, it is indeed introduced by General Lin!"

Xiaofang Xiaoli waved her hands again and again: "Sisters are still pretty, our blood Wei Guild really deserves its name!"

Lin Tianhao coughed, "Brother Ding, it's your turn!"

Da Fei came back to God: "I am their eldest brother and guardian. My name is Ding Junfei. The game name is Jun Xiang. The game number has always been a little girl, which really caused trouble for the organization."

Oh, a lot of beauties.

Then another beautiful woman couldn't wait to ask, "Brother Junfei, your looks are trendy. What kind of profession do you have?"

What the hell! Can you not ask me about his career? Well, the working people are the most glorious.

Da Fei coughed and said lightly: "I have done more things. I used to do engineering construction (moving bricks), then organized marketing (multi-level marketing), then logistics (water delivery), and later Venture capital (buying a lottery ticket). Hey, that's what happened. "

"Wow!" A group of beauties were stunned for a while! Lin Tianhao really laughed without saying a word, Xiao Li looked weird, and Xiao Fang bit her lips tightly and worked very hard.

At this moment, a black woman wearing a white women's suit and a black skirt was seen as a standard workplace CEO, and the audience was suddenly quiet. Needless to say, the president is here, and the real person is indeed more aura than the one on the website!

Zhou Qing smiled and stepped forward and shook hands one by one: "The three new members are good, I am the president of the blood Wei Rose Zhou Qing, our party is very simple, just to eat and drink, get to know each other, if you are interested, you can sing So do n’t be restrained by the three, just treat this place as an ordinary western restaurant. "

Xiaofang Xiaoli quickly said: "Thank you, President!"

When Da Fei and Zhou Qing shook hands, Da Fei felt the softness and temperature of the other side, and his heart trembled suddenly! This is the feeling of dating the legendary beauty skin! Brother didn't wash her hands today, just use her to slap her?

Zhou Qing indeed laughed: "It is worthy to be Brother Xiangxiang. It is better to be handsome than to meet handsome. We are all old and young people who also play games. Brother Brother Xiangxiang laughed!"

Wow ha ha ha, the chairman said that the brother is handsome! This is absolutely telling the truth, absolutely not being polite! Dafei Rumochunfeng: "Where and where, my two younger sisters have been taken care of by the chairman. Mr. Lin was still talking to me about the game. This line is promising and tasteful!"

Zhou Qing laughed: "Okay, let's order, we have all the famous dishes in Italy, France, Australia, please use slowly."

The beautiful women cheered loudly: "Eat!"

Is it just eating? Dafei and Dasong couldn't help but feel disappointed, as if there was no crackling? Or is it a hidden show?

Just then, Lin Tianhao laughed and said, "Brother Ding, let's go and sit in the window, where the night view is convenient."

we? I'm going to get a little rough for my brother, who wants to sit at a big table with the beauties! Dafei grinned and said, "Okay, I haven't finished talking just now. I want to continue to listen to General Lin's guidance."

Xiaofang laughed: "Director Lin? Okay, okay, let's sit and listen!"

Sit with you! A nice pop-up harem from Brother University, there was an extra man surnamed Lin to mix it up, this Nima's rat feces!

(Sorry, there is only one more today.) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!

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