God Rank Hero

Chapter 978: The best way to make money?

Under the leadership of Suna, Dafei and his team arrived at the city's high-level exchange. A pearly hall filled with jewel corals.

Suna quickly introduced: "Sir, you can use luminous pearls here to buy the city's specialty sea emeralds, blue amber, crystallites, crystal light corals, etc., and you will get at least 10 or more gains when you ship to several nearby cities. The farther it is, the higher the yield, of course. As for the Neptune tributes that adults need, the city produces 10 to 20 units per week to meet the needs of neighbours worshipping Neptune. The price is 3 night light beads per unit to 10 Noctilucent pearls ... "

Da Fei couldn't help but hesitated: "Is there a limit to the production of Triton tribute in a city?"

Suna quickly said: "It is true that other cities may only produce a few units of Poseidon tributes every week, so if adults need a lot of Poseidon tributes, the normal way is to buy them along each city, and you must buy in time to see the luck ! "

At this time, the Naga trader in the exchange sighed: "I'm very sorry, the guest is late, this week's Triton tribute has been bought by the queued merchants! If the adult urgently needs, you can queue up at 1 every week."

queue! Dafei looked at the group of lobster people outside the door and couldn't help but be surprised! It turns out that this Triton tribute is so bad to buy? npc will fight with me? Even if it is not good to buy, the key is that the output is small. A city is only a few units to dozens of units. How long does it take for the 1,000 units of tribute to be collected?

Now Dafei finally realizes that trying to complete the tributary collection task through this normal peaceful means is probably not as easy as imagined, and it is not as painful as using the grab directly. But it doesn't matter, brother has enough time.

Dafei asked again, "If I have a lot of very good wine and weapons, where can I get the best price?"

Su Na quickly said: "Of course, good wine and good weapons should go to the city of Thunder Halberd, which is the largest island city on the sea of ​​the Naga Empire, with a population of nearly 100,000, of which 50,000 are humans. Under the influence of human culture, Lei The Lord of the Halberds admires the good wine. "

Da Fei asked again, "If I want to pull a shipment to the site of Siren, what should I ship?"

Su Na Shen said: "The goods on the Siren site are very unique and rare. Their goods can be sold for a good price here, but we may not be able to afford our high-end goods. What they need most is still a lot of ordinary. Pearls and slaves. "

Da Fei was surprised: "They also need ordinary pearls?"

Su Na busy said: "Yes, in addition to the basic fishery resources, ordinary pearls are an important resource for the population growth of the Hai people. For a long time, my Naga people have suppressed the pearls of the Siren people to obtain space, making it difficult for their population to grow. However, the other party may find a substitute for pearls, but it is still not enough to develop, so if the owner wants to increase the trade relationship with the other party, it is enough to transport ordinary pearls in a large amount in the initial stage. "

That's it! Pearl to the sea is equivalent to honey to the flower demon. But Dafei still couldn't help asking, "This, you tell me, isn't it equivalent to helping your hostile Serenites develop indirectly? Is this okay?"

Suna shook her head and said lightly: "My task is to assist the adults fully, and I only need to reflect my value. As for the relationship between the Siren and my tribe, whether they continue to be hostile or subject to the times, this It's not something I should consider. "

Da Fei couldn't help laughing, "Well, a hostile hostile, good to say! OK, then I should sell the goods on Siren's side!"

So Dafei put 167 units of deep sea cryolite on the trading bar, and then the trader immediately quoted the unit price: 11 luminous beads 1 unit, the total price of 1837 luminous beads!

Really worthy of being the exclusive product of the Siren family! Dafei suddenly sighed with joy: "1837! The price of the soul equivalent to more than a thousand temple warriors? How about this selling price?"

Suna couldn't help but be moved: "Very good selling price! However, if the adult is committed to reselling between Siren and Naga, and by the way, to enhance each other's reputation, I personally recommend that the adult sell ordinary pearls, although 1 Luminous pearls = 1 unit of ordinary pearls, but this is not the case when it is actually traded, it is likely to sell more than 3,000 units of ordinary pearls! "

Having said that, the trader also added very interestingly: "If the customer wants to exchange ordinary pearls for trading, the current exchange rate is 3460 units of ordinary pearls! Although our exchange is limited to luminous pearl trading, customers are welcome to trade ordinary Pearls, so there are special offers. "

Da Fei nodded his head.

Su Na continued: "The 3,000 units of ordinary pearls can definitely buy a lot of good goods on the side of the Siren family, and can gain the reputation of the Siren family, and then quickly accumulate the rich funds of the early adults. Talents have the financial resources to purchase Triton tribute at a high price. "

Dafei was surprised: "Acquisition at a high price?"

