God Rank Hero

Chapter 918: It was Poisoned Dragon Savara

It is not easy to find this hidden copy, and it is even harder to enter this hidden copy. Such a high threshold is even firmer to the determination of Feifei!

However, this also means that I can only go alone, what can I do if I go in alone? Dafei regretted this moment. I knew this time to go to the Eastern World to grab a sacrifice with Naga, then I should think of preparing a diving suit, but unfortunately I didn't realize the details of this game.

Between the tangles, there was a flash of golden light on the Jianbao's radar, and the undersea copy was beckoning to himself again.

Da Fei frowned. Generally speaking, the threatening things in the game are red light reminders. As for the golden light, so far, except for the treasures are the institutions, Da Fei has never encountered a threat! Maybe here is a treasure to pick up, and the scene where Elifel fought down the Yan River to pick up the Uriel ring?

Row! No longer tangled, and the big hang-up is also the experience of the brother alone.

So Dafei laughed at everyone and said, "It may be that there is no need to fight to pick up a treasure. Don't worry about me. I can just go alone."

Therefore, after the angels added all kinds of blood, physical strength, and mana to the magic, Da Feiyi jumped into the water without a glance, and then the countless "-2" and "-3" damage data on his head were like red lines. Out of the line, at the same time, Dafei felt like he was sanding in the sand when he stroked the water!

This polar water is really no small matter! Even the brother's sacred body of frost reduced blood damage by 50 points. If ordinary soldiers fell down, they would not immediately die like they fell into Yanhe? Fortunately, it is not poisonous, otherwise how is this different from a pit? (Note:-Holy Frost Body: Reduces the effects of negative conditions such as curse, blindness, mentality, disease, persistent frostbite, and ice deceleration by 50% to 100%, increases resistance to frost magic by 50%, and absorbs 50 points Frost damage.)

Long! It seems that the distance of more than ten meters is so long in Da Fei's eyes. Da Fei feels that time seems to freeze and stagnate in the ice. His blood and physical strength are indeed constantly flowing!

What a joke! If I ca n’t get in the door with such superior conditions, I can swallow himself!

at last. When Dafei ’s physical strength was only a quarter of his red blood, Dafei finally dived into the bottom of the water and finally reached the entrance to the copy. Like catching the last life-saving straw, Dafei sprinted for the final physical strength— —The scene changed!

Oh yeah! At this moment, Dafei finally let out a long breath of relief! Da Fei deeply felt this pit father who entered the door. This Nima is absolutely beyond the limits of mortals. Even the extreme diving and ice bodies of this god-like navigation are so stubborn. How ordinary mortal players should be? Can the high-tech diving suit reach the level of brother?

But now is not the time to relax, new challenges have just begun! Da Fei is ready to restore life and strength immediately after entering the copy.

The scene change is complete. There was a green man in front of Da Fei, and a happy female voice sounded a copy immediately: "Finally, a warrior found me! Warrior. Please help me, I will be loyal to you!"

Dafei frowned, and saw a small green space in front of him. A cloud of green smoke floated in the center of the space, and it was this smoke that spoke! Then there is nothing in space.

Da Fei suddenly realized that he was surprised, and it turned out to be a hidden copy to save people! Sure enough, Jinguang has never cheated!

Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "Who are you? How can I save you?"

Lvyan replied: "I am a former dragon hero Zavala. My body is dead. Now it is my soul form. My soul has been struggling to support the enchantment and wait for the rescue of the warriors. Now I finally waited for the rescue. My method is to sign a Dragon Soul Contract with me, so that I can draw energy from the warrior ’s soul to maintain my soul ’s survival, and grow as the warrior grows, I will use my strength to repay the warrior ’s gratitude for life!

——System prompt: Dragon hero Zavala (currently in the state of Dragon Soul) wants to sign a soul contract with you. After signing the contract, Savara needs to consume your experience to grow. May I agree?

