God Rank Hero

Chapter 920: Divine Saisu

When I heard that the dragon was about to shoot, Dafei couldn't help but retreat the troops behind the ancient tree fortress.

Just then, a low voice came from Zavala in the mist: "I, I won't be able to hold on for long ...

For such a moment, Dafei hesitated! Shrink or rush?

However, the dragon apparently did not give Da Fei the time to think about it. I saw a flash of magic light on the silver armored dragon, and a shock wave shocked the audience.

——System Tip: The soul of Saysu uses the magic "space folding twist", and your entire army will be continuously killed by percentage!

Boom! !! !! The ancient tree fortress was shaken suddenly, a large -3000 damage came out suddenly, and then all the angels also shook suddenly, and the damage value of "-150!" And "-120!" Overhead jumped out.

Full magic attack! 5% blood loss? Let me go, there is no difference between this kind of fortress, there is no retreat! Da Fei immediately took out the abyss blood bottle and waved his hand: "The whole army is charging!"

More than 50 angels in the regiment rose up, and then hit an unknown existence in the air again, and the blood was raging again! Obviously, the distortion and dislocation of space will tear everything in space.

Da Fei said nothing to use today's free blood bottle first, Serbia's great healing technique flooded the audience, and the angel's blood volume stood up instantly.

Then Elina waved her hand, and the earthy light flashed on the silver dragon, and the figure shook with it, "-1631!"

Elina once played 10,000 damage in the arena and destroyed the six-headed snake. The god-level destruction and cracking technique only caused more than 1,000 points of damage to this silver dragon! How amazing the silver armor dragon's resistance is!

At this point, under the blood all the way, the angel army finally fluttered and still lie on the ground in front of Xiaolong! And to wait for this moment. Dafei clasped the second bottle of Dragon Blood Elixir tightly—use it!

——The system prompts: You have filled the abyss blood bottle with a bottle of dragon blood essence potion!

——The system prompts: You used an abyss blood bottle filled with dragon blood. Troop life recovered by 35%. You get Dragon Blood Stunts: Rage, Dragon Slay, Crush Smash, Tear Smash, Smash Smash. The current number of troops is 51, and the potion is at its highest effect.

Come on, brother has 3 more bottles!

The first row of force angel troops surrounded Xiaolong in all directions, and they waved the first sword that Da Fei placed with infinite hope!

Of course, Dafei knows that the angel's own attack of 100 has been increased by more than 300 strategic attacks. How shocking is the damage of angels approaching 100 base kills!

Even if its defense is comparable to the city wall, in the face of the various combat stunts that Brother takes medicine and artifacts, Brother will also tear you down. This is Brother's future soldier! If that doesn't work, no player can do it in a few years!

In addition, Dafei also fastened all the remaining 75 free attribute points on the attribute panel to the attack attributes. As long as the angel's attack is not good, Dafei will not hesitate to take all these 75 points in one breath. Add to the attack and go straight through the 400 mark! Originally, these attribute points were considered by Da Fei whether to add magic and knowledge.

Knife flashes!

"Miss!" "Miss!" "Miss!". . . A large row of misses whistled out from the dragon's head, and all of the dozen angels' wielding swords were missed!

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Is this the dodge of God? What the hell. My troops kept bleeding in the twisted space, but my brother couldn't touch his hair? This moment. Da Fei suddenly remembered the foolish golden cockroach that he had encountered in the ruins of the ancient city that year, how could he fight this?

A copy of Saisu's laughter came again in the copy: "Warrior. It is an amazing achievement to be able to overcome my dual realm and rush to me, but I think you can only stop there. I still I can give you a chance. Can you give up? If you don't give up, your loss may be unavoidable. "

——The system prompts: Soul of Saisu sends you a surrender request. May I surrender? Please reply within half a minute!

surrender! Brother actually has a chance to surrender? At this moment, the tears moved by Da Fei's eyes filled with tears. It turned out that the brother had the opportunity to retreat from his body. It turns out that this dragon is so nice! He is so caring about the player! No, this should be the setting for this game copy, right? Otherwise, the player's elite troops are really over, and the player may be on the roof!

At this moment, Elina was really surprised: "This is not dodge, it is a plane shift! He looks in our eyes, but it is actually in another space, we can't hit him at all!"

Dafei was shocked and said, "That is to say, we have to surrender?"

Elena said in a deep voice: "I am most afraid of surrendering!"

Saisu Haha laughed: "Actually, you still have the last solution. I don't have much energy. You can consume it with me! Can you stick to the end?"

