God Rank Hero

Chapter 940: Siege of Venom

At 23 o'clock in the evening, the first dawn of the sky in the game ushered in the sky, and another day passed.

——System Tip: If you sail in special seas for more than 6 days, you and your team heroes will gain the extra experience of the “nautical training” skill of navigator + 640,000, and your team will gain additional growth potential!

At this point, the Feixiang had completed the biochemical roundabout of the island overnight, and the open sea of ​​dozens of islands had become black and red. And poisonous blood has begun to infiltrate the ocean floor and into the archipelago. Tens of thousands of Naga troops in the archipelago have nowhere to go unless they can fly. Unfortunately, their only weakness is their inability to fly.

It's time to close the net!

At this time, the Naga forces in the archipelago finally realized that the situation was not good, and began to make a panic call. Dafei sighed a long time, this is really damaging. But it does n’t hurt to be good enough, you just appoint it, who told me it ’s a game.

So Dafei waved his hand, and Feixiang was another teleportation. This time, Feixiang appeared directly in the central waters of the archipelago. Then the "valve" was fully opened, tons of poisonous blood rushed out, and the whole sea was boiling, and a lot of fishermen and lobsters who were too late to escape instantly died!

Then countless fishermen and lobstermen sea monsters, Naga soldiers swam to nearby islands to hide. Now they can't escape at all, and they have become Weng Zhongzhi completely!

At this moment, looking at the numerous fish heads on each island, Dafei was excited! This is all experience!

Then there is nothing to say, Da Fei immediately returned to the city to call the Shining Wing, and the Emerald Dragon cleared the field.

At this time, the shadow of Siren who had been watching for a night couldn't help but tremble: "What kind of poison are you?"

Finally know that you're scared? If only that effect! Da Fei said lightly: "Hydra venom. Not seven. Not eight. But nine!"

Ghost Shen cried, "That's it!"

Da Fei couldn't help but sigh, in front of the npc that knows everything but deliberately installed the unknown system, there is no real pleasure in installing it. If there are a few high-end players watching the battle of brother, then marvel at the few In the end, I have to think about it. In short, take a picture of the video, the other day sent to the forum to pretend to force, the kind of subscription for a fee.

right now. Da Fei's fleet approached the first small island with turbulent heads, and the crossbow guns exploded. The fish crowd within the range of the coast fell down piece by piece. As for the targets that the crossbow guns could not reach on the island, there was nothing to do. That said, Nasir landed crushed! The angel legion cleared the field!

massacre! The side-by-side crushing slaughter, the whole island was blurred with flesh and blood, in this situation, Da Fei could not bear to look directly.

——System prompt: the battle is over! You gain +360,000 experience, you gain +6 for the Naga Warrior Seashell Medal, and you find +17 copies of Battle Loot Pearls. Gem +45, coral +16. Dried fish +23 units, wood +17 units, stone +11 units.

-Medal of the Naga Warrior Haibei: The badge of the Naga Warrior who died in battle is proof of the killing of the Naga Warrior.

Dafei frowned, in stock! However, the "earning" and "discovering" of the loot are completely different things. If you find them, you need to carry them, and you need to load them by trucks. It's okay, then hurry up and drive the tuna, which is responsible for leak detection and transportation. More ships are good.

At this time, looking at the flesh and blood of the island, Tamilia was excited and said, "Master, this is all nourishment! Just to make up for the loss of venomous blood discharged from the space of Sheng Teng."

That's right, brother can still move the body! Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Clear the market immediately!"

As a result, the space of the Holy Vine of the Flyer opened the space door again, and the angel vine monsters, like busy bees, continuously dropped hundreds of corpses into the space door.

That's right, Da Fei is in full control of the situation at this time. He is not in a hurry to kill, is not afraid of the other party running, and is not afraid of the other party calling for reinforcements.

In the spare time, Da Fei took out the badges of the six Naga warriors who had just obtained and asked, "Miss You, what's the use of this?"

Ghostly said: "This can be used to exchange reputation and supplies in our tribe. But until the warrior gains our trust, my tribe will not trade with the warrior."

Da Fei laughed, "Look, now the situation will be fixed and tens of thousands of enemy troops will be allowed to be killed by us. I am afraid this result is far beyond your expectations?"

Ghost sighed, "You really left me speechless."

Dafei was surprised: "What's wrong?"

Phantom sighed: "Our ultimate goal is to completely capture this sea of ​​abundant fisheries, but if you make this area into a completely barren dead zone, we are worthless even if we finally win."

What the hell! If you ca n’t get out of the door, dare to say the ultimate goal? Da Fei sighed: "Actually, you should think like this, don't let Naga get what you can't get, so I've satisfied you, can't you call it wrong anyway?"

