God Rank Hero

Chapter 951: Dark tide

When Da Fei's fleet completed the mermaid slaves gathering on various islands, Hilo's artillery was successfully installed in the middle cargo bay of the Emerald Dragon's deck under the disassembly and assembly of sailors and troops.

So just after Da Fei completed the transaction, Caterina rushed over to report: "Captain, the Emerald Dragon is ready, can we set off?"

Hilo was positive and came to Dafei to report in the first time: "Boss, where are we going? I'm familiar here!"

Dafei laughed, "Okay, then prepare to lead the way! Where is Katrina going?"

Caterina took out a simple hand-drawn drawing marked with simple coordinates and showed it to Hilo. Hilo took the involuntary sting of the drawing and immediately took out a sea chart, and then frowned after comparing the coordinates: "This is the Undersea Sea, the site of Undercurrent Lord Naputulon. This one is hard to talk to!"

Katrina hurriedly said, "I brought the ransom he needed."

Hilo said, "Miss has an appointment, okay, then there is nothing to say."

Dafei couldn't help but stunned, "What's going on with this underworld lord?"

Katrina shook her head: "I don't know, my dad didn't explain much in the pigeon message."

Hilo said positively: "Dark tide Lord Naiptulon, a demigod in Naga, transcended Naga Emperor, and was a subordinate **** recognized by Poseidon. He established secret organizations in all planes to work on humanity, Elves, dwarfs, orcs, etc. develop believers in all ground-wise wisdom races. His teaching is that after the death of a believer, he will be converted into a naga-of course, I am not religious. I don't think it is good to be a naga. He really has the power of God. Some strong men who have no choice but to turn to him will usually get his help. But the price is indeed expensive, it may be a huge amount of property, or it may be an eternal servant. Others I know are not More, anyway, the average person will never go to him. "

——The system prompts: You get dark tide information.

undercurrent? !! Dafei suddenly remembered where the word seemed to be heard? But at half past one, I can't remember it?

However, it is not a problem to start immediately, Da Fei smiled at Severn: "Ms. Severn, I am about to go out. I wonder what goods your city needs most urgently?"

Saifen said lightly: "For the sparsely populated Siren, sea slaves are always the most urgently needed. Of course. Pearls can also change a lot of things here."

Sea slaves! This is really a problem without fighting Naga? Dafei frowned: "I see, I'll pay attention."

Severn again said, "Don't you go to Bingge City?"

Dafei laughed: "Did you charge?"

Severn nodded: "Of course, if you transport the whole fleet, 50 units of pearls. And there are more goods in the city."

Let me go, this charge is worth the tribute for half a month! Da Fei had to laugh and said, "Time is tight, then next time."

Severn said positively: "Warrior, I have to remind you that although your current identity, Naga Lords everywhere will not attack you directly. But it does not mean that the human pirates and sea monsters under them will not attack you, especially You have a lot of cargo. "

Fei Fei nodded: "Thank you Ms. Sefin for reminding me. I will pay attention."

Now that the fleet was leaving the Devil's Sea area, Da Fei began to think carefully about the Underlord. That is to say, Lao Yuezhang, as a seriously injured strong man, turned to this underworld lord, and Katrina's task was to pay him medical bills?

Da Fei asked Katrina: "What's your ransom?"

Catalina said in a deep voice: "It's the Twenty Spitfires brought by the Tuna. This is Dad's last possession."

Da Fei said, "Originally using a cannon, it seems that the Underworld Lord's payment methods are very diverse." Thinking of the original cannon is not his own, Da Fei has a little entangled in his heart.

Hilo busyly said, "The underworld lord does not pay attention to the employment, as long as he is strong. This is also one of the reasons for many fugitives in the world to come here to take refuge. However, the weak will definitely be eliminated as long as they set foot in his waters. But the boss There must be no problem with strength, not to mention having an appointment. "

Fugitive? When I think of the fugitive Da Fei, I think of the other two fugitives on the kingdom wanted:

——Wanted: Iron Hooker Tiger, s-class murderer, pirate, attack the Zijinsha caravan escorted by the navy, and transport the Zijinsha to the Eastern World. He must be severely punished.

