God Rank Hero

Chapter 931: Achievements to boost morale in China

At 20:00, guided by Siren Siren, Da Fei's fleet sailed peacefully in the dark underground ice.

Another day is about to pass, Dafei looks forward to the learning results of the past day.

——System Tip: If you sail in special seas for more than 5 days, you and your team heroes will gain the additional experience of “nautical training” of the god-level navigator skill + 120,000, and your team will gain additional growth potential!

——System Tip: Your follower of the Ista ’s potential has increased, and you have learned the first chapter of “Dragon Dragon Zavara Dragon Breath” and successfully learned the skills of primary poisoning.

Da Fei frowned, originally thinking that the dancers would learn to heal, but Istara realized! And Ista learned so long before she realized that the dancers want to understand the healing technique is not so simple. Alright, go and congratulate Ista.

Da Fei came to the bar of the shining wings, at this time the dancers were still practicing meditation under the guidance of Hilda, and the human form of Elefier continued to treat everyone.

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Seeing Da Fei appear, Hildahaha laughed: "Master, Lord, don't worry, this kind of thing is more urgent and more impossible, so let's practice for a while."

Hey, even npc knows the essence of the brother navigator. Dafei laughed and said, "Hurry up!"

Just then, Ista, who had been away for a few days, appeared excitedly holding the book: "Master, Lord, I succeeded! I finally successfully learned skills!"

Dafei laughed: "Congratulations! Let's applaud!"

Just as everyone was applauding, a voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Familiar with the breath of objects!"

Da Fei suddenly stunned. Is it Savara? Da Fei hurriedly took out the fragment of the godhead on his body: "Zawara. Are you awake?"

A shimmering green light from the **** fragment: "I was awakened by the breath of familiar objects. I didn't expect my objects in my life to be in the hands of the Lord."

Da Fei laughed, "That's a long story. By the way, you're awake, can you guide this Ista to learn your skills? She used to have a foundation and now she understands it again."

Zavala laughed: "No problem. When I was in the past, I thought about writing this book like the famous ancestors, and now I think it's too superficial, so I'll leave it to this young lady. Well, I will mention her personally. "

Ista was delighted: "Thank you Miss Dragon!"

Wa hahaha. Brother's classes are getting more and more prosperous! Da Fei also exulted: "By the way, I'm telling Miss Zavala the good news. I have collected a lot of dragon bloodstones that can be used to reshape your body. Do you know how to reshape it? The perpetual motion of the city of punishment No? "

Hildahaha laughed: "Of course the perpetual motion will not work, then the machine will only absorb energy."

Zavala was suddenly pleased: "This kind of thing is really too profound, but the Lord Lord can go to the city of the wizard to ask, there are advanced equipment, and many god-level wizards have received the guidance of Lord Saisu, the master Now that they have been approved by Saisu, those divisions should meet their masters unexpectedly. But now, adults, do n’t worry, I ’m not in good shape with Saisu ’s personality. In this case, there is no way to reshape. ”

Da Fei said, "That's it! No problem, I'll implement it as soon as I'm busy and stable."

at this time. There was a call from Siren Siren from outside: "Master, the exit is about to arrive. The owner will appear on the edge of the Siren family's iceberg canyon. Please prepare for it!"

Is there an exit? Da Fei immediately gave God Fragment to Istar: "Study hard, keep working hard!"

Ista greeted with excitement: "I must live up to my host's expectations!"

Now Da Fei came to the deck, and it turned out that there was a huge vortex gate shining on the dark black sea ahead. It turns out that you have to enter the vortex gate here. Then there is nothing to say, the whole ship is ready for battle.

Then the fleet entered the Vortex Gate, the scene was dark, and the system prompted a bang:

——System prompt: Please wait patiently while the scene is loading!

——System Tip: You have completed the mapping of a part of the mysterious dragon tomb, and your portable notes recorded the geographical features of the area.

——System Tip: Congratulations! You are the first player in the world to completely complete the Dragon Tomb Explorer, gain the achievement "Dragon Tomb Explorer", the army morale +1, damage +1, life +1, physical strength +10, all heroic command power +300 , Hero Health +50. Is your achievement publicly available in the world? Achievements publicly You will gain +5000 World Reputation and a World Hall of Fame ranking.

Following Saishu's prestigious achievement, there is another achievement! Dafei couldn't help but be surprised. He turned out to be in the dragon tomb for more than two days. Such a big scene with the torture of Siren's Song, is this the rhythm of deliberately trying to kill ordinary players?

Then there is nothing to say, although Brother wants to be low-key and does not want to over-stimulate players in the new area. But world reputation is an important bridge for communication between brother and hostile npc. It is necessary, so sorry-open!