Ghost yelled, "Yeah, thinking about it, I feel more comfortable."

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "That's it, people shouldn't be too entangled, everything should be considered in a positive and healthy direction."

Ghost finally smiled: "I finally started to appreciate you, yes, the middle-level Naga you were looking for finally appeared, and was stuck on the small island in front of me! I can't wait to see these so-called noblena The warrior was crushed into a meatloaf in despair! "

Finally appeared? Da Fei hurriedly approached the blood eagle, and on the island in front of the fish head, she saw three six-armed naga with tall and mighty dragon heads and human tails, a pair of spears, a pair of sword shields, and a pair of Holding the two swords, she was really powerful and domineering! But how domineering, in the face of brother Nasir's giant tank, you are still crushed cargo.

At this moment, An Weier next to Da Fei spoke: "The Kraken said that I am not an opponent of these intermediate fighters, and I want to try their strength! Please let the adults allow me."

Da Fei frowned, and as an arm of the army took the initiative to speak, this is the rhythm that triggers the plot! Is this the rhythm to be advanced? Yes, there are only three, and the small number does not form a group advantage. Then let them train the angels to practice their skills. I also want to see how good the intermediate fighters are.

Fei Fei nodded: "Okay, you will get on after our army clears the island's miscellaneous soldiers."

An Weier cheered up, "I see!"

and many more! Da Fei suddenly felt something wrong? Well, no matter how much, I feel that the corpses on this island should be evacuated first. Seeing those busy angels, Dafei suddenly remembered something wrong! The other angels are working hard. Why doesn't An Weier go?

Dafei hurriedly turned around to see that not only did An Weier not go, Nalxia also did not go too!

Big flying eggs are broken! Let me go. It turns out that these two goods are lazy! This Nima is definitely going to be an advanced rhythm, right? But the more advanced you are, the more sly it is, which really hurts your brother?

Big Feiji's big hand waved: "Time is tight, please hurry and help!"

An Weier and Nalxia then reluctantly said, "I see."

It's really uneasy, Dafei couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. But for some reason, the feeling of something wrong is still lingering! Worried that the angel can't beat the middle-order Naga?

Da Fei continued to stare at Naga carefully, until Naga's sword flashed in the sunlight!

Dafei suddenly realized that Brother finally knew what was wrong! So Dafei hurriedly asked, "Miss Hidden Shadow, is Naga a sea tribe? Where did their swords come from? They made it themselves?"

Phantom said, "Of course not, this is made by their human slaves. By the way, because Naga is a sea tribe, their swords rust and rot quickly, and Naga is strong, as long Slightly decayed swords are likely to collapse, so the Naga clan ’s demand for sword weapons is quite large. And the advanced forged slaves enjoy the treatment of the Naga clan very well! "

Da Fei realized again: "That is to say, iron ore and sword are the most urgently needed resources of Naga?"

Shadow faintly said, "Maybe."

That's it! This is a business opportunity! Maybe brother can do arms sales with Naga. Brother must be worthy of his position as a future arms transporter! However, if brother really wants to do business with Naga in the future, is it really good to accumulate hatred with such a big kill now?

At this moment, under the busyness of the angel vine demon, the corpses and materials of Mandao were completely empty. An Weier couldn't wait to come forward: "Master, strike!"

Then don't be tangled, first deal with the pain in front of you! As long as my brother hurts Naga, and then leans back against the Siren force to further make Naga jealous, it may be more conducive to future negotiations and cooperation.

Now, the fleet arrived at the island where the three middle-ranking naga were located. After several rounds of coastal artillery came down, they first cleared the mermaid lobster on the shore.

At this time, it should have been cleared by Parnashir's landing, but Dafei suddenly hesitated. As soon as Nasir landed, these three people who did not know whether to die or rushed to dismantle the tank will not affect the competition between the angel and the opponent. ?

At this moment, a weird scene appeared, and the three Naga warriors roared in unison, and the remaining fishmen slaves and lobster warriors of the whole island bowed to the ground, and then the three naga warriors had six arms. Qi Qiwei began to slay these kneeling slaves frantically, and every time a slave was slaughtered, a red light came out of the slave and entered Naga's body.

Dafei exclaimed: "What are you doing?"

The shadow was positive: "Intermediate warriors gain the power of Poseidon at the cost of sacrificing slaves. The more slaves sacrificing, the stronger the combat effectiveness!"

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Can the sacrificed slaves of Nima still use fertilizer?

In a blink of an eye, the three Naga's bodies became more and more red, their body size became larger and larger, and the speed of wielding the sword and moving faster and faster, even giving Da Fei the illusion that each other was waving an electric fan!

This can fight! ?

(For monthly tickets, recommended tickets ~~) (To be continued, please search for floating literature, novels are better updated faster!


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