God Rank Hero

Chapter 990: Reaching the Lighthouse Islands

At midnight, a new day is coming. The big fleet flies through the turquoise blue waters of the archipelago. The unknown raptors in the sky are hovering in the eagle eye. The fisherman villages in the surrounding archipelago are also busy and screaming with unknown meanings. At this moment, Da Fei, who was holding the magic ball "hatched eggs", was mixed with emotions.

I remember when I left, I also thought about how to come later. At that time, it was taken for granted that it was necessary to kill a blood path to penetrate the hinterland of the Naga sea area. This must be the Shura sea prison that is difficult for ordinary players to enter.

But now it seems that the picturesque scenery here is not so horrible as the aboriginal friendly and simple, it is actually a paradise for the strong. At this moment, Da Fei suddenly missed the piano of Vice President Cortner. If he played such a song at this time, I didn't know how much it would be.

Positively, Junxiang Trumpet's friend's message rang.

Da Fei switched over and looked at it. It was the department leader Xue Wei's sacred gun: "Is Jun Xiang Xiang?"

Dafei hurriedly replied, "Being here, always here!"

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "Today really makes Brother Xiangxiang work hard. Now it's 12 o'clock, Brother Brother Xiangxiang can go offline to rest."

Dafei hurriedly answered, "No hard work, no hard work, not nothing."

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "It's this kind of thing that doesn't do anything, waiting to hang up is the hardest and most agonizing thing. Besides, Junxiang brother doesn't do nothing, you can discover the mine in advance It ’s a great discovery! ”

Da Fei laughed happily: "Where and where, nonsense, the masters of the major guilds are like clouds. It will happen sooner or later."

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "The words are so. But the significance of the first discovery is definitely different. It has just been studied by the guilds. It is estimated that without a realistic battle for two or three days, we can't calm this bird crowd. It may even have to wait for the troops from the Dragon Sword Guild to come in and out. In short, Brother Xiangxiang will have no major issues in the next two days. Take a good rest. "

Da Fei said, "Understand, Sister An also pays attention to rest."

"Got it."

Just then, Xiaoli's message also came: "Brother, it's hard today. I'll hang up next time."

Dafei sighed and said, "You and Xiaofang take turns to work the night shift again?"

Xiaoli nodded: "Well, so we don't have any problems at all. Brother must not fight with us little young people, we must pay attention to rest at all times to maintain our state."

Fight with little young? On hold? Da Fei always felt weird! In Xiaoli's impression, wouldn't he just be a messenger and haven't played games for a few days, so he wouldn't rise to the point of "maintaining status"? But she was right, but no one was on shift with me, and I couldn't fight with young people.

Dafei laughed: "Okay, then I'll get off. Call me if you have any questions."

"Got it."

Da Fei glanced at the rune tower of Shining Demon God before going offline, but his heart jumped suddenly. This scene is really as estimated by professional experts. It only takes two or three days to settle down? I'm afraid I didn't take it that way, right?

In general, since the system is willing to send a **** to help players to market, the strangeness of this scene must also be god-level. Or, the monsters in this scene were not god-level, but because of the demon's shot, most of the bird people will also ask their own god-level strong men to move, and eventually they will become god-level duels!

If this is the case, will the demon **** spend more time here to make himself have a chance?

This idea hovered in Da Fei's brain for a short moment, and then Da Fei shook his head and was thrown behind him. Now is not the time to think about slaughtering God. Now is the time to continue to hang up to sleep and doze off. Xiaoli is right, brother must seize all the time and opportunities to rest and maintain the state.

At 1 am Beijing time, Da Fei was awakened by the sound of the fleet's horn and the prompts of friends.

Da Fei looked up and saw the light of several lighthouses shining on the sea level not far away, and the Lighthouse Islands finally arrived. Then of course, the information of friends is Bu Feiyan, President Xue Wei, and Shen Lan's message of condolences: "Fei, our team saw your fleet!"

Da Fei hurriedly looked up at the telescope. Sure enough, the island was crowded with people, all kinds of building materials were piled up, and various NPC hired workers were busy. Sure enough, there are so many people! If I were to be a brother, I wouldn't be able to play their battle.

Da Feixin smiled comfortably: "It's not easy. I didn't expect that we could meet in such a situation and prepare to send someone to receive the goods."

The so-called receipt is of course a three-piece suit of ancient war soldiers played in the dragon tomb. A guild sells three sets, one set is 300,000, and 1.2 million is in hand! Although it's just a small sale, it's embarrassing to say that you are a professional player without doing a little sale, wow hahaha!

Shen Lan was overjoyed: "It's not easy to see Fei Ge in the wild! In order to meet Fei Ge, our team members have repaired a pier that can stop Fei Ge as soon as possible!"

Bu Feiyan laughed and said, "I'll wait for Fei, if I don't see Fei, I won't go to sleep!"

Xuewei Rose smiled: "Fei brother, I'll pick up his goods for Boss Ma."

Ma Yinglong: "Fei brother, I asked Zhou Mei to send someone to pick up the goods!"

Looking at everyone's chatter, Da Fei's spirit flew up and chatted: "Everyone is polite! The beautiful woman is laughing and joking! Of course no problem! Wow ha ha ha!"

Between chats and farts, the fleet entered the waters of the Lighthouse Islands, and when you took a closer look, all the islands were completely turned into construction sites, all kinds of excavated, paved, square-built, house-built, and filled with stones into the sea. The quay is busy. The regional channel is even more lively: "Feige's fleet is awesome!" "This is simply beyond imagination!"

Dafei waved his greetings to the players on the island shore while consoling on the regional channel: "Brothers have worked hard!"

"Feige worked hard!"

Wow ha ha ha, cool! Since the guild's farts have all gone to Hongming Village to be isolated from the world, Dafei has not heard such a lively cheer for a long time. At this moment, Da Fei found that a group of heavily armed dwarf warriors stood on the shore of the pier island in front of him. The long-lost Hengwal was waiting on the pier with the help of two dwarves.

Da Fei's heart beat, this Hengwal was so weak? Didn't he recover during this time? So Dafei hurriedly wrote back to the leaders: "Sorry guys, there are npcs waiting for me on the dock. I have to complete some tasks."

The crowd laughed: "Seeing it, Fei is slowly busy first."

There is only one simple pier on the island, and only one can be docked. The other fleets had to be anchored in place.

The dwarves on the island's shore cheered when Flying was docked! Hungwal even excitedly opened his mouth towards the big fly on the deck! Dafei found out that he had few teeth, and once had gray hair and even bald hair! Old so fast!

Dafei instantly had an unknown hunch! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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