——China World Announcement: Warm congratulations! Chinese player Da Fei successfully explored the Dragon Tomb for the first time and completed the achievement "Dragon Tomb Explorer"!

——World Announcement: Warm congratulations! Chinese players fly ...

The world is boiling again! Flying, flying again!

At this moment, the players of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce hanging in Hongming Village cheered. The soldiers haha ​​laughed and patted, and they have been pretending to be a fisherman from outside the world. At this moment, they are indeed shocked by the feathers of the phoenix: "Young man, do your best and try to catch the flying brother!"

In addition, several foreign red-named players who were fishing couldn't help but give thumbs up to the players of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce: "Boss fly, good!"

The soldier laughed: "It's Boss flying, god!"

Foreign players laughed: "Yeah! God, God!"

At this time, the big guilds who had been preparing for the "National Games" in the Chinese region were shocked by the big guilds, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and morale soared.

Especially the ancient stars feel more complicated. For Da Fei, he was jealous, unhappy and helpless from beginning to end, but at this moment, the ancient star really felt a relaxed burden on his body-yes, no matter how bad the current international situation in China is, but as long as there is a big Flying this player beyond the imagination is at the forefront, then the problem in China is no longer a problem. It is time to give the foreign area a headache. It is time to remind the foreign area that Da Fei can play with the terrorist power of the EU alone.

By the way, patronizing with shock and ease, what exactly is the Dragon Tomb?

For a while, all parties who had friends with Da Fei, including Xue Sha, who was behind closed doors at the Elf Academy, offered condolences to Da Fei. And Da Fei will always return to the group directly: "During the **** battle, thank you for your attention!"

At this time, just congratulated Dafei on the guild channel for his successful smile and smiled at the Seven Sea Overlord, the cold-blooded glacier, and the magic jelly. The players laughed, "Feige is still busy and has no time to say what the Dragon Tomb is. However, it must be published on the World Channel worldwide, which is similar to the achievement of Dragon and God. "

Bai Huasha laughed: "I think you guys are also very good. Otherwise, I recommend you guys also apply to join the guild? Fei Ge is now happy, most of them are fine."

The Seven Seas Overlord rebuffed: "Two different things, in good welfare can not catch up with their freedom. But friendly cooperation with your guild is absolutely no problem."

Magic Jelly hurriedly laughed: "It's mainly because we are also preparing to establish a union, so I'm very sorry."

Baihuasha laughed and laughed: "Oh, it doesn't matter, I understand your mood!"

Just then, the invincible Viagra, who had been mute during the journey, suddenly said coldly, "If I were you, I would never miss this opportunity that others cannot ask for. The so-called freedom and freedom are all laziness and escape Excuse. "

Everyone was on the spot.

Invincible Viagra continued coldly: "Only when someone has been trampled on by someone else can they know the importance of strength and power. When you have the strength, let's talk about freedom."

The atmosphere at the scene instantly became awkward and weird, Yan Yan smiled and Bai Hua killed staring at the invincible Viagra, this is completely changed?

In shock, everyone in the Seven Seas Overlord had a cough: "The brothers make sense, this, we will consider it carefully."

Bai Huasha immediately laughed and laughed: "Okay, now, the fishing nets and boats have been repaired, ready to go, almost to the destination."

Fire Dragon Island at this time. Lunar Night, who has been here for several days while playing, is coming back and forth to do leg-run tasks, and has initially won the favor of the Fire Dragon Island Dwarf.

When seeing this world message, Luna Night couldn't help but look to the north in shock, and then asked the dwarf general Bator in front of him: "General, do you know the dragon tomb?".

Bartou could not help looking to the north with a sense of wonder: "I don't know the Dragon Tomb, but I know who among our Alliance warriors can conquer the Dragon Tomb. This is the blessing of our Alliance!"

Luna Night said immediately, "General, we can't fall behind, please post harder tasks to me."

The general nodded his head and said, "Yes, we have to work harder. You have also shown extraordinary talent these days. Ordinary tasks cannot satisfy you, so I will give you a difficult task to clean up the volcano. The demon spider in the hive, the demon has infiltrated our pit through the underground volcanic channel, and we must be fully alert. "

Luna Night said suddenly: "Volcano Hive?"

The general laughed: "It's incredible? There are large spore forests in our volcanic tunnels, and the temperature is very suitable. We can cultivate unique poison bees and robe honey with strong anti-toxic effect. If you do well, , We will consider giving you a share! "

Luna Ye widened his eyes: "Share?"

The general laughed: "Leave, I'll take you to see." (To be continued ...)


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