——Wanted: God blasphemy George, ss-class murderer, fallen priest, he betrayed the faith of the bright god, joined the cult, spread the cult teachings everywhere, and stole the church's holy artifact, the tears of light, to hide in the eastern world. This person is too dangerous and deceitful. The church is ordered to kill directly if found, but it must bring back the tears of the Holy Light. The church will have many rewards. (See Chapter 442)

Da Fei asked, "Do you know Iron Hooker Tiger and Desecrated George?"

Hilo busyly said: "I know the Iron Hooker Tiger and hang around the Pearl City. If the boss is looking for him, I can lead the boss. In fact, this person is not very bad. It is almost a situation forced by me. There is complete hope for blasphemy. As for the blasphemy George, he is even more famous in the Eastern world. He is a high priest who has been reused and has greatly improved his strength after joining Naputuron. This guy is completely an anti-human. Don't you think about catching him? "

Da Fei suddenly stunned: "The wanted order says that the cult spread by the blasphemy George is a dark tide?"

Hilo said positively: "Of course, the Dark Tide has secret believers in almost every harbour city, and some believers even occupy high positions. Now we have 5 days to the Temple of Nepturon where the Undercurrent headquarters is located. So if the boss has any ideas, he can think slowly. On this way, we can also pass through two big cities. If the boss is not in a hurry, he can also come to see. "

Da Fei said with a loud voice: "It's important to go in a hurry, just go directly to that temple."

Hilo said busyly: "If this is the case, I will choose a direct route. In this case, it is much safer. Few thieves with short eyes come out. But even when they come, they are not the boss's opponent."

Da Fei nodded: "That's fine."

Brother is very idea now. However, in the case of completely unknown details of this organization, it is best to honestly rescue the husband. Then return to the Lighthouse Islands to plan the future development direction. By the way, it seems that there is an electric eel egg on my body that is not used. I wonder if I can raise fish in the waters of the Lighthouse Islands? When it comes to fish farming, I just took three diver brothers along with the boat--

and many more! At this moment, Dafei suddenly remembered that he was the first to get the dark tide information from their mouths? At that time, he was forced to kill the brother ’s npc members by joining the royal family. The brother found the three of them and told them that someone was going to kill them. Then they were surprised when they asked the brother if they knew the tide. No more text! (See Chapter 415, "Three Mysterious Fishermen")

That said. The underworld message that the brother got by accident hit actually hinted that they were members of the underworld organization? Their identity was seen by Hilda as an undead? So who asked Vice President Cortner to accept them into the Chamber of Commerce?

Well, it's okay now, it's time to discover their meaning! Da Fei was shocked and amazed, and hurried the three of them to question. At this time, the three were still wrapped in dense black wetsuits, showing only a pair of dead gray eyes.

The three asked, "What advice does the president have for my brother?"

Da Fei smiled slightly: "Before you asked me if I knew the Undercurrent, but I didn't know it at the moment. Now I'm going to the Undercurrent headquarters, can you give me some hints?"

The headed Arsenal immediately said: "If the president is such a talent, he will definitely be appreciated by the Underworld Lord, and he will certainly invite you to join the organization."

Another person said: "And it is absolutely no problem for the president to change his race to become a naga. The premise is that the president must be willing to inherit his foundation in the world on the ground.

The third person continued: "Of course, if the chairman's Naga identity is not revealed, you can still continue to be the president and the city owner in the elven kingdom."

——Ahhh! Dafei spit out with a spit of water! I wanted to discover the connotation of the points, but as soon as the three of them came, they made a surprise! It turns out that this undercurrent is the key to joining the hidden racial force Naga! Brother is very comfortable as a human, and has no intention of being an amphibious creature!

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Are you members of the Underworld?"

The three indeed shook their heads and said, "We are members of the guild of the president."

