God Simulator

Chapter 242 As I Lay Dying

Layers of mist enveloped everything, there was no sky or ground, no ocean or mountains, and we didn’t know when it would rain or whether the clear sky would never come.

This is the world that Cancong sees.

It has been cut off unnecessary parts, unable to perceive the outline of the world, and is full of vague and hazy mist.

At first, it would guess that this mist might be a person, and that circle of clouds might be stones or trees. In the end, even this illusion was cut off by generations of silkworm bushes.

Except for the mission objectives, everything else is superfluous. You don’t need to see or think about it.

It is Longsu's sentinel stationed at the Jiuhe Pillar.

It is enough to pay attention to the stability of the Nine Hezhu passage and ensure that those who enter and exit must be those who set sail.

The only thing Cancong could see clearly was the Nine Harvest Pillar and the Sailor.

The huge and precise totem of the Nine Harvest Pillars is engraved on the special stone platform, projecting nine shadows that reach into the sky.

The end of each shadow is a black cloud shaped like the sun, where nine Golden Crows are guarding, and behind them are nine different passages.

That is the place where only those who set sail can set foot.

Cancong once saw dragons soaring out of the shadow of the sun and stretching their bodies in the new world. It also witnessed that human voyagers stepped all the way to the door to a foreign land and never came back.

The more it sees, the easier it becomes to think wildly.

In order to better guard the Nine Harvest Pillars, Cancong put the unnecessary parts of his thoughts into consideration - the sailors he saw, the rumors he heard and the witnesses he witnessed, the interactions he had with different groups, the changes in the mountains and rivers he saw, The passage of time... has been cut out from the body and made into a body to store memories.

It names these bodies [remembering bodies].

Silkworm Cong kept them well, waiting for the day when he was relieved of his responsibilities, and then integrated them all back into his body.

However, the sudden explosion of Jiuhezhu changed everything.

The other two pillars disappeared.

Silkworm Cong could feel that the explosion completely annihilated them.

Under this sudden explosion, even Zhu Cong, who had a strong ability to survive, could not survive.

Cancong escaped the disaster because he split and made the body needed for rebirth.

But its past, the records buried around it that recorded generations of silkworm bushes, were also erased in this devastating disaster, leaving only strange portraits of little people. They are no longer memories, just some ridiculous and crude traces.

Silkworm Cong stood by the old site, waiting quietly.

An abnormality must have been discovered at Longsu, and the Dragon Tribe Sailors will definitely make repairs. It won't be long before a new Nine Harvest Pillar will appear.

But neither the Jiuhe Pillar nor the dragon appeared again.

Cancong waited for a long time and finally found a godhead. He is a young man, his body outline is clearer than that of ordinary people, and he looks short and short.

The young man squatted on the ground, holding his knees with his hands and talking to it: "I heard that you can't use the sacred tree to go home. Is that right?"

Cancong didn't answer.

Sentinels cannot talk to idlers.

The young man was not angry either. He surrounded Silkworm and told him all kinds of interesting stories and important events he had seen.

He said that the dragons in this world suddenly became very weak, and they were all dying quickly. Some dragons even hit the mountains while flying, collapsing the mountains and causing great floods.

He also said that the adults were all talking about whether Longsu might have encountered some devastating disaster that caused the sacred tree to collapse.

The boy used charcoal to draw a little figure that looked like a bush of silkworms, and said, "This is me. If you have me with you, you won't be so lonely. In fact, I can't go home either."

He said to himself: "I come from another world on the sacred tree. Our world is small, very warm, and there are many interesting bugs. I like playing with bugs. It's too cold here."

"Without the sacred tree, I can't go back."

The young man squatted on the ground, drew insects one by one with his dirty hands, and said: "In the future, I will build a sacred tree, so that we can all go home."

Cancong retorted: "That's impossible. Only the powerful sailors of Longsu know how to make the Nine Harvest Pillars."

"How will you know if it doesn't work if you don't try?" The young man had an almost innocent stubbornness.

"That can't be done."

Cancong responded simply, asking: "Your father is a sailor. Can you ask him what happened?"

"He went back to his hometown. The sacred tree was destroyed and he couldn't make it." The young man shook his head.

Only then did Cancong know.

It turns out that this child has the same fate as himself.

"I want to create a new sacred tree!" the young man stood up and said.

He smiled broadly and opened his arms.

