God Rank Hero

Chapter 953: More than someone's face

h2> Just before the introduction of the Blood Weapon Sacred Gun, Junxiang's team has arrived at the lowest prison of the magic light. At this time, the tall golems were still guarding and defending in the prison, while the prison cells were still empty and there were no fresh "batteries".

It seems that his original plan to create an artificial **** was very frustrated. And the thought of the **** that the prince is going to create may be a member of the devil **** Gushing family, Da Fei started the video and recorded the current scene very carefully. After all, when the future really wants to slaughter God, this may be the battlefield.

Then, Junxiang followed the team to the deepest space gate in the prison. At that time there was also a wave ss-class magma dragon guarding it, and now it is indeed full of hill-like materials.

And thinking of the magma dragon that year, Dafei suddenly remembered that he had not eaten a shard of fire character for that magma dragon, and then the magma dragon ran into the volcano to hide? After so many days have passed, what level has this magma dragon grown to? Wouldn't this operation be a magma dragon piled up with the full force of the sea?

The thought of the dragon that he had carefully cultivated as a scourge was about to be piled to death, so Dafei's heart was helpless. Hey, it's a pity that a piece of godhead is his own.

Now, Junxiang ’s team has also entered the space gate. The scene changed, and Junxiang ’s team appeared on a grassland, and the long-lost God Realm space had arrived.

In Elina's explanation, this is a distorted space. This is a map that has been crumpled together. All the place names on the map are superimposed together, so from here you can reach various places in the world.

Looking around, the entire prairie and nearby scenes have long been filled with secret troops and defenses, sporadic battles have already begun, and the shouting command of the regional channel has continued to sweep the screen.

It turned out that Da Fei had been fighting for a long time, and Da Fei was once again shocked by the joint efforts of the Grand Guild! This is the power of the professional masters of the Grand Guild. If you really want to focus on one thing, it is really difficult for them.

The Bloodweaver Saint Gun began to introduce patiently again: "There are dozens or hundreds of scenes here, and each scene has an undead wave ss, and these scenes will be randomly shuffled at intervals, but there are 6 in the middle of the map The connected scenes will not move. We need to assist the dwarf players to build a huge city here, that is, to **** the materials seen this way. This is not a problem, so our main task is to explore the road. . "

So many people helped build the city? He has such a big face!

Da Fei was upset and asked tentatively, "Is there no wave ss in those 6 scenes?"

Xue Wei Sheng gun nodded: "Well, there is no wave ss. The plan of the terrifying thunder is to surround all 6 scenes with the city wall, so that the surrounding area is all the urban area, which can improve the city level. And the dwarves are especially Prefer active volcanoes, which can be used to forge high-quality weapons. So the next goal of the thunderous thunder is to overhaul the smithy near the volcano and train the seventh-level magma dragon. As long as we have this transit base, we can basically use The unknown map of the entire China region is firmly under control, and it is not necessary to consume it in the national theater and other countries at the first time, which is equivalent to an additional development option ... "

Dafei frowned, that is, they have not found the magma dragon in the volcano! Is this a time bomb? The later it is discovered, the stronger the magma dragon is, and the greater the destructive power! The shocking giant thunder actually developed the volcano. For a moment, Da Fei couldn't help but get lucky.

However, with so many high-end players and so many soldiers, the Magma Dragon cannot escape from death even if it is strong. No matter how great the loss of the thunderstorm, it will still be supported by the major guilds. In fact, it is nothing. Thinking about it that way, Da Fei started to be upset again. To put it plainly, is jealousy.

Brother is so powerful, no one helped him build a city. This shocking thunder is not a big guy in the circle. Why can so many guilds help him? And more importantly, he can do it, why can't he?

It's not that brother can't do it, but brother has never taken the initiative to speak, and others just have no chance if they want to sacrifice brother! At this moment, Dafei suddenly had a countermeasure after others found the Lighthouse Islands!

Under normal circumstances, once the terrifying thunder has found his own lighthouse island city, he will definitely encourage others or npc to shovel his brother's place when he stands on the stand of the prince. NPC will not say anything, as for the other big guilds, dare not buy brother's face?

That's right, it's time to face more than anyone else! When others found the Lighthouse Islands, most of them wanted to say hello to Brother in shock. Brother just asked the Grand Guild to help me build a batch of supplies! Brother's face is bitterly shocking and thunderous. Most of the others, Xue Wei is definitely a face-reward. The ninth heaven buddies will also have some meaning!

In other words, at that time, the other party not only would not attack the brother, but would also help the brother at the request of the brother! Wow ha ha ha, just do it! Dafei, who wants to understand, suddenly burst into joy!

By the way, on Naga's side, wine and weapons should be easy to sell, and the dwarven kingdom happens to produce wine and weapons, so I took this opportunity to let the Grand Guild bring me a lot of goods to the island. And when it comes to wine, brother is producing high-quality dewy wine, let alone! Speaking of weapons, it seems that Jingju is a professional ironsmith?

Okay, demo, I bought weapons from you, I see what you have to say! Even if you do n’t want it, the Grand Guild will force you to do it, wow hahaha!

However, whether weapons and wine are selling well or not, we have to inquire about the market.

So Dafei hurriedly switched to the on-hook large side, and asked Hilo to ask, "Hilo, aren't wines and weapons sold particularly well in Naga Kingdom?"

Hilo replied immediately: "It is worthy of being the boss and knowing the market. But Naga also knows the goods well, and the low-grade drinks and weapons are like scrap iron in their eyes. Particularly high-alcohol and weapons are not the same. For example, the 20 units of shochu that I shipped last time are good wines with an alcohol content of 65 or more. The price of such wines is more than ten times the value. Ten times is normal. Otherwise, those ordinary pirates drink rum and beer or something, Naga can't look at it ... "

Dafei frowned. It seems that Naga's money is not so easy to make? But it doesn't matter, I have the thigh of the second prince, and I am afraid that the power of the dwarven kingdom is not good enough? I have a relationship with the Grand Guild players, but I'm afraid I can't deliver the goods?

For a time, Da Fei began to make careful calculations for the subsequent development. And no matter how to calculate, there must be a prerequisite, that is, let the profit, that is, the major guilds, including the royal family, and even shocking thunder, brother can also let them participate in cooperation regardless of the previous suspect!

At that time, we couldn't help everyone to cooperate, okay, brother once again, let the grand guilds in China work for brother!

(Add up what was owed yesterday, and continue to eat at night, seeing drinking may be a chapter.) R1152


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