Suna nodded: "Exactly! Because the tribute output of each city's exchanges is limited and it takes luck to line up, it is not conducive to adult acquisitions. So there is another way for adults to double or even triple. The price is announced on the exchange and tavern, and there will always be someone willing to sell it! "

"That's it!" The original abnormal method was more than just grabbing. This time, Da Fei felt deeply that she was looking for the right person. This Suna is simply a combat secret in the secret. She is too familiar with business and caters to Brother. Thoughts!

Dafei said with joy: "Okay, then sell ordinary pearls!"

But when Da Fei was preparing to finalize the transaction, she suddenly remembered it. The first batch of huge money transactions that she had returned from Fire Dragon Island for the first time was completed by Deirdre, so that she could have the trading experience by herself. . And now she is unaware of level 49, a step away from the legendary level 50 formation. All things to experience should be arranged for her without hesitation!

So Dafei laughed at Deirdre behind him, "Dirdre, it's up to you to complete the deal."

Delderly frowned: "Master, this deep-sea cryolite is a very rare high-energy resource, and it is likely to be the best resource for making Lilim Siren, and that Miss Seffin also said that this resource The output is very limited. The 167 units may still be the output they have accumulated for many years. Are the owners sure to sell them all? "

Dafei was startled suddenly: "Are you sure that cryolite can make Lilim Siren?"

Deirdre said positively: "After this period of research, I can basically confirm that cryolite is immutable ice formed under the high pressure of the Arctic deep sea, and it is not the same substance at all as ordinary ice. The created Lilim Siren not only has good water attributes, but also has a strong defense force, which is exactly what we are short of! "

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Let me go! Brother has even negotiated the price, and he is ready to rely on this first bucket of gold to show the grand plan. As a result, it looks like it can't be sold yet.

This moment the big fly tangled. The soul of the Hydra, the Hydra soul is reluctant to sell, and the cryolite is also reluctant to sell. Is it possible that the brother can only sell wine? Only sell wine! I do n’t know if it ’s the ninth heaven. Did they try to carry the wine and weapons over? Really not. Brother just disguised himself and went back to the dwarf tavern to see how his own wine made.

In short, anyway, the next stop is to go home and look at them, and then ask them, now they are all busy.

So Da Fei sighed, "Okay, then we won't sell it. Let's go and receive Katrina's killer whale and get ready for the road."

Just then, Suna spoke again: "Sir, in the waters of the archipelago, as long as the other party is not a member of the Nagahai tribe, you can attack and rob. This is also an effective means of accumulating funds!"

Dafei jaw dropped! Let me go, why are you such a shrine priest? Dafei was surprised and asked, "Isn't this going to violate the laws of the Naga Empire?"

Suna said lightly: "No."

What the hell! Although I knew this, I could not help feeling a sorrow after hearing her confirming Da Fei. Sure enough, human beings have no human rights here.

However, an ecstasy rushed into Da Fei's mind, which pirate was the brother's opponent here? Brother defeated the regular army man!

And at this moment, Katrina, who had always been gloomy, did smile: "Robbery? Let us kill all the way!"

Dafei laughed: "Okay, this is the best way to make money!"

Now, Suna and her team came to the dock. A blood-red battleship was quietly parked here. On the deck of the battleship, a dozen pirates were seen playing cards on the deck. Seeing Caterina's arrival, the pirates got up and whistled while waving the pirate's headscarf. Needless to say, it was Locke's army.

Then the system prompts a jingle:

——The system prompts: Katerina receives the inheritance of her father. The default is the captain of the Tiger Shark. 13 elite pirates join your army.

Vessel Name: Killer Whale (Quest rewards are bound to be non-tradable between players, dedicated to Caterina

Vessel level: Level 15.

Captain: Katerina. .

Vessel Stunts: Rapid acceleration (gain ship speed increase at the cost of ship durability), blood drink (washing the whole ship with various big fish or enemy blood can quickly restore the ship's durability

Vessel model: Large four-masted three-deck pirate combat ship.

Vessel Freight: 1,000 units

Ship gun bay: 32 gun positions. (16 ports on starboard, 16 ports on starboard

Minimum seafarer capacity: 30

Vessel Durability

-Ship armor defense: port 600, starboard 600, bow 500, stern 500.

Ship room preparation: 1 cabin, 1 captain's room, 4 lieutenant's lounges, 1 staff room, 1 accounting room, 1 treatment room, 1 kitchen, 1 entertainment room, 4 seafarers' dormitory (capacity) 400 people

Vessel auxiliary equipment: killer whale head portrait, assault angle, 2 landing crafts, 4 boarding springboards.

Killer whale bow portrait: s-class strategic equipment, increase the damage of the whole ship by +20.

(These ashtrays are really sorry for the past two days. The back pain can not be sedentary. Think about this is also a bad habit formed when the ashtray was young. Now the ashtray experiences deep nai and fear. The ashtray will work hard to adjust the state tomorrow. r1152


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