The girl’s sudden change made the people in the courtyard stunned for a moment, originally they were all ready to comfort the honey glass of the Ganlu Temple.

Unexpectedly, Ganlu Temple Honey Li came like this, but it caught them off guard.

Ganlu Temple Miri’s ambitious declaration made Lin Yan a little helpless, which was completely different from his original plan.

He originally thought of rejecting Ganlu Temple Honey and asking her to give up this idea, but he didn’t expect it to arouse the other party’s interest.

It can only be said that you don’t guess the girl’s thoughts, people can’t guess it at all.

However, looking at the expression on the face of Ganlu Temple Honey Li, how could Lin Yan be ruthless to say something desperate to Ganlu Temple Honey Li.

Ganlu Temple Honey Li did not do anything wrong, not to mention, her legs grew on Ganlu Temple Honey Li, and how she wanted to do it was her own business.

In this regard, Lin Yan can only say that it may be that Ganlu Temple honey glass is cheerful by nature, and it is easy to see things after all.

Ganlu Temple Mi Li said, without giving Lin Yan a chance to reply to her, she stood up and left in a hurry.

She had achieved her goal of coming here, and there was no point in staying here.

Moreover, after Ganluji Miri confided her heart, she felt as if her face was burning.

Staying here again, Ganlu Temple Miri was afraid that she would die of shame on the spot.

Looking at the gradually distant figure of Ganlu Temple Honey Li, with Lin Yan’s vision, he could easily see the red ear roots of Ganlu Temple Honey Li.

The round and full earlobes are extremely red, like a delicate ruby, with a lovely luster, which makes people can’t help but play with it in the palm of your hand.

However, Lin Yan just shook his head, they were only staying here temporarily, and when this incident passed, they would leave when the time came.

No matter what kind of enthusiasm Ganlu Temple Honey Li has, you can’t impulsively come to him in the ghost killing team.

After all, the current Ganlu Temple honey glass does not know the existence of their ghost killing team, and it is even more unheard of for evil ghosts.

Therefore, Lin Yan is not worried about the honey glass of Ganlu Temple now, but the Qiwo Za and Tong Mo are more worthy of his attention.

Especially the existence of Tong Mo, Tong Mo, who can pull the nest seat down from the position of the upper string, is obviously the most difficult one to deal with.

Even if all the pillar-level swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team came out together, they still had no certainty of killing during this trip.

In particular, Tong Mo’s fog-like ice crystals risk freezing just by skin contact.

If this ice crystal is inhaled into the lungs, it will be difficult to breathe, causing the entire lung to be damaged and die.

Not to mention killing evil spirits, even fighting with Tong Mo is a very difficult thing.

After all, the breathing method is the cornerstone of the entire ghost killing team, and even Lin Yan wants to exert this strength, he has to rely on the help of the breathing method.

But the situation of the Ghost Killer Team is too critical, and the lineup of the upper string three plus string two is eyeing them.

It is impossible to simply intercept their team members, miss this opportunity, and the next time, I am afraid that it will be the time when all the strings are close and the ghost killing team is destroyed.

Fortunately, Lin Yan already had some rudiments in his mind on how to deal with Tong Mo, and he could train seven seven eight eight in the past two days.

Similarly, this is also an extension of Lin Yan’s research on his own breathing method, no matter what, this is also his first breathing method, and some moves are still very important.

The big war is imminent, everything is ready, and Lin Yan doesn’t want to clash with Tong Mo and them unprepared.

After thinking about it, Lin Yan immediately walked towards the outside of the vine house, for him, no time could be wasted.

“Mr. Lin Yan, where are you going’?”

Looking at Lin Yan’s back, the sharp-eyed Yulu Tianyuan stopped him.

“I went to the mountains to practice guns, and I came back in the evening, and Butterfly Kanae and they arrived and asked them to wait for me.”

After saying a few words with Yulu Tianyuan, Lin Yantou left the vine house without looking back, holding the spear disguised as a stick and walking towards the mountains and forests outside the city.


When the sun shines in the sky, the people working on the ground can’t help but block the sunlight shining into their eyes with their hands. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The sun is hot, but that’s not a reason for them to let go of their work.

“Is it going to rain, otherwise there will be thunder.”

As if hearing something, a hard-working man looked up at the scorching sun like a fireball.

“What’s the thunder, you’re hot and faint.”

The people who were traveling on the side laughed at him, and they had never heard him say it.

“But I know…”

The man just wanted to say something, but then shook his head and discarded the thoughts in his mind, as if he heard it, there was not a single cloud on this hot day, let alone thunder.

However, in the depths of the mountains and forests where such a scorching sun could not shine, at this moment, it was as if there was a sudden change in wind and clouds, thunder gradually rising, and even the trees of the entire mountain forest were whistling.

The ordinary mountains and forests showed such a vision in broad daylight.

Against the fierce wind that constantly blows out of the mountain forest, you can quickly discover the source of these winds, but it is just a teenager who keeps wielding a spear.

The rumbling thunder actually came from this young man, and this young man was Lin Yan who shot with all his strength.

Lin Yan was waving his hands to himself at this time, and he himself was closing his eyes tightly, feeling the changes in the air flow around him.

This move, which was originally used to resist the defensive move of the upper string six, had undergone earth-shaking changes when it was reproduced in Lin Yan’s hands.

Not to mention the visions caused by the breathing method around him, the power generated in Lin Yan’s hands at this moment alone was enough to shock everyone in the Vine House.

Despite this, Lin Yan’s brows were still furrowed, which was not the effect he wanted.

Of course, the gun wind he constantly casts can blow Tong Mo’s ice crystals apart, but he is not alone in the battlefield, and blowing them does not mean that Tong Mo’s ice crystals cannot work.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yan could not risk making such an attempt, and the early exit of every pillar-level swordsman was a great blow to the others.

At this moment, Lin Yan was thinking about how to change this move, but fortunately, he had faintly grasped a glimmer of opportunity.

How to make the wind cyclone he created have suction, even enough to suck up all the ice crystals scattered in the air.

Lin Yan already had the answer, and this was precisely by virtue of his own strong physical fitness.

Relying on his strong grip strength, heating the spear in his hand, as two completely different materials, Lin Yan found that the temperature of part of the blade would be higher.

In this way, the spear in Lin Yan’s hand was still dancing, so fast that people could not even see its afterimage.

However, the fierce wind that originally howled outside the mountains and forests suddenly changed, and the sand and gravel on the ground and the dead branches and leaves under the trees were rotten.

Under a powerful suction force, it continued to gather towards the location where Lin Yan was, and the dancing speed of the spear in Lin Yan’s hand continued to accelerate.

This suction force became stronger and stronger, and in the end, even the entire mountain forest centered on Lin Yan, and invisible cirrus clouds appeared around it, enveloping the entire mountain forest.

Looking down from the sky, it is completely in the shape of a hurricane eye, which is unbelievable.

Người mua: Nts771994

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