God Rank Hero

Chapter 903: Find the legendary Centaur

Although Junxiang and Ou Ling, as well as President Xiaofang and Xiaoli, are all heroic "knights", "knights" are not "cavalry" (horseman). One is a professional title. The name, one is the name of the unit, the Chinese translation is easy to confuse players, but it is not a concept in English. This is the same as the concept of "lord" mentioned in the previous article.

That is to say, in the game, the knights are not necessarily all cavalry. Even if they have special props, they can only play a role of traveling instead of fighting.

The real cavalry is the kind of French player Napoleon that Dafei saw in the European Union. Once born, he is a 6th level champion knight. One can easily overthrow dozens of players born from ordinary 1st level gunmen.

That is to say, if Ou Ling wants to become an air rider, then the first step is to become a horse rider. This has to evolve from the rank 2 soldier to the rank 6 soldier. According to the urine of the game, you can imagine how difficult this is. In fact, judging from the real ancient war, in addition to the nomadic people who grew up on horseback, the cavalry who can really kill on the horse is very difficult to train. The requirements for the rider and the war horse are very high.

What should we do now? For a while, Junxiang and Ou Ling stared.

I have to say that since Da Fei came to the city of **** punishment, he has been dismissive of the demon air cavalry. In China, the flying dragon knights besieging the line of dragons were blown to death by fire of the line of dragons. In the European Union area, even the air cavalry commander was also killed by himself, and I really don't think this air cavalry is so powerful.

But that's because the large attributes are against the sky. Armed Forces. Rocket ammunition is even better! If you really want players to form such a unit. Less said is also the level of the eighth level soldiers, the difficulty is really comparable to the sky. Forget it, let's not talk about empty riding, let's get the horse riding first. Not many players of the 6th level cavalry can get it, let alone the hidden special army bow cavalry.

Jun Xiang sighed: "This, then, shall we go to the racecourse in the big city and practice by the way, and ask the instructor?"

Ou Ling shook his head in a halt in silence: "The Lionheart Empire cannot train a rider, because the cavalry philosophy of the Lionheart Empire is charging. The archer's philosophy is to cover the infantry position and push the horses, which is unique to nomads. The guerrilla armies have been eliminated. In fact, the orc 2nd level centaur is the most typical rider and shooter. In front of the solid Terran ground, the combat effect is just that. So this also strengthened the abolition of the Lionheart Empire. Riding shooter is a low cost unit. "

What the hell! Centaur is a level 2 soldier with a large number of fast breeding. If they also mix to level 6 try? Try with the elite of their race?

and many more! Junxiang quickly asked: "Do you mean the Lion Heart Empire abolished the army shooter? This means that the Lion Heart Empire had this arm before?"

Ou Ling sighed: "It belongs to the falcon dynasty. The predecessor of the falcon dynasty was the nomadic people who settled down. The royal and nobles have a tradition of shooting. As for the changing of the dynasty, the technique of riding archers may be lost."

Da Fei refused to accept: "Is it necessary to pass through the level of the shooter to become an air rider? The dragon and eagle knights of the elven kingdom. The Griffin knights of the dwarven kingdom are not all air riders?"

Ou Ling shook his head: "How do you say, if you take the centaur that can shoot accurately at high speed as the benchmark. Whether it is the high-end airborne dragon knight of the elven tribe or the griffin thunder knight of the dwarven tribe , Can not be regarded as riding archers in the true sense. First, they use magic skills to make large-scale attacks to make up for the lack of hit rate. Second, their shooting is rarely performed at high speed. Third, they The cost of cultivating one is tens of times that of ordinary knights, and even ten times more expensive than the recruitment price of angels. Only special talents can take responsibility. It is impossible to measure them with conventional arms, and it is impossible to mass produce. "

Lying down! It is enough to be a griffin knight and a flying hero. The whole of China seems to only be run by Xuewei's foreign aid piglet. This is already an anti-sky existence. I do n’t envy him. Not a rider? Forget it, Essinger was too dragged just now. Brother Trumpet didn't know clearly. Brother changed the size to ask.

Junxiang then said: "Let's not worry, think slowly. There are many ways to become stronger. If it doesn't work, we won't toss this empty ride.

So Da Fei switched to the large size of the book. It happened that the tea party was so frustrating that the cooling time of the wig artifact had passed for three days and it was ready for use. Then there was nothing to say. The nightmare crystal was open.

The light flashed, the scene changed, and Da Fei appeared in the nightmare space again.

At this moment, a weird breath permeated the nightmare space. It was not only poker chess fur bears flying in the sky, but also all kinds of glittering unknown light filings. What was this? It doesn't look like bad things. Then looking down, the area of ​​the island is big again, very good, very good.

Just then, Alda came over: "The city owner is very concerned about the progress here? Please rest assured, the progress is now very good."

Dafei hurriedly asked, "What is this light chip?"

Elda exhilarated: "This is the positive energy sent by human beings, specifically, positive emotions such as hope and enthusiasm! That is to say, our space not only has negative energy such as greed and fear, but also has negative energies. positive energy."

positive energy? Could it be that the artistic processing advocated by the Duke inspired the participants' positive enthusiasm? Da Fei was surprised: "What is the use of these positive energies?"

Erda shook her head and looked intoxicated: "Who knows? This is the realm of God, maybe I will witness the miracles, maybe **** and heaven will appear at the same time ..."

What the hell! She doesn't even know that, the high-end brother does not know what he is doing! OK, let the high-end come more violently, brother still deal with his low-end affairs first.

Dafei said: "I have something important to ask Mr. Essinger."

