God Rank Hero

Chapter 924: Wonderful Japan

The important large-scale event that the Xuewei Guild said was, of course, the action organized by the major guilds to help build the city. However, assistance in building a city is second, mainly by the various military forces to explore the unknown map from the various exits of the space of God.

Although the official general offensive will be carried out tomorrow morning, the preparations for the early arrival of the stars have begun in the space of God's Realm. That is, the members of the Star try to hoard the troops around the edge of each scene, digging fortifications and refusing horses. This is the battlefield fortification skill of the lord system, which allows the player's troops to defend against danger in the wild, and also to transport in the back. The team acts as a cover.

Although Divine Space is a maze with constantly changing scenes, an effective and rude way to break the maze is to fill it with the sea of ​​people. As long as any part of the maze is full of people, the maze is not a maze. This is the power of the Super Guild.

At the same time, the high-end players of the Dragon Slain Guild did not relax, and the library's data collection progressed again, and the haunting area of ​​the Kerong tribe narrowed the search scope again.

However, for players, the big side wasteland is an unknown area. It is absolutely impossible for a large army to crash like a headless fly in such a wide area. Therefore, the most elite players must be the pioneers of pathfinder. The pioneer of Tulong exploring is Chang Liang.

Ever since Tu Long bought the scroll of Da Fei's blood-sucking skills, Chang Liang's orc id "Tyrannosaurus Rex", who has a special skill of "King of All Armies", really does not really want to play this novel. Especially for orcs, problems cannot be solved without force.

After this period of development, Chang Liang has reached its limit. The so-called limit is not to conquer the entire area and how much money it earns, this is not what Chang Liang's players should do. All he needs to do is explore. Continuous development. Tyrannosaurus resigned to a team member to continue to develop in place.

So this time exploring the road. The number given to Chang Liang by the guild is an ordinary number specializing in logistic skills, and then learned all kinds of reconnaissance and all basic combat skills. Yes, for ordinary players, skill points are always a big problem, but for financially strong guilds, it is nothing more than eating skill books.

And this ordinary number also has something unusual, that is, the unit he carries, Shadow Wolf. One can sneak. It has super strong power and super high physical strength, and can search for special arms through olfactory hearing. This is both a reconnaissance force and a terrible assassination force.

Immediately after the expedition, Ma Yinglong called Chang Liang to the office again, and poured Chang Liang a glass of wine himself: "Don't!"

Chang Liang could not help but sip a smile and said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Ma Yinglong shook his head and sighed: "When I was a kid, I watched TV and saw the emperor give a toast to the toast. I have always been very touched. This is not just a ritual. It is because of the backwardness of ancient information. As soon as the troops go out, they can only watch the general The emperor is worried at home and can only wait. "

Chang Liang said with a loud voice: "The legendary military order will be unacceptable."

Ma Yinglong nodded: "Exactly, so this glass of wine means that you are solely responsible for this operation, and I will never ask, do not direct!"

Chang Liang was startled and said, "Brother, **** is old and spicy. In case I make a mistake, you just watch it behind your back?"

Ma Yinglong grinned: "Even if it is wrong, but as long as it is performed correctly, it will be wrong and wrong, maybe there will be unexpected surprises. Well, there is another reason is that my personality has been pinpointed by my old friends at home and abroad. Now, this feeling is very bad, so I will let you young people go to the sea and sky. "

Chang Liang said aloud: "I see. Then I can only ask my brother to be assured."

Ma Yinglong nodded: "Also, this operation is best done within 9 days, that is, before the opening of the National War Zone. This is the difference between having a hole card and no hole card. Now the Japanese area does not know what to toss, and it has not completely changed the country. When it comes to the battle zone, this is to have a hole card and no fear. Although they are funny, sometimes the most troublesome is this kind of teasing, because you can only understand this group of teasing by turning yourself into teasing, which has always been painful. Thing. I don't want to make them trouble for us. "

"Understood, I will go all out, but I will first explain to my brother my action plan this time, my plan is to go three-way pathfinder team ..." ......

Japan, Mitsubishi Team Command.

Regarding how to enter the city of magical punishment, the Mitsubishi team no longer needs to struggle too much. The advantage of the 15 lord class members of the Mitsubishi team is that they can directly meet the demon king, the top authority npc equivalent to the human emperor, then Take advantage of yourself.

The Mitsubishi team has only identified one. As long as the non-stop missions released by the demon king and the trust of the demon king are obtained, all problems are not a problem. Although the four large-scale copies of yesterday were beaten down, the biggest gain was to obtain the great praise of the demon king, then only need to continue to win praise.

Now the remaining time of absolute doom has entered the countdown, and the completion of another difficult task that is against the clock is another demon king Long Yan Dayue. The friendship has reached its peak, and there is nothing to talk about with npc to reach this friendship.