Lying down! Still not talking? Da Fei asked again, "Who introduced you to my guild?"

The three shook their heads and said, "Even if you are the president, don't ask any good questions."

I'll pull it out, I'm afraid I know more and get out of class? Brother is the mayor who was righted by Brother in the backstage of Ai Luolin. This is how tough, who moved the brother!

and many more! Suddenly there was a great earthquake in Da Fei's heart. Could it be the mayor who introduced them? Otherwise, which member of the army would be interested in the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce? Which member can reach into the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce that the mayor is focusing on? Could it be the mayor? !!

And when I thought that I had taken a large number of rare seafood from the mouth of Kraken Disi, I was shocked by the mayor to buy it myself. At that time, I only felt that the goods were powerful and I was powerful. But now think about it, the valuable goods should not alarm this level of npc? This is a lot of doubt!

Although I know that the mayor is a corrupt official with poor performance, there are many doubts, but when I think that if he is really a senior member of the underworld, what are he doing? What is the relationship between the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce cursed by Poseidon and Undercurrent?

At this moment, Da Fei was silent, and dare not ask any more, so as not to trigger the egg pain plot. And thinking about the relationship between himself and Makar is also such an egg ache, Da Fei suddenly has a feeling that it is hard to rely on tiredness or love.

That's right, the big fly overnight was really tired. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the activities of the Blood Wei Guild must be attended by my brother. As for what is happening now, it is rare to be confused in the drum to maintain the status quo.

Da Fei waved his hand wearily: "Okay, what should you do, now I'm going to rest, all the deputies will work hard to study and read within 5 days of this voyage!"

At 4 a.m. Beijing time and 2 a.m. Kolkata time, India, when Da Fei fell asleep in the tide of the dark tide, at this time Bengaluru's Tianlong Babu team was still fighting all night long.

As mentioned in the previous article, the largest guild in India is the Tianlong Eight Tribes, among the eight tribe. Each of the six ministries is responsible for the humanity of the Alliance of Light. Elf. The six optional regular races of the dwarves and the undead, the orcs, and **** in the Dark Alliance give players around the world the feeling that India is all-powerful.

Then the sky department focused on the city of neutral forces, and the dragon department focused on a hidden force. And this hidden force is the Nagahai tribe.

There is no way for players of ordinary races to contact the Nagahai, so there is only one way to join the Underworld! Yes, there are dark tides in India. God is transplanar. That is cross-regional. Although the names of the countries in each district are different, and the names and functions of npc are also different, the gods in each district are indeed the same god.

For example, Da Fei did a good job in the city of **** punishment in China, and gained the appreciation of a certain bright god. Then Da Fei also met that **** in the EU, and that **** is still an old acquaintance of Da Fei.

For the Indian area, the dedication and preference for the Naga tribe by the Dragon Dragon Tribe began at the game design stage. Because "Naga" is the pronunciation of the "dragon" in the eight parts of the Indian Sanskrit Tianlong, and the image of Naga in the Western fantasy game basically refers to the image of the dragon in Indian Buddhism.

In fact, an unknown purpose of the six divisions of the clan focusing on six conventional races is to find the existence of dark tide organizations in the seaport cities of various ethnicities as much as possible. of course. The **** race is an exception, **** race has no harbour.

From the open beta to the service until now. The Indian area has made many progress in the contact with the Underwater Organization. 20 outstanding members of the Ministries have successfully joined the Undercurrent from various hidden channels, and when a large ship can go out to the sea, they can report to the headquarters of the Eastern World. , Officially converted race to Naga.

And once they become Naga, male players can take on the amazing hidden swordsmanship of martial arts, and female players can take on the amazing sea tide of spells. The power of these two occupations easily crushes the third-order occupation of the Light Church.

Of course, in fact, you can now report on the launch of a Chinese ship. The problem is that the risks are very high. Wasted for nothing. For professional players, wasting reality for three or four days at the start is a disaster!

Therefore, the Indian team's policy is to continuously build up strength while waiting quietly, but now Bangalore's team headquarters is not calm.