Da Fei's heart beats, can brother's 3 bottles of medicine and Savala persist to the end? The question is, he gave the brother half a minute of surrender time, and his confidence was at least half a minute. Can the brother hold up for half a minute?

Alicia abruptly said: "No! I have a way to surrender if I fail!" After that, he pulled out a large hive: "Ancient tree fortress goes to the dragon immediately! This can reduce the loss of my bee colony!"

Dafei frowned, the long-lost hive? Does Alicia have to perform the stealth tricks of the bees?

Before he could think about it, Da Fei immediately waved his hand: "Nassier, fast!"

With Nasir's huge stride landing, Saisu could not help laughing: "Although I don't know what such a slow fortress can do, it's still quite disturbing. I'll just hide! Say, you can force me to move, you are the first of mortals! "

After speaking, the Silver Armor Dragon instantly disappeared from the encirclement of the angel, and then appeared at the edge of the hall!

Will teleport! Dafei everyone was in shock!

Saisu laughed: "Look, now I'm shrinking in the corner. You could have besieged me in the middle of the hall, but now you can only besiege me on both sides. Your chance of victory is even slimmer. Right, this is called Cards? "

——Ahhh! Da Fei spit old blood and squirted, your sister's position! There has always been only the position of the player Kapo ss. The player who is so bullying is actually bitten by the Boss. Is this to force the man to swallow himself?

At this moment, Alicia suddenly realized: "Corner? Go!" After a wave of hands, the bee colony in the whole hive buzzed out, flew out of the replica door in the center of the fortress, and flew out of the fortress into the hall ceiling Hundreds of honeys were torn into powder in the twisted space, but half of the bees still reached the ceiling, and then flew against the ceiling to Saisu in the corner, and the bee colony was no longer lost.

Da Fei could not help but hesitated: "This is it?"

Alicia said excitedly: "Although the entire hall's space was torn by its magical twist, the small space near the wall of the hall was not affected by its spell. Otherwise, the wall of the hall would also shake, but the wall Nothing on the surface means that there is a blind spot! "

Apparently, Alicia's words were heard by Saisu again. He laughed and said, "Amazing! Really amazing, okay, I will give you a chance. This time I will not teleport, I will see you as a bee. How about the dead? "

Alicia gritted her teeth excitedly: "Don't run, wait and see!"

Saisu laughed: "Guaranteed not to run!"

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly had a stunned feeling. Brother can always hear each other when he speaks in the fort. This is exactly a god-like opponent? The other party is obviously playing with the player. Otherwise, if he really does, he will not be killed by the future army? Moreover, the opponent is still the dead soul of a dead dragon, so how powerful he was during his lifetime can be imagined.

At this moment, Da Fei finally felt how ridiculous and hydrating the achievements of his Dragon Slayer and Divine Slayer were. Da Fei remembered Makar's message on his original note once again: "The closer I get to God, the more I feel small!"

What's so plausible is justified. In the future, brother will no longer claim to be a god-like man. Brother is far behind.

While talking, the swarm whistled against the wall and stuck Saisu.

Saisu smiled. "Are you sure your bees sting me?"

Alicia exclaimed, "Yeah, not Ding—Master, send troops to attack!"

I ca n’t wait to think about it. With a big wave of Da Fei, the angel army is flying against the corner with a drop of blood and slashing again with a silver armor dragon, not a big miss!

Alicia gritted her teeth: "Go ahead! Hold on!"

Believe in yourself, believe in brother's intelligent npc hero! Da Fei also gritted his teeth and held the third bottle of Dragon Blood Elixir in his hand-use it!

Saisu sighed: "Half a minute has passed. Although you are so good, it is a pity! To survive and develop in this world, it is not enough to be good by itself. The key is to be better than your opponents. Now I come Let me give you the last lesson, how to face failure! Many excellent people are more uplifted after failure, and many people are slumped after failure, which shows that the latter is not really excellent, so let me look forward to the next time with you Meet you— "

Da Fei's heart is cold, is he going to move? Alicia clenched her lips, and the sweat dripped from her face and frosted instantly!

And just then-clang! A crisp clash of swords rang through the hall! The bee-wrapped Saysu suddenly burst out with "-516!" "Dragon Strike -641!" Damage data!

Saisu's uncle's preaching came to an abrupt end: "Hey?"

Then the second angel was a knife again! "-571!" "One Dragon Slay -695!"

After a long while, Alicia yelled, "Success! I broke its plane and moved!"

Da Fei's surprise intersection: "Did you do that?"

Saisu could not help wondering: "Same question!"

Alicia laughed wildly: "If you give up, I'll tell you!"

(Book friends, do you still have tickets?) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!


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