The doom knight who Captain Tsukamoto personally began to make no time to ask: "Master Devil, we feel we need to challenge a wider and more difficult battlefield, and we want to go to the battlefield of the city of **** punishment and pull out that disgusting angel fortress."

But what is surprising is that the demon king really looked dark and unhappy: "The battlefield of the city of magic is the battlefield that the marbas demon is in charge of, and you do not need to intervene. You are carefully cultivated by the king. Warrior, what did you do for him in the past? Nothing else can be mentioned about this! "

Mitsubishi Command was dumbfounded! I thought it was a matter of course that got stuck at the last minute? It turns out that there is also a dispute over the interests of the devil kings?

At this moment, the legs and feet of Igarashi, who had been up all night for two nights, flickered and said, "Think of it, we must think of it! Our second step failed, but the third step cannot fail anyway. No matter what Any way. We must achieve our goals! "

For a time. The Mitsubishi team talked a lot and expressed their opinions.

Soon, Captain Tsukamoto immediately had an idea: "In the final analysis, this is also for the sake of balance. So the city of divine punishment can only enter the weak alliance of the bright side, and the **** player of the strong siege cannot enter. But if Is this balance broken? "

Killer Guan Bai was surprised: "We can never train the Bright Alliance Crusaders to fight back the siege forces of the siege as in the EU?"

Tsukamoto immediately said: "It is the EU! The balance of the EU has been broken!"

At this moment, Igarashi also returned to God: "And our **** race is a race with inter-regional combat capabilities. Can we cross-region to the EU ?!"

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth and said, "This is the only feasible idea!"

Igarashi excitedly said, "Whether it works or not. Try it out!"

So, under the expectation of the whole team, the Doom Knight once again spoke to the demon king: "Your Majesty, but the battlefield of the city of punishment in the Europa plane has collapsed. If we help them in the past, we can get the praise of the devil to take care of the whole situation. It will also increase your reputation! "

The demon king suddenly returned to God, and could not help but clap his hands and praised it: "It makes sense! You are truly the warriors carefully cultivated by the king. Well, just do it!"

——System Tip: You are eligible for cross-regional support for the European Union ’s City of Divine Punishment. Please prepare for the cross-region expedition within half an hour!

Can really cross the zone! Looking at the 15 pieces of system information on the screens, the Mitsubishi team cheered! But after a short cheer, the players returned to God again-this just proves that **** players can also go to the city of **** punishment. But we are going to the city of gods and punishments in this area. Why go to the EU? Fight against players in the EU? Wasting time doesn't make any sense, it's just Baga!

Tsukamoto said anxiously, "Your Majesty, when can we go to the city of gods and punishments on our plane?"

The Devil Haha laughed wildly: "Warrior, don't understand this simple principle? If you can stabilize the situation in the Europa battlefield, or even pull out the angel fortress in the Europa battlefield, you will receive huge feats from the devil, and your king will also The demon **** promotes and replaces the marbas demon king who has been inactive in the battlefield of the city of punishment of the plane. At that time, all areas of the plane will be opened by you. Hurry up and prepare the troops. Warriors, the king believes in your Capability can do it! "

——The system prompts: you get the cross-region quest "Reversing the situation on the battlefield of Europa's city of punishment"!

Really sent a mission! At this moment, the Mitsubishi team was dumbfounded again, and it really turned into a confrontation with players in the European Union!

Igarashi helped lift glasses: "Lords, is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth: "The demon king said it makes sense. If the road ahead of us does not advance, we will retreat! I suggest taking this task. Players in the EU cannot be our opponents!"

Igarashi Shen said, "Even if you turn your face with your EU allies?"

Everyone said: "They are not allies at all. They sell artifacts to the Chinese Dafei in the back, hoping to use the hand of Dafei to deal with us in the National War Zone. It is time to take this opportunity to teach them!"

Igarashi made up his mind: "Okay, princes, prepare troops and supplies, and prepare to attack!"

At 4:00 pm Beijing time, 5:00 pm Tokyo time, and 9:00 am London time, UK, the city of the European Union.

Sudden area information, and all EU Crusaders who are casually searching for enemies outside the city are uproar:

——Shenzhen City of Penalties area information: The national war in the region of Shenzhai City is about to start! 15 players from Japan ’s player ’s clothing department, killing off Guan Bai, Echigo Dragon, right and left of the gun ... wait for 15 players to enter the battlefield!

Coming home again? How could it be Japan? At this moment, there was an uproar in the European Union, and then at the next moment, the world was uproar.

At this time, Chang Liang and Ma Yinglong, who were explaining the path exploration plan, also received such an incredible news.

Ma Yinglong stunned, then patted his head: "Did you see it? I feel really old, and I can't understand the Japanese at all."

Chang Liang also said quietly: "Maybe this is the realm of amusement, it is really terrible ..." (to be continued ...)


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