The night was like overturned ink, inadvertently dyed the entire sky and shrouded the entire city.

After Purgatory Kyoshiro’s explanation, the three people who traveled to the bottom of the world gradually understood the situation of the entire city.

Now the evil ghosts are most likely hiding in the Dongcheng district a little away from here, and now not only they are looking for the evil ghosts, the evil ghosts are also looking for them.

The situation in the entire city is not so much their hunt for evil spirits as a trap set by evil spirits.

But now this trap has been broken by Lin Yan, and the personnel arrangement of the evil ghost has been mastered by the ghost killing team.

Just wait until they come, then whether the evil spirits discover them first, or they attack the evil spirits first, is not very meaningful in itself.

Their Ghost Killer team has assembled a lineup strong enough to go head-to-head with the two top three, and the only possibility is a head-to-head confrontation. “Four Six Seven”

Now, as long as Lin Yan returns, they will begin an undisguised sweep of the entire Dongcheng District together until they find out the traces of the two winders.

However, the prelude to the storm loomed over everyone, which also made their waiting seem extremely tormenting.

“Knock knock!”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the Fuji House.

The simple sound awakens the vitality of the entire courtyard, which can be seen from the smile on the face of Butterfly Kanae.

“Wait, I’ll go open the door, it should be Lin Yan back.”

With a relaxed mood, Butterfly Kanae was like a dancing butterfly, rushed in front of everyone and opened the door of the vine house.

However, it was not the familiar boy in front of him, but a girl with long cherry pink braids.

“You are?”

Looking at the delicate girl in front of her, Butterfly Kanae was a little puzzled, how could anyone still come to the Fuji House in such a night.

Ganluji Miri was also startled by the butterfly Kanae who opened the door, she had not seen the butterfly Kanae when she came here during the day.

However, now, there was a big beauty standing in front of her, and the gentleness of the other party, and the voice like the warm spring sun.

Let Ganlu Temple Honey Li couldn’t help but feel ashamed, but after thinking that Lin Yan had no sweetheart, he immediately plucked up his courage.

“My name is Ganlu Temple Miri, excuse me, is Lin Yan there?” This is a snack I made and wanted him to try it. ”

Ganluji Miri stared at the face of the butterfly Kanae and motioned to her with the package in her hand.

The package looked carefully packaged, and you could even smell the aroma of cherry cakes on it, which was obviously specially made by Ganlu Temple honey for Lin Yan.

At this time, Butterfly Kanae had not yet recovered from the words of Ganluji Miri, and a voice suddenly broke into their conversation.

That voice is easily reminiscent of an innocent teenager, and there is a bit of joy in his tone, like a teenager has found his beloved toy.

However, the information contained in the words made Butterfly Kanae creepy.

“Hello, excuse me, were you talking about Lin Yan just now?”

Following the sound, a young man with a folding fan covering half of his face was watching them from the wall above them.

What catches your eye is the iris, which is like a rainbow, and the “winding” and “roaring” reflected on the iris.

At the same time, Lin Yan, who took advantage of the night and finally rushed back, when he first entered the city, walking on the street where no one was yet, he suddenly felt a feeling of being watched.

This feeling is like a beast eyeing its prey, but it is different, and if you have to say it, Lin Yan feels like that cold night.

Lin Yan suddenly turned around, and on the roof of a nearby house, he saw the last figure he wanted to see now.


Looking at the figure covered in dark blue tattoos, Lin Yan directly called out the other party’s name.

Discovered by Lin Yan, with a slightly sick smile on his face, he jumped over the roof and landed in front of Lin Yan, blocking Lin Yan’s way into the city.

“Lin Yan, what a coincidence, you finally appeared.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lin Yan looked at the fever in the eyes of the Qiwuzao, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

“Yes, I came out, what about Tong Mo, didn’t he come with you?”

While speaking, Lin Yan also seemed to inadvertently drop the stick in his hand to the ground.

“Hmph, that guy doesn’t know why he ran to the Xicheng District one day dark, but against you, I’m enough alone.”

Hearing that Lin Yan easily dismantled their arrangement, Qiuza snorted coldly, and then showed a cruel smile to Lin Yan.

In the next second, the hard fist wrapped in the explosion of the air came towards Lin Yan’s face at an unparalleled speed.

When Qiwozuo actually paralyzed Lin Yan with words, he directly attacked Lin Yan…

Knock knock!

After two extremely fast sounds, a sharp light popped out from the front of Lin Yan’s hand, shining under the light on the side, and quickly burst out a different kind of light, and at the same time, the sound of wind and thunder sounded.

The sudden vision startled the Nest Seat, and he secretly took precautions against Lin Yan in his heart, but the Fist of the Nest Seat did not release the slightest water, and the power contained in it, even Lin Yan did not dare to underestimate it now.

Fear is jealous, Lin Yan is now also a master of a series with the Nest Seat, since he likes to fight hard, then come as much as you like.

It is also an unpretentious shot, and now Lin Yan can also hold a gun with one hand when facing the Qiwo seat.

Seeing that Lin Yan was actually going head-to-head with him, especially with a gun in one hand, Qiuzao’s face suddenly became fierce.

“Dare to go head-to-head with me and look for death!”

However, the moment the fist and the tip of the gun collided, the devastation and decay imagined by the Qiwo seat did not happen, but the sharp edge on the tip of the gun pierced the skin of the Qiwo Seat, leaving stains of blood.

Looking at the red blood that fell on the ground, his face was full of disbelief.

“It’s impossible, it’s only been three months, how can he change so much.”

Three months ago, Lin Yan was in front of him, and he couldn’t even keep his own weapon, but now, he can pierce his skin, and it is still under a head-on collision.

This makes how can Hype accept such a reality.

However, Lin Yan, who collided with the Nest Seat 2.8 hard, was also uncomfortable, and after the blow was over, Lin Yan inevitably felt a tingling in his right hand.

After all, it was still a little difficult for Lin Yan to compete with a demon like Qiwuza in terms of physical fitness.

However, being able to collide head-on with the Hye Nest and leave such a result, Lin Yan was already very satisfied.

After the blow, Lin Yan immediately pulled away the distance between the Qiwoza, this place was too close to the crowd, it was not a suitable battlefield, with their destructive power, the residential area in that area would be razed to the ground.

Compared to this, Lin Yan was more worried about the situation on the side of the vine house, because the Xicheng District where Tong Mo went was the location of the vine house.

If it was just their six pillar-level swordsmen, Lin Yan would have a hard time guaranteeing how long the six of them would be able to last under Tong Mo now.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yan directly turned over on the roof and quickly walked in the direction of Xicheng District.

Người mua: Nts771994

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