God Rank Hero

Chapter 942: Mission blame is not enough

With the killing of three middle-ranked Naga fighters, Siren Shadow couldn't help but admire: "Warrior, maybe you should also feel that, under normal circumstances, it is one to kill a powerful Naga fighter It ’s such a difficult thing, but you did it. Maybe you can create even more brilliant results, for example, every other week Naga will send a transport team to deliver supplies, and the next supply is two days later. "

Dafei frowned: "That's it! Got it!"

Siren Shadow smiled: "I'll wait and see."

No wonder I always feel that the goods on the island have not been harvested much. Fortunately, anyway, mid-level Naga soldiers cooperated with me to clear the field. In two days, clearing dozens of small islands in this area was completely difficult.

Now, Tamilia can't wait to bring the bodies of the three gods Naga into the Sacred Vine Space, and then start to look at the corpse of the fishmen who were chopped to death by Naga.

Dafei asked quickly, "Can you eat?"

Tamillah sighed, "It's a dead body, it's worthless."

Da Fei said, "Either way, we can save it."

Now, after the fleet has collected the loot, they start to clear the third island next to the field. This island has no middle-order naga, and they are all ordinary mermaids and ordinary naga.

This time Dafei began to struggle, killing it and not having much experience with oil and water, but also wasting time to move. Don't kill, uneasy in your heart. This Nima is obsessive-compulsive disorder, there is no way to cure it!

Then nothing is said, anyway, my brother's angel, the vine demon, the siren, and those who can transport the corpse by air are still enough, so quickly make a decision. This time, there is no need to adjust the fleet to shoot the coast gun. waste time. Be bold this time. Landed directly on the ancient tree and ran across. The angel cleared, and the Kraken Fujiemon rear fire support.

The side-by-side slaughter began again, and the dozen or so Naka warriors in the school of fish who commanded slaves to fight were indeed very eye-catching. Anyway, the damage of these ordinary mermaids is almost negligible. Da Fei, an impatience with direct blood eagle petrochemical aura, decelerates and opens, and the angel troops flutter and decapitate.

The dozens of ordinary four-armed Naga also immediately formed a group to fight against the angel's attack. There were also various parries and blocks, but the frequency of appearance was far less exaggerated than the three divine Naga and the attack speed was not as fast as the angel. In short, it is not a grade at all, chopping vegetables and harvesting.

Just then, the system prompts a jingle:

——The system prompts: 164 Murloc slaves are afraid of your force and willing to submit to you. May I accept it?

Dafei frowned, I pulled it! I haven't played a low-end game for a long time, and I have forgotten the glorious years when I once compiled thousands of witches on a large scale! That is to say, as long as my brother killed a few of the overlord's Naga warriors, the slaves naturally surrendered!

Yes, the loyalty of the slave armies is generally low. In particular, the first-class soldier brother Brin of the Orcs is a shame and shame for the Orcs, as long as they are maimed on the battlefield. It is not impossible for them to surrender. However, the level 1 orcs of the orcs are the important food for sacrifices of the level 4 soldiers, and the important sharpening meat for the level 5 orc slaughters to enhance the bloodthirsty. This situation should be similar to the situation of the fishmen slaves of the Naga.

There is nothing to say right now. In the face of the four strong masters of diplomacy in Brother ’s team, surrender was a wise choice, and Brother was too lazy to take the time to kill them—accept.

At such an instant, the names of the mermaids on the island turned green, and then they knelt down and worshiped.

——System prompt: the battle is over! You accepted the surrender of the Murloc Slave Warriors, and 164 Slave Warriors joined your team. You gain +160,000, and you gain +11 for the Naga Warrior Seashell Medal. You find +16 for battle loot pearls, +31 for gems, +32 for corals, and +12 for dried fish. . .

And looking at so many slaves out of thin air, Da Fei's heart beats, this is the rhythm of doing big things! Dafei hurriedly checked the properties:

——Mermaid Slave Warrior: Small-sized marine creature, attack 2, defense 1, damage 1-3, life 16, attack speed 12, movement speed 12, physical strength 130, command value 1, stunt: marine life, material water transportation.

Water supplies: Murloc slaves can transport 1 share in the water.

This is the attribute of slave warriors. On the whole, it is much better than the human level 1 pikemen, especially the health value has reached the level of the level 2 zombie, and it is worthy of the characteristics of the thick blood of marine life. As for his stunt is water transportation, rather than the key skill "production" of the 0th level soldier, it is very telling.

That is to say, these mermaids have low intelligence, do not have production capacity, and cannot be used as 0-level soldiers of other races, and Fei Fei cannot help but be slightly disappointed. However, if you can both produce and fight, that's my brother's nirvana, Fujino. How could Murloc compare to Fujimon?

