God Rank Hero

Chapter 944: Encounter wanted

Tamilia picked 3 small fruits from the vine branch and put them in a water glass, and solemnly handed it to Ista: "Sacred vine has only 3 fruits, use with caution!"

Zavala laughed: "Rest assured, this poisonous fruit can be described as a hundred poisonous essence, maybe one is enough, but in order to ensure the smooth tactics, by the way, Ista training skills, then use all three, adults think What about? "

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Okay, just do it!"

Zavala laughed: "Okay, then I will go to the bar on the boat to teach, there are many kinds of wine and many vessels, and we must discard the vessels we have used."

Da Fei couldn't help getting cold: "That's a must!"

Teaching in Zavala officially began. The rest of Dafei is Qingguang's remaining dozen islands, waiting for the transport team to arrive tomorrow.

And Ista did not disappoint, and after 20 minutes, the system reminded him:

——System Tip: In the process of studying poison, your follower citizen Ista gained important insights and successfully learned intermediate poisoning!

At this moment, Dafei was excited! It's not just that you haven't been disappointed by yourself, the effect is simply beyond imagination! Sure enough, it is a famous teacher and an apprentice. Is the teaching effect of the fruit of a hundred poisons amazing? Intermediate level rises so fast, can senior level be far away?

Then don't say anything, everyone will work harder, wow ha ha ha!

At two o'clock in the morning, with the exception of the cave island of General Naga, dozens of islands in the entire sea area were all settled by Da Fei. At present, a total of 2,603 ​​fish-man slaves were collected, 56 units of pearls, 44 units of corals, 836 units of wood, and stone 533 units. The tuna, which is responsible for loading, is no longer fully loaded. As for the food, what the fish does is kept as a fisherman's ration, and it does not count.

In the face of so many gains, especially so many mermaid slaves who had to open their mouths for dinner, but could not transport them all, Dafei's first reaction was to find a way to sell them.

So Da Fei asked Siren Shadow: "Do you Siren need slaves?"

The shadow faintly said, "Everything in the world can be traded. There is nothing that our people don't need, only people we don't want to deal with."

cut! Okay, with your words, I have to take down this task anyway. Da Fei asked again, "Which direction did the transportation team come from?"

The shadow replied: "I'm not sure, this island called the Devil's Sea is actually in the hinterland of the Naga Empire territory. There may be transport teams in all directions."

Da Fei frowned, and Sure enough, he has already come to the East. Don't be too uncomfortable with this walk! If it is in the hinterland of the Oriental World with many archipelagoes, the chance of large-scale gale waves should be small! The threat of Poseidon's curse should be minimized?

At that moment, the system prompted a jingle, and the good news came again:

——System Tip: In the process of studying poison, your follower citizen, Ista, gained important insights and successfully realized advanced poisoning! Learn the second chapter of the "Dragon Dragon Savara Dragon Breath", and learn the sub-skill poison decomposition.

Let me go, is it really so fast?

At this moment, Da Fei is no longer excited, but has become unusually calm! Being able to learn so quickly may not be related to the famous teacher's apprenticeship. If it is related, I have advanced a few days ago, and I still have to wait until now? In other words, is this poisonous fruit really a treasure?

Dafei hurried to Tamilia: "Are our vines only bearing these three poisonous fruits? Are there not many?"

Tamillah sighed: "If Hydra blood is still there, let Sheng Teng slowly digest and absorb it, of course there should be more poisonous fruits, but we do n’t have poisonous blood now, and we should not have . "

Dafei Muran on the spot! Did he lose a lot of money?

Tamilia continued: "However, as long as the vine can grow quickly, all the effort is worth it. I think the adult's decision is not wrong. When the vine is stronger in the future, the lost things can be easily made. Take back!"

It's worthy to be my brother's daughter. This is an appetite for my brother! Da Fei could not help but give a big thumbs up: "Okay, in the future, we will drive the Fei Xiang back to recover the toxins here and control the environment here!"

That's right, this is called pollution first, then treatment. Brother is an expert in environmental management!

