God Rank Hero

Chapter 899: Trumpet approach

Da Fei came to the second-floor computer room, and it was immediately eye-opening. Aside from the room full of helmet sofa seats, all the walls were full of large LCD screens. Is this the US Star Wars Command?

Looking at the content on the big screen, Da Fei was even more shocked. This is the city of the city of punishment, the city of São Paulo, and a few comprehensive monitoring of some unknown cities. Is this a super security monitoring system? This is even the case of Xuewei. What about the three major guilds? That is to say, every time I come to St. Paul's city, they are monitored by them the first time, so is my brother's npc identity in and out of the city of God punished being monitored?

At this moment, a beautiful woman stepped forward and laughed: "I'm sorry, I have been on duty and didn't come down to meet you just now. I'm the Blood Weapon Sage. Just call me sister An. Three new members are seated here to get on the plane . * ,, "

Dafei three quickly said: "Sister An is polite!"

I flew to a comfortable sofa, and then the helmet, a fragrance of perfume came. Let me go. Which beauty's helmet is this? The sweaty helmet of my brother is not the same! Brother, don't smell the beauty of other people's helmets.

Entering the game login interface, Dafei snorted for a while, and Dafei suddenly found that he had forgotten the account number and password of the trumpet!

That's right, as an Internet user, you must have security awareness, that is, you must not use the same account and password on various forum websites. There are many netizens who are easy to remember. All websites use the same account. This gives some cybercriminals a chance. They can gain access to some small websites with weak security protection, or even build their own websites to phish. Database user profile. Then use the obtained information to log in to test on various well-known big websites one by one. The results are always rewarding.

This is why some players are puzzled. My computer is anti-virus and rigorous. I haven't been on the yellow net or plug-in. I didn't do anything. How could they steal my game number? That's how it was stolen! But the pain of such an egg is that you will forget it for a long time.

Da Fei snorted for a while, and couldn't remember it, so he coughed, "This, Xiao Li. I forgot my number!"

For a while, the beautiful women around Xuewei laughed and laughed: "Brother Junxiang, you are too unconcerned, can you even forget your own number? This is a number worth millions!"

Let me go! Still thinking about using the game to pull back a city, as soon as it comes out, it will make a fancy! Nope, now you have to turn the tide in the game!

Da Fei was embarrassed and said, "I'm usually too busy."

Xue Wei's holy gun stunned the beauties, "Everyone will do it!"

The beauties laughed: "Yes, yeah, everyone hastened to close their eyes and ears, Sister Li has to lose millions of accounts!"

Let me go! Laughing butt, laughing at you!

Of course, Xiaoli will not read the password in such a large audience, but she will give the helmet to the elder brother after landing. Although the professional grand guild does have the tradition of letting teammates take turns to practice. However, the professional guild and the member have a contract, and the member's account is the property of the guild. Xiaoli's situation is obviously no contract. So these three Lis are private property.

Now, Da Fei enters the game, and the familiar scene of the city of God of Punishment is suddenly in sight. Dafei looked at the attribute information of the long-lost Junxiang. Last time when he was playing by himself, it was not at level 10, and it is now level 49:


Player level: 49

Occupation: Archer (normal form of Templar 2 unit, stunt: Arrow rain, Arrow array), Knight.

Heroic Features: Archer, Archery

Reputation: Holy See rookie.

Command: 663, Tactical Position: 5, Attack: 70, Defense: 64, Magic: 5, Knowledge: 10, Life: 310, Attack Speed: Normal Speed, 11, Movement Speed: 10, Base Damage: 17-22, Morale: 5, strength: 110.

Hero skills: master knight, master leadership, master archery, master offense, master defense, master logistics.

Life Skills: Intermediate Mining.


Medal of Valor: Leadership +50.

Compound large iron bow: b-level strategic treasure, attack +10, personal damage +5, personal range + 10%.

Knight's Attendant Battlegear: c-level strategic treasure, defense +5.

Knight's Guard Helm: C-level strategic treasure, defense +4.

Knight's Handguards: C-level strategic treasure, defense +1, attack +1

Knight Servants' bonus stats: +2 for unit health and +1 for damage.

. . . . . .

Looking at the attributes and equipment of Junxiang, Dafei didn't return to his heart in a stun. Dafei now has only one feeling, weak, unaccustomed, uncomfortable, and eggs hurt! This is a million-dollar number? Or is it that Xiaoli is too busy to double-hook to hang up and have no time to operate?

Dafei opened the achievements column. There are actually a lot of achievements in this copy. The command power of dozens of copy achievements has been rewarded with 660 command power. The level of this number should be slightly stronger than ordinary players, a little bit? The problem is, brothers are accustomed to crushing all the way with high-end large size artifacts. How can such a weak size make a head start? What about double expertise? No soldiers!

