God Rank Hero

Chapter 916: Man destined to be the pirate king

At 13 o'clock in the afternoon, Dafei was spitting out takeaway box lunches while rectifying the team to enter the second dragon treasure. The body of this dragon is about the same size as the first one, and most of the time, it is also the same difficulty.

So this time Da Fei decided to bring Deirdre into the replica mix experience. After all, with the super tank of the ancient tree fortress, there is no need to worry about the safety of the hero itself, and there is an additional manpower to help pick up equipment.

Everything is ready, the light flashes, the flight is transmitted again into the dragon's chest in the same way, and the Nasir fortress strikes again, and then the scene changes, and it is the blood-red gold glittering space, and the same system prompts:

——The system prompts: You enter the unstable Dragon Treasure Space, the space will collapse completely after 30 minutes, please hurry up!

Then it was the same golden treasure dragon that shouted from the "stupid and greedy mortal", Dafei was surprised and laughed, and it really was the same strange. Then there is nothing to say. With the experience of the previous war, the direct launch of the rocket artillery in this battle cleared the field, and the battle ended in just one minute.

The happy hand cramping and money picking activity started again, this time with 29 minutes. But Da Fei felt the pressure! That's right, the pressure to find the fragment of the godhead. The first battle was able to find the gods successfully because of the great move of the god-level lucky hand, which can only be used once a day, so now you can only rely on Dafei's expert Jianbao skills in each blood pool. Carpet search.

And while Dafei was happily playing in the dragon tomb, a large pirate ship was cautiously driving in the **** mist in the **** archipelago waters of the Southern Ocean in China.

That's right, this is to follow Barak, the new leader of the barren pirates, looking for the sea of ​​blood that is sealed by the sea god. After nearly two days of sailing in real time, a red and violent wave of **** sea of ​​wild waves reached this dangerous sea.

at this time. The view on the sea is surging undercurrents, and huge vortexes are swept from time to time, but under Barak's superb boating skills. Over and over again, this is a level of operation that players can't possibly achieve! And even more incredible. There are several whirlpools that are unavoidable. When the ship is about to be swallowed up, the vortex is suddenly weak, and it does not pose a threat to the ship.

Bloody Sea Kuangtao couldn't help but look at the boss who had swallowed up like a wreck after he was wounded: "Boss, you are so good!"

Barak smiled proudly: "I'm half-futile and I can't fight anymore, but no one can replace my skills. That's why I'm cheeky."

Now that you know you're a disused person, hurry up and pass on your skills to laborers before the total disuse! Blood Sea Kuangtao hurriedly said, "Boss. Can you teach me the skills to hide from the whirlpool?"

Barack Haha laughed: "It's enough to be able to drive a boat! The key is to understand the vortex, and you need to be able to judge its moving direction and distance from the speed of the vortex's rotation. This is the introduction. Then when there are two nearby even When more than two vortices appear at the same time, you need to determine whether the two vortices cancel each other out or merge and strengthen. The vortices that I deliberately did not hide just now are calculated that this vortex must be canceled by the reverse rotating vortex near it. Strength-"

Speaking of which, Barack said, "In short, this is an old fish. It depends on the accumulated experience. Anyway, I'm not a good teacher. The key is that you can't teach you, but you must realize it yourself! Everyone can be a man, but if he wants to be a man. He has a lot of knowledge. "

Lying in the trough, Nima, a woolen yarn, said for a long time is nothing!

At this moment, Barak said straightforwardly: "But I ca n’t teach you that it does n’t mean the devil Focolor ca n’t teach you. He has the power to control the strong winds and waves, and can easily launch large whirlpools and storms. The battleship drowned the sailor, and part of the power of the pirate king was obtained from him. If he taught you, you will try your best to develop in the direction of the magician-okay. Will you see the blood-red swirl door in front? .That's it!"

Bloodsea Kuangtao nodded in surprise again and again: "Does the following need me to fight?"

Barak said positively: "Yes, but that's the undead pirate army set by the pirate king. The devil is asking for help to get out of trouble. There will be no obstacle to people, but the pirate king does not want others to get the power of the devil. Of course In my opinion, these undead corps are nothing great, but once they go to war, it means to declare war on the pirate king. With only one sentence, the pirate king will attack us-that is, from today , I am not a leader of a barren pirate, you are not a leader, your Pirate Alliance dream is gone, we are a homeless pirate! Are you doing this well? "

Labor is the man destined to be the pirate king! The **** sea rages and laughs: "In the eyes of other pirates, our deserted islands are no longer ours. Please rest assured that as long as we have the power of the devil, we will lose it and take it back! Not everything, we still have the city of Miracle Island, and the boss also said that the most promising pirates are actually the royal pirates that depend on the kingdom. My dual status is that of the boss. We can rely on the kingdom to be the royal pirates. I ’m early I don't want to associate with those pirate pirates! "

Barack Haha laughed wildly, and then patted the shoulders of Blood Sea Kuangtao: "That's good! So for this battle, I brought out the 300 most pirates on the desert island, and you will take the lead in these 300 pirates. Let the pirate king see the power of our barren pirates! "

300 Elite! At this moment, the blood sea was shaking with excitement, and the labor and management had been mixing with you for so long, and finally the labor and management were refreshed.

OK, when the labor and capital are developed, the first thing for labor and capital is to get rid of Dafei! His boat is so powerful that it has overwhelmed labor and capital? And thinking of Da Fei, and seeing the vortex gate in front of him, the **** sea frantic brow jumped, "Boss, can anyone here come with your sailing skills?"

Barack Haha laughed: "Of course, the premise is that he must have the technology of Lao Tzu, or even the elite and powerful fleet must be buried at the door!"

Blood Sea Kuangtao hurriedly asked, "But some magic ships can be teleported! If not directly to the entrance-"

Barak sneered coldly: "What do you think this blood mist is? It is the **** power field of the sea **** seal demon. In this force field, any teleportation and magic have no good effect, and only technology can be used here!"

Blood Sea Kuangtao finally feels at ease, but fortunately, it is impossible for Dafei to be here. Now is the time for labor and capital to abandon everything and knock on the demon door. (To be continued)


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