Tamilla nodded: "Exactly! But when it comes to recovering toxins, the giant slime monster that the adult stays in the city of light is really good, so it is highly recommended that the adult bring it."

Dafei suddenly wakes up, too! I almost forgot that there is such a baby? OK, brother spit it out and can eat it back. Bring it next time when you have time, no, bring all the 100-plus giant slime monsters with you.

There is still more than an hour until the end of the day. In order to maintain energy, Da Fei adjusted the alarm clock and hung up to sleep for an hour. As for the other people, of course, they continued to read and have a study session.

Then, the nature that comes is here:

——System Tip: If you sail in special seas for more than 8 days, you and your team heroes will gain the additional experience of "nautical training" of the god-level navigator skill + 130,000, and your team will gain additional growth potential!

——System Tip: In the process of studying poison, your follower citizen, Ista, gained important insights, and successfully learned the sub-skill poison synthesis!

Da Fei suddenly woke up, and a new day began! Istar progressed again, but did not break through the high-level threshold. It seems that this is the same as training angel advanced sailing in Hellfire River, and advanced skills are usually the limit realized by non-hero units.

But Ista is different. She used to be a hero. If she can push her beyond the advanced limits, does it mean that she will become a hero again?

When the mind was suddenly turned, Ista excitedly ran over a brandy bottle and ran over to announce the good news: "Master, the poison is complete! It is completely integrated with alcohol, and it cannot be easily recognized by its color and smell!"

Zavala also laughed: "But the shortcomings are also very obvious. This wine is really too poisonous. It can be easily detected with the simplest silverware. There is no way. The time is too urgent. I just hope that the other party will not notice that the wine has been caught. People move hands and feet. "

Dafei said positively: "Yes, this is the most important thing."

Now, Da Fei scores 12 points in the spirit to send blood eagles to search and transport teams. At the same time, they also dispatch the long-lost charm emperor Didi and Lili. They are scouts flying soldiers, and they are born to scout.

Time is waiting for the minutes to pass in the search. Finally, a red light flashed on the Bloodhawk radar, a red dot appeared in view, and a large warship escorted a large cargo ship! Then the waves around the fleet were obviously sea monsters escorting all the way!

Let me go, and the submarine escort, this Nima's aircraft carrier formation! However, they will soon be in the polluted open sea, and the sea monsters escorted must not be able to enter. At that time, it was the time for Brother to get started. A teleport of Brother Feixiang appeared directly next to the cargo ship, scaring you!

Now the entire fleet of Da Fei is ready for combat interception, while the Bloodhawk continues to approach the reconnaissance warship. Then he saw a captain-like person at the front of the battleship looking at the direction of the archipelago with a telescope in doubt. Obviously, the dark sea off the archipelago caught the opponent's attention.

Dafei brows, shouldn't the other party return halfway? This brother will be very painful! At this moment, Dafei suddenly noticed a flash of silver light at his feet, and then the system prompted a jingle:

——System prompt: Warning! You found the Shining Legs of the Bright Alliance wanted to escape the Eastern World.

——Wanted: Silver-legged Hilo, s-class murderer, pirate, he stole the explosive alchemy recipe of the Seven City Federation and went to hide in the Eastern World. Arrest him and recover his stolen formula, you will be rewarded by the Seven Cities Federation.

Dafei was so shocked that his jaw dropped! Let me go. I have forgotten how many years the Captain Eloreline's wanted job was triggered! Brother, you have to catch him! (Note: See Chapter 442 "Fugitives in the Eastern World")

When talking about the wanted criminals, Da Fei immediately opened the wanted list and looked for two other people hiding here: Tiger Hooker Tiger, S-Class Murderer, and Pirate. Desecrated George, ss-class murderer, fallen priest.

Judging from the battle of Silver Legged Hilo, he seems to be quite good at mixing, so George, who stole the artifact's s-class murderer, is probably better at mixing?

At this time, it was discovered that the abnormal silver leg Hilo formation not only did not turn, but accelerated.

Dafei suddenly burst into joy! Yes, you are brave, this is just like the stuff of naga, brother is waiting for you!

(Recommended ticket, monthly ticket ~~) r1152


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