In short, no matter how much, since they surrendered, let them be placed in situ, and leave the food on the island to them. It is important to clear the time.

So, after quickly completing the transportation of resources and corpses, the fleet set off again for the next target, but this time the target was not disappointed. There were 5 middle-ranked Naga fighters on the island. These five soldiers once again launched a wild killing ring, sacrificing slaves and lobsters across the island to complete the mutation.

well! What Dafei wants is this effect. Under Dafei's absolute superiority, 3 and 5 are actually the same.

It was another round of observations that began and then ended, and it was a long line of experience, loot, god-level offense, and master-level defense.

From the beginning, the battle was destined to have no suspense. The next thing is to clear the field from one island to another, collect, and observe. The flying mermaid slaves rolled like snowballs to thousands. But this number is not worth mentioning relative to the total number of Naga, and further efforts are needed.

The time was unknowingly at midnight in the sparring, and the day passed in the game.

——System Tip: If you sail in special seas for more than 7 days, you and your team heroes will gain the additional experience of “nautical training” of God-level navigator skills + 840,000, and your team will gain additional growth potential!

Then there is a large row of system prompts appearing on the screen:

——System Tip: Your follower Tamilla successfully upgraded to level 42!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Elina has successfully upgraded to level 43!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Alicia successfully upgraded to level 47!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Serbia successfully upgraded to level 49!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Katerina has successfully upgraded to level 48!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your Deputy Hero Deirdre successfully upgraded to level 48!

Following the Tomb of Saisulong. The whole family is upgraded again! In this sleepy midnight. This is undoubtedly the good news that inspired Da Fei's spirit.

The whole family has been promoted two levels. Only the flying 50-level thunder can't move. This is not only harder to upgrade after level 50, but also because Da Fei has two contract angels and a contract dragon family has been eating Da Fei's experience. According to this momentum, it is estimated that all the heroes of Dafei are at level 50, and Dafei may still be at level 50.

But it doesn't matter. The key is that Deirdre hastily reached level 50. Now Deirdre is still an incomplete hero, but her attributes are not weaker than normal heroes. If she is officially promoted to a hero, will God know if her attributes will be a step up?

So don't be lazy. It is important to hurry up and level up. After a day of sweeping yesterday, there are only a dozen islands left in the sea. There is plenty of time.

At this time, Dafei ’s fleet was in front of the largest island in the sea area, and the island was also full of dense fish-man slaves, but the difference was that there was a stone cave on the island!

Stone cave, this is the connotation! Dafei hurriedly asked Siren Shadow: "This island seems different !?"

The shadow of Siren Shen said: "Yes, this is the headquarters of General Naga who is in charge of this area, but his strength is absolutely beyond your imagination, and it is not the sacrifice of Poseidon you just dealt with. Paratroopers can compare. I don't recommend you to challenge. "

Da Fei's heart is tight, is it the legendary high-level eight-armed samurai? Or the hero Naga? In fact, the eight arms don't matter. The key is that there is a stone cave there. Brother's tank can't be driven in. The angel troops probably can't start the siege. It can't be beaten at all!

Let me go! Brothers have finally enrolled chemical nuclear weapons, and they have already said they want to wipe them out. In the end, even the most important bosses have been let go. Isn't this a pain? I have obsessive-compulsive disorder now.

However, Siren was right. He refused to listen to the old man and suffered a loss. I let them go first, and after I finished the task, I won the trust of the Siren family, and I could use the medal and the Siren family to trade in and exchange equipment-yes, I think their ice armor is quite good. According to the urine of the game, it is definitely a special equipment for improving the singing effect.

However, Serbia does not have good armor. It is not a problem to always use Elina's output magic equipment. When Serbia is equipped, it will sing to harass the general, or after it has gained the trust of Siren, Siren can also send troops to help clear up .

That's it. As a result, the Dafei fleet bypassed the largest island and began to pay off the remaining dozen islands.

Clearing the payment is very smooth, but Da Fei found something wrong. Although there are many fishmen on the remaining island, there are not many Naga warriors, and there are fewer intermediate warriors!

Hey Hey hey! Is there anything wrong? The mission on the island is not enough! Brother's mission is still 21 people short!

Dafei hurriedly said: "Miss Hidden, what's going on? Don't you say that there are more than 100 mid-level fighters in this area, is there any redundancy?"

The shadow sighed for a while and couldn't help but sigh: "When the poisonous blood crisis occurs, General Naga's normal response should be to concentrate as many elite warriors as possible in the sea area around him, that is, the warrior, You have to face this General Naga and his remaining elite army! "

——Ahhh! A big mouthful of old blood spurted out! Cheng is also poisonous, and the pit is also poisonous! It ’s good to not have this fun!

(Recommended tickets, monthly tickets ~~) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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