Da Fei Chang Tian laughs! Actually a hero of the Dragon Race! Brother is desperately pursuing an angel hero and is unavailable. Now he accidentally picked up a dragon hero! Although her grade is estimated to be negative, there is no reason for me to refuse this kind of thing! Haha, wow hahaha!


——System Tip: Congratulations! The dragon hero Zavala becomes your deputy hero. Zavala is currently in a state of soul and does not occupy your tactical position.

Oh yeah! Da Fei can't wait to check the sub-hero attribute column. There is indeed an additional Zavala in the sub-hero column, but the current status is indeed "dead", and the attributes cannot be viewed. Looks like she'll have to wait until she's fully resurrected? It is estimated that the resurrection will be necessary, but for Niubi's brother, nothing can stump me.

and many more! Zavala? Seems the name sounds familiar?

I only listened to Green Smoke comfortingly: "Thank you, Lord, there is not much power in Zavala to fight for the Lord, but if the Lord is interested in the Dragon, you can call me at any time through the contract."

Oh yeah! I have to ask more.

Dafei asked quickly, "Why are you stuck here?"

Lu Yan said: "Our dragons once had a scum called Samast-"

Samast! Dafei instantly dropped his chin! Let me go. I said that the name of Zavala is a little familiar. Isn't this Nima the book of the "Poisonous Dragon Zavala Breath" that Samast trained for Ista?

Just listen to Zavala continuing: "——His life is approaching, but his cowardly fear of death has turned himself into a Lich Dragon, which is an insult to the entire Dragon family! My task is to hunt and kill this scum. . But unfortunately, I eventually lost to him and sunk the corpse of the dragon, and died in the dragon tomb. Even if I was a hero, I could not be resurrected. I can only wait for the rescue of the warrior! "

What the hell! When it ’s time to report the grievance, do n’t let it hurt your brother to send him the task of defeating Samast. Female donor, brother, a part-time monk, wants to enlighten you.

Da Fei coughed, "I don't think a few people are not afraid of death. Perhaps there are many outstanding wishes in Samast? After all these years, he is no longer him, you are no longer you, you are still There's no need to chase him down, it's bothering you and me! "

Zavala sighed: "It is true that I am no longer the glorious hero who once was a dragon hero. I have been rescued by an adult and reborn, and my freshman will serve the adult!"

Haha, okay! Just wait for this sentence.

Da Fei asked again, "How do you resurrect?"

Zavala Shen said: "Actually, both living and undead are a form of living. In order to facilitate the service of adults, when my soul energy is strong enough, I will first shape a human shape, as for the dragon shape, I also need to study this issue. "

Da Fei nodded in surprise again and again: "Yes, yes, get the humanoid first!" Become a beautiful lady, or you can't serve my grown-up, wow ha ha ha!

Between talking, Da Fei's life and physical strength were restored and he should leave.

Dafei coughed: "Now we should go out. Do you have anything to prepare? For example, things to take away?" Don't tell my brother that you have no treasures as a dragon hero?

Zavala said excitedly: "I'm finally leaving. The only thing I want to take away is to recover my strength to support the enchantment. Please wait for me!"

What the hell! Really not! Needless to say, it must have been blown out by Sam Master. I said, wouldn't it be an artifact? If it's an artifact, it's hard to guarantee that Brother won't treat you as a friend.

At this time, the entire green hall began to fluctuate, and the green smoke of Zavala became stronger and stronger. Da Fei faintly saw a female human body in the green smoke. Yes, it was the same as the original Delder. Like Li, what he wants is effect.

Finally, the hall collapsed, and the scene changed, and Da Fei appeared on the sea floor again. The water resistance is large, and of course the buoyancy is also large, so it will be too easy to float up.

When Da Fei broke through the water, the whole fleet cheered and applauded. When Dafei introduced the green smoke to Zavala, the crowd was even more shocked.

Now the next goal is to challenge the King of Dragons. Ask Zavala to see if she can provide some information.

(Book friends, there are millions of recommended tickets right away, don't stop, vote up!) (To be continued, please search for floating literature, novels are better and faster!


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