God Rank Hero

Chapter 946: Offensive Stone Cave Headquarters

Under the surveillance of the Bloodhawk, Hilo's fleet reached Naga Headquarters. There was finally movement in the stone cave, and a large number of ordinary Naga warriors and mermaids carrying them rushed out.

Da Fei frowned, like a Tibetan soldier hole, there are so many soldiers, and there are many fishmen!

After Hilo went ashore, he negotiated with several Naga warriors, and then entered the cave under the guidance of the Naga warriors. Needless to say, it's definitely about this kind of business. Don't give any hope to unreliable things. The key is to drink alcohol.

Then the fisherman kept moving supplies like an ant. The speed and efficiency were amazing. In less than ten minutes, the 3,000 units of goods were completely removed.

Then Hilo came out of the hole too, his face didn't seem very good, it must have been impossible.

But it doesn't matter, do you want to go home? There is no chance, brother can let you go, just now, even if it is in the face of your cannon, it is impossible to let you go. You ca n’t escape the palm of your brother, wow hahaha!

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Da Fei. When Hilo waved his hand, the sailors on the two ships immediately disembarked, and then the corresponding Naga began to slash the two ships with a huge ax For a while, sawdust flew from Mars and splattered!

Dafei was shocked at the scene. What was this doing? Destroy the ship?

Until this time (long-weather, Da Fei finally reacted, yes, it was the destruction of the ship!

Negotiation rumors failed, and of course it was impossible for the general to let Hilo go. He let his technology fall into the hands of the players again, so he would rather ruin it. I won't let him seize it. of course. Maybe it was Hilo's means of seeing Brother. Unwilling to endure self-confidence since throwing a net. In short, Naga didn't leave brother a chance at all. The intelligence of this system is not built!

Let me go! What a pity this cannon! For a time, Da Fei tangled with pain.

At this moment, another situation appeared. With the crash of the Hilo battleship, the huge turret fell into the water, and then hundreds of thousands of fishmen on the shore dragged the iron chain to drag the cannon up. shore!

Dafei suddenly burst into joy! The gun is still there. It turned out that Naga could not bear the gun! It turns out that the base of the cannon has wheels!

Haha, wow hahaha! I have a chance! As long as brother's poison and wine turned over the general, everything that brother missed would be taken back. The question is, how do you confirm that the other person drank his brother's wine? Only observation waited.

As the turret was quickly dragged into the cave by the fishermen, all Naga troops also withdrew again, leaving only the ruins of two shipwrecks on the entire coast.

Here is the wait. Time passes by. There was no more movement in the cave, and the coast was calm. And this calm is temporary, or it will not be long before the brigade Naga strongmen come to reinforce.

Da Fei in anxiety asked Siren Shadow: "Is Naga cooking now? Will the general give wine to his subordinates?"

The shadow said positively: "Under normal circumstances, only high-ranking Naga is eligible to enjoy high-end wine. However, under the urgency of the battle, the generals usually give wine and food to the most effective subordinates to enhance their morale. And now it is the newly arrived goods before the war. The general will certainly let his subordinates eat immediately. "

When it comes to this, the other party must have eaten. Da Fei asked Istar: "What is the effect of this poisonous wine?"

Ista immediately said: "Because this poisonous wine is too poisonous. It is too easy to expose, so in order to cover up the toxicity, the teacher extracted the concentrated flavors of various famous wines in the bar. It will be very refreshing when you smell it, and it will be very exciting at the entrance. Not only does the other party not doubt, but they will be surprised to drink a few more sips, and then their physical strength is weakened rapidly, their vitality is declining, and it is no different from ordinary poisons. If the other party has eaten, it may still be in a period of excitement. It is very difficult to say, but it definitely has an impact. "

Da Fei said, "What about Zavala?"

Istar immediately said: "This poisoning operation was completed by Teacher Zavala using her last strength to help me. Now that the teacher has consumed too much power and has fallen asleep, I will answer the adult's question."

Da Fei was stunned, no wonder that Ista was poisoned so smoothly, and it really was the teacher's credit. But if she consumes her own power, it is equal to the experience of her brother. The 50-year-old repeater of the 50th grade would really sit still!

At this moment, Ghost spoke again: "If this wine is this special effect, I believe that the senior troops of Naga's army must have all drank it. After all, the excitement before the war is also normal."

That's it! There is not much time, the opportunity is not lost, the other party is not deeply poisoned, do you know if you come to explore the road in person?

That's right, this time Da Fei will personally bring in a team of deputy heroes other than Deirdeli and Tamilia. Anyway, even if the regiment is destroyed, it is nothing more than a drop of experience to die back to the ship. At the same time, there are three covenant angels, Anweier, Nalxia, and Elefier, who will not really die.

Of course, it is possible for equipment to be wiped out by hostile forces, but it doesn't matter. It also starts with low-level telescope trinkets. When it comes to artifacts, it's time to look at the power of the Titan's grip. This thing is an electric baton. Is Naga's blocking martial arts useful?

In short, as long as the situation is favorable, there is nothing to say.

The operation immediately began, and the flying light flashed directly to the beach of the headquarters island of Naga. Da Fei's deputy hero team and three angels landed on the landing boat. This is a standard adventure treasure hunt team. Dafei believes that there are no copies of adventure treasure hunts in this game that can stop himself.

Unfortunately, the high-end existence in the eyes of bar players like the treasure hunt copy is not worth the time for the current Dafei. Sometimes people who are too high-end really lose too much gaming fun.

Now, Da Fei's team reached the entrance of the stone cave, and the red light was warned on the radar.

There is nothing to say, Da Fei Shen came in first. Just before the Dafei team entered the cave within a few steps, the door of the stone cave rang, and a rolling stone appeared from nowhere, blocking the door!

Everyone was shocked, and Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot. Is this the rhythm of closing the dog? Brother said that if the situation is favorable, he will always attack. Now that the gate is blocked by stones, can his troops come in?

Just then, there was a large call in front of the dark, and the Naga army that hit the dog came!

Elina immediately said, "I'm best suited for a tunnel battle. Let me!"

After saying a wave, a wall of fire suddenly appeared in front of the passage. The mermaids had no time to end up, and at the same time, they were pushed by the troops behind. They just couldn't end up. They just smashed in front of the wall and turned into ashes!

Dafei confidence increased sharply! That ’s right, although I always met high-end powerhouses during this period, so Elina could not exert her strength, but now she is a well-deserved cannon fodder in the face of this cannon fodder. With her, he is still afraid of you This hole has hidden soldiers!

(It's still another chapter to hurry up. The Spring Festival is approaching, and the ashtray will try its best to make more efforts.) (To be continued ...)


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