At this moment, there was a roar of beasts in the sky. Dafei looked up, and it turned out to be a dense crowd of flying dragon knights. Among them, a particularly large flying dragon was riding a giant blood armor knight. Heroes, not others, are the old acquaintances of the time, the hero tower that rides the volcano flying dragon, what Xima, the head of the three coachmen!

What the hell! My brother's large trump avoids him at first, does he have to rely on this weak **** trumpet to find his place?

Da Fei had to put hope on the mysterious hero Ou Ling. Dafei opened his attributes, level 35, and basically had little progress. Obviously, after sleeping for more than a month, he couldn't get on board. But it doesn't matter, as long as he has an artifact like the drop, he can still fight.

At this point, Vindicator Gao came to the president Xiaofang Xiaoli and Junxiang and said with a serious expression: "Warriors, the demons are not willing to fail the last General Assembly battle. It looks like a comeback. Hell we seized The siege machine is their biggest obstacle. The demons are likely to forcibly break into our enemies at all costs to destroy the siege machine. We must fully protect our siege machine. Please warriors do everything possible to repel each other! "

——System Tip: Vindicator Gao Er releases the battlefield mission "The Threat to Repel the Demon Flying Army" to you!

For a while, the whole Xuewei studio that saw the big screen progressed was surprised: "Can't you just keep up with the power of npc? Do you want our guilds to help?"

"That is, even if Dafei has left ten angels to our guild, but this power will not play a decisive role at all, what can players do to help?"

Hearing the beauty of the studio, Da Fei frowned, and they made sense. NPC missions also depend on the reputation and strength of the player. If it's brother's size, it's not surprising that npc sends this task, but it's obviously a bit unreliable to give us a few new hair tasks. Ou Ling? It is possible, but it is not reliable without knowing his background.

In other words, the system feels that this siege machine is too unsightly and affects the progress of the game, so no matter how many casualties it must be destroyed, is this a mission that our army will lose but will not affect the reward? This is the most painful!

When the righteous thoughts turned sharply, the chairman asked: "Master Vindicator, can we quickly remove the siege machine?"

Joel was smirked in surprise: "What's the difference between being removed and being destroyed by the enemy? The purpose of the enemy is to make our siege machine ineffective. If it is not removed, we can also attract the enemy to fight hard and attack the enemy. Caused massive killings. "

Let me go! This is a painful rhythm! Most of the siege machines can't be guaranteed!

The president continued to ask, "Will the staying force of Da Fei, the **** of punishment, participate in the war?"

Meng Erzheng said positively: "Of course. Ms. Elda, the deputy city leader of the city of punishment is here, and of course she will also play, each of us must do our best."

"That's it!" The beauties of Xuewei Studio suddenly said, "That is to say, our player's job is to beat the muddy water and touch the fish."

Xiaofang laughed and said, "Chairman, you can take our troops alone, so we don't seem to have any effect?"

The president laughed: "Okay, then let's fight soy sauce. Brother Junxiang will enter this scene on the first day, so you can take him away and quickly understand the situation here."

"Got it."

Dafei is tangled! Although Brother likes to play soy sauce the most, but how can Brother Siberian Siege Machine so hard to sit and wait for the soy sauce to disappear? What's more, playing soy sauce can't get the favor of beautiful women popping out!

Anxiously, Xiaofang laughed: "Brother, come, let me introduce you here. This is a particularly high-end scene. At present, the first master Dafei and our guild in the entire China area have entered. The elder brother ’s number can be entered here by the elder brother ’s deputy hero Ou Ling. He is the son of a downcast aristocrat. This is what he said when he helped the elder brother get the Pass of the City of Divine Punishment. There is no other introduction. , He won't say any more. "

Da Fei immediately asked: "Ou Ling, you have a way to deal with an orc village, you must have a way to deal with this sky-long dragon knight?"

Ou Ling's eyes slanted and said, "I really am God? You and I are both unknown soldiers here, please recognize your ability and position!"

Dafei suddenly suddenly! Let me go. This talk is so rushing. Obviously, the friendliness has not kept up. Is it really the sequelae of hanging up?

Then the president deployed troops on the top of the siege machine. Xiaoli continued to work in the pharmacy store, and Dafei followed Xiaofang to the court. He said that he knew that there was a broken egg in his heart. . Could it be said that Brother actually doesn't have the ability to rely on good luck to start a snowball all the way?

This is the only thing that Da Fei can hardly accept, let alone the trumpet's double strengths are out of its own way, even if you open a weak **** trumpet, there is a way to break the situation! So where is the solution? (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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