Many flying insects such as butterflies and bees flew around him, as if guarding their king.

"I want everyone to go home! Then everyone will be happy."

"What's your name?" Cancong asked.

"I don't have a name."

The boy said: "In my hometown, if you are not an adult, you don't have a name. I think your name is good. Can I use your name?"

"Before I think about my own name, can I just use your name?"

Cancong agreed.

Soon after, the boy found a white insect that could spin out thin silk. He named it silkworm. Because this kind of insect is just like a bush of silkworms, it will change, wrap up, and be reborn from the solidified past.

Soon, the era changed.

Cancong was bound by the power of rules and fell into stagnation.

In its memory, the other Silkworm Bush is always the boy surrounded by many insects.

It was thousands of years later that he recovered again.

Cancong did not remove the memory of this person with the same name.

He is another Silkworm Bush, another himself.

Now that's all it has.

After many epoch updates, the world has changed greatly, and all the voyagers seem to have disappeared.

Cancong finally found a sailor, but was almost imprisoned by the opponent with props. The sailors of this world became extremely anxious and manic, and extremely dangerous.

It escapes from the other side.

In the museum, Cancong saw the Shang bronze sacred tree that imitated the Nine Harvest Pillar.

It was almost certain that it was the work of another Silkworm Cong.

Because the appearance of the bronze sacred tree is almost exactly the same as the picture that Cancong originally drew for the boy: including the golden crows stationed on the branches, the dragons entrenched at the base, and the three pillars guarding the bottom loyally.

Unfortunately, this cannot replace Jiuhe Zhu after all.

Cancong suddenly felt that he was being targeted.

It hid in Tibet all the way, and with the help of two friendly divine beings, it also learned about some of the current conditions of the world today. It thanks them for their help and then moves on to find a suitable starter.

Finally it found Lu Yao.

At the same time, it was also targeted by another sailor. The other party sent the apostle Bird Bird to cling to him, forcing him to continue hiding.

In order to further locate the silkworm bush, the bird even directly reduced the dimension and tried to capture it alive.

Silkworm Cong peeled off most of his body and successfully escaped.

But even so, it is already dying.

There are only the last 7 days of life left.

The 65th generation Silkworm Cong is about to die, and the 66th generation will be reborn.

As he lay dying, Cancong wanted to store his last memory—everything about that boy—in a safe and stable place.

The only person it can trust is Lu Yao, the sailor it has just met.

After hearing Cancong's request, the other party readily agreed.

"If the next generation of Silkworm meets me, I will ask it to come over and read this part of the memory."

"Thank you, thank you very much. The memory is in the mark on your arm."

Cancong was grateful.

In Lu Yao, it saw some shadows of the young Silkworm Cong of the past. He has the calm and focused temperament of classical sailors, and he enjoys it even if the place of departure is simple.

To express his gratitude, Cancong said: "If you need my help in any way, please feel free to tell me. I will tell you everything I know."

"Now I only have 7 days left to live. I have been seriously injured and it is difficult to move. Please forgive me for being sorry. I can only talk to you in this way."

Lu Yao over there said through the mark: "Then you should have a good rest."

He suddenly thought of something: "By the way, are there many dragons in Longsu?"

"Yes, Longsu is the largest settlement of the Dragon Clan in the dimension space. Many splendid Dragon Clan civilizations have been established there. It is a vast and magical multi-layered world."

"So, what's the best way to teach a young dragon?"

Lu Yao said: "It's like this. I have a young dragon. Its self-study performance is not ideal, and its dragon language spells are always rough... Is there any way to improve its related learning abilities faster and better?"

Cancong suspected that he heard wrongly.

"You said you have a dragon?"


"Is it a real dragon? Is it that kind of dragon, not dragon, dragonborn, or dragon species?"

"Is the Dragon of the Dark Sun considered an authentic dragon clan?"


Cancong suddenly became excited, and the previous depression disappeared.

"Are you still at the departure point? I'll come find you right now!"

"Ah? Isn't it already difficult for you to move?" The other party was puzzled.

"It's okay, even if you crawl, I will crawl over here!"

Cancong said excitedly: "The bloodline of the Dragon Clan is the largest memory bank, which contains a lot of important information about the Dragon Clan and the coordinates of the Dragon Clan. Our Zhu Cong is a life imitating the Dragon Clan... I'll be here right away! Just wait. Follow me!"

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