Erda said, "He is assisting me in studying the blood-limited enchantment of the Demons, which is on the chessboard. By the way, this enchantment of the Demons has a certain weakening effect on the enchantment of the city of divine punishment. Not defense. "

Da Fei nodded: "It doesn't matter, waiting for my Eastern world affairs to finish up is like the abyss blood lord who ended up with Europa."

See Da Fei coming. Essinger hurriedly saluted: "Welcome to the Lord. I wonder what advice the Lord has?"

Dafei just wanted to say something. But after thinking about it, I simply invited the parties to the scene.

The player as the city owner certainly has the right to open or close his city to the player. Open cities can be divided into full open and restricted open. All open means that any player, even players from hostile factions, can appear in their own city.

Restricting opening is that if players are worried that high-level players will rely on high force to disrupt the city and not manage well, then they can set level restrictions, that is, "cannot enter the city above level 10" or something. At present, the nightmare space is in the default retreat mode. Except for the citizens of Da Fei and Da Fei, as well as the Alliance ’s city of punishment npc, no one can enter.

However, as the owner of the city, you can invite guests, so Da Fei clicks the "Invite" option. Enter your name and invite Oring specifically. This invitation is a one-time invitation. If Feng Ling is honored as a citizen, then Ou Ling can enter and exit at any time.

Therefore, the system prompt appears on Junxiang:

System Tip: The Lord of the City of Penalty has opened the permission to visit the City of Penalty to your deputy hero Ou Ling.

At the same time, a winged angel in black human form came to Ou Ling: "Mr. Ou Ling, please?"

Ou Ling could not help but hesitated: "This is it?"

Junxiang said meaningfully: "I recommend you to see the instructor just now. He is an ancient spirit and a former demon air ride instructor. You must ask modestly."

Ou Ling nodded: "Okay!"

Wa hahaha! I didn't believe it. The brother plays high-end, and the trumpet plays the resources of Xuewei. Brother's high-end plus trumpet resources add up to a little rider shooter?

At this point, Ou Ling entered the nightmare space, and the surprised expression on his face was normal.

Essinger was not angry: "It turned out that the Lord was for his sake? There was a kid just now, probably just after doing some work, he started to slip away. I hate this kid the most, so I didn't give a good face. Look!"

Ahhh! The fluttering kid is me! Didn't you take the wrong fart?

Under the leadership of the winged angel, Ou Ling came to the chessboard and saluted: "I have seen the Lord of the city, and Mr. Instructor."

Da Fei coughed, "Mr. Essinger, how difficult is it to train the air cavalry?"

Essinger was surprised: "Isn't he pursuing the ultimate in archery? I think his eyes are indeed rare talents, and he really has the qualifications to pursue this ideal, then fight for the ideal and ride on the dragon The ultra-high-speed shooting is undoubtedly the ultimate in archery. Even the Demon Dragon Cavalry can't do it. But at least start right away? "

Dafei sighed, "But the skills of the riding archer are lost."

Essinger was surprised: "How is that possible? The Kerong tribe is destroyed?"

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised: "Keirong family?"

Essinger was surprised: "The centaur **** chiron, he is also a teacher of several mythical heroes Iason, Hercules! His tribe is the Kerong, human riding and shooting skills I learned from them. This is common sense. You don't even know? "

System prompt: You get the information of the centaur chiron!

What the hell! Which age of heroes are you? Common sense! Is this obviously hidden information?

Ou Ling hurriedly said, "Mr. Instructor meant to let me visit this Kerong tribe?"

Essinger sighed: "That's what it means, but the Kerong is a very civilized and elegant centaur, and the other centaur is very rough and addicted to killing. It is not easy to see the Kerong."

Ou Ling was on the spot!

The big flying egg shattered: "Mr. Essinger, it is too troublesome. Let him be an empty ride directly. It doesn't matter if you can fly or lead the flying soldiers. It doesn't matter if you can shoot. Anyway, you don't care about the coach's shot."

Essinger shook his head: "Master Lord forgot? I can only train Wraiths or Heroes to be empty riders!"

Dafei dropped his chin on the ground: "Then you dare to say let him be a rider and shooter?"

Essinger nodded: "Yes, I will ask him at that time, if he wants to be an air rider, he must have the consciousness of death. Is it enough for him to become a hero when he dies?"

Ahhh! This Nima's cheating father!

Essinger continued to laugh: "Actually, if he really became a riding shooter, the Griffin Air Cavalry Corps of the Kingdom would have hired him at a high salary, and he would no longer need to come to me."

Okay, finally it works. Really not. Brother has a Pegasus knight general on the side of the elven kingdom. He appreciates brother so much that he can go to him to learn air riding.

At this moment, Ou Ling resolutely said, "I have decided to pay a visit to the Rong family! Not only do I have to learn riding and archery personally, I also have to be the instructor of the Revival Riding and Shooting Unit! Please tell the instructor where to find the Rong family . "

Essinger shook his head and said, "How many years have I been dead? I don't know, you can find it yourself."

Ou Ling nodded and gave a deep gift: "Thank you for your advice, Mr. Cheng, for your invitation!"

Dafei jaw dropped! Let me go. Is Nima's ambition ambitious? That must be the place of the orcs? Would you like to inform Ma Yinglong? Come on, let this co-ordination be dealt with by the Grand Guild. The matter of the trumpet does not need to worry about the brother.

At this time, Ou Ling returned to the square of the city of the city of punishment and said to Jun Xiang: "I visited the instructor, and I am going to find the legendary Kerong ..."

OK, just take this screenshot and report it to the leader.

(Everyone's monthly ticket, don't stop for recommended tickets ~~~) (To be continued ...)


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