The first is that cooperation between Japan and the EU is in full swing. Once the United Kingdom has completely calmed down the city of punishment with the help of the Japanese area, then you can imagine how amazing resources and strengthening the British Noah's Ark will be, and her main attacking Naga will have no advantage in front of Noah's Ark.

And even if, as rumors say, Japan may have an unscrupulous attempt to disadvantage the European Union, but once Japan succeeds, it will be unprecedentedly strong, which is also unwilling to see in India.

While the Indian team was discussing how to deal with this situation, the world announcement of Da Fei's exploration of the Dragon Tomb became a bunch of heavy straw that overwhelmed the confidence in India!

Although professional players don't know much about Dragon Tomb, they only know that it is in the extremely cold North Pole. Ordinary fleets do not say that fighting in the Arctic is difficult to maintain normal navigation. And Da Fei has the ability to launch high-end battles in the Arctic, which means that no sea area in the world can stop Da Fei's pace.

Where is Dafei's next goal? Oriental World!

Even if you don't have to guess, the Chinese player Xuehai Kuangtao, who obtained the information about Dafei Besib in the first battle with Dafei, has already revealed this news.

Now, after a night of discussions, the Indian area decided not to wait. All 20 dark tide members immediately took 20 Chinese ships to proceed from the ports of various countries to the Eastern World.

This means that they will face fierce waves and well-equipped pirate forces, which is a big bet in India. The Indian area is ready for ten, but as long as two of the 20 people can successfully get the job at the Underwater Headquarters, the strategic purpose of the Indian area is also achieved.

Of course, it ’s not just the India area that was encouraged by Da Fei this night. For the newly opened Southeast Asia and South America regions, Da Fei ’s world announcements are like a heavy drop of power, so that the new areas have been arranged. The full leveling itinerary is as crazy as an overdraft.

And when the world ’s attention was focused on Da Fei, in the Southern Ocean of China, a pirate battleship with a lot of bullet marks was hiding all the way back to cover the normal course.

This is the successful visit to the **** sea returning from the demon **** after entering the sealed secret realm of the devil **** focolor and successfully defeating the leftover pirate king ghost fleet.

It is unknown what Barack learned during this meeting, but the blood sea madness was incredible to get the trial of the demons, the "Grand Vortex", which can create a large vortex at sea to devour enemy ships.

It's simply the magic of killing ships. Even if the other party is a large ship, it will not be swallowed immediately, but it will shake violently and lose its combat effectiveness. However, this is a trial skill, valid only for six months. And the skill requires that the magic knowledge is not less than 100 points to start once a day.

The blood sea mad Tao can only obtain this skill formally by completing the mission of the demon god, and the first mission of the devil **** is not difficult, that is, 10,000 blood sacrifices. It is 10,000, not 10,000 commanding force. The higher the end, the better the effect. Can be shipped in batches.

However, it takes two days to go to the secret seal of the demon god, and of course it is impossible to ship in batches. And once shipped, the requirements for their commanding power are also quite high.

Therefore, there are many things after the blood sea madness returns. It is necessary to greatly improve the commanding power. It is necessary to gather equipment to support magic and knowledge to 100 points, and then use this precious half-year skill trial period to suppress the pirates of all parties to expand their advantages. Formation of a fleet capable of transporting 10,000 units, etc.

And just when the blood sea mad waves were looking for the equipment of the Grand Guild, several sails suddenly appeared in front of the sea.

Barack Haha smiled: "Even this is blocked by them, it's amazing!"

Blood Sea Kuang Tao smiled suddenly: "Just try it for labor and capital!"

(Tomorrow the ashtray will go to my wife's country home to pay my grandparents a new year. According to the rules of my wife's house, I want to live in the mountain for one night. Although my granddaughter is not used to living, but there is no way. So I put a five thousand word chapter, Even if tomorrow's update is also counted, these five thousand words are also written over and overtime in the middle of the night for two days (to be continued, please search floating astronomy, the novel is better updated and faster!


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