God Simulator

Chapter 566 Three-Eyed Yanshi

Around the dining table, everyone took their seats.

The two Ding Hanzhen, one on the left and one on the right, are like two door gods.

Lu Yao had to use the spell of true vision to identify the true body and advocate people.

Ding Hanzhen, the original deity, took the tea cup from Hongzhen and said, "After entering the West Ji Palace, I will take Hongzhen to conduct a step-by-step survey along the area that Pang Li walked through..."

Ding Hanzhen went to Xiji Palace to help Wei Qixiang find Pang Li's body and try to solve the mystery of the advocate here.

At the same time, the villages inside were changing rapidly.

The houses became more visible to the naked eye, the mud floors were replaced by stone roads, thatched houses turned into wooden houses, with stone walls and courtyards.

The clothing of men, women, old and young has also become more diverse, and more advocates have appeared.

In a short period of time, a village evolved and expanded into a small town.

Wei Qixiang explained this: "Our previous investigation found that the changes in the West Pole Palace will suddenly accelerate as the number of outside entrants increases, just like a stone thrown into calm water."

"Therefore, I request that the number of people in the Security Department in the West Pole Palace be kept at five. The fewer people entering, the more stable the environment inside will be, and the more suitable it will be for investigation."

"It should be the Governor, you and Miss Hongzhen who enter here and have an impact on the changes in the West Ji Palace. The more powerful gods enter, the more intuitive this impact will be."

Ding Hanzhen entered the Xiji Palace for the first time.

He had been doing peripheral surveys before.

The cycle of a heritage excavation project is always very long, basically ten years.

Although the flow of time in the virtual universe is slower than that in the real universe, the movement felt in it is synchronous, which means that even if it is a day in the outside world, Ding Hanzhen will indeed spend more than ten years here.

Coupled with the serious shortage of manpower, Ding Hanzhen's progress here is very slow.

He made a series of sand table reproductions and comparative inspections of the sea of ​​clouds, slate floors, bird totems, and gantry-style architectural structures here, mainly for technical support.

The joining of Song Shiyi, Lu Yao and others allowed him to go inside.

After entering, Ding Hanzhen quickly tried to communicate with the advocates.

In the Xiji Palace, the advocates are also divided into many small groups.

They speak different languages ​​and accents: there is the common language circulated in the region during the Qin and Han Dynasties, there is Yayan as the official language, there is Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Wu dialect in the fifth and sixth centuries AD, there is ancient Cantonese, there is Jin dialect, there is Min dialect, there is Southwest dialect Dialects... there are so many different dialects.

Ding Hanzhen only recognized a limited number of them. Fortunately, the godhead gave the gods the ability to communicate without barriers in the virtual universe.

What he was certain of was that the advocates here came from different eras and regions.

It seems like these people live together, but it's more like they were forcibly grouped together by external forces. However, although they are also accustomed to dialects, the advocates have already completed language integration and can communicate with each other.

These locals in Xiji Palace are very happy to chat and have no objection to outsiders.

"Hello... I was in the Yuanfeng period of the Han Dynasty. I fell off a cliff and was introduced to this fairyland by an immortal. Were you also brought here?"

Ding Hanzhen immediately knew that this person was from the Western Han Dynasty.

"I am from the Liu Kingdom. Is Liu Wengong still here?"

Liu State was a vassal state in the Spring and Autumn Period.

"Old gentleman, has Jin defeated Qin?"

The era of Qin and Jin's struggle for hegemony.

"I should have drowned during the Yongchu period, and when I woke up, I was brought here by a god."

This person is from the Song Dynasty in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Ding Hanzhen asked dozens of advocates and found that although they came from different dynasties, they all had similar experiences.

They were brought into the West Pole Palace because they were about to die or had died for various reasons. As for the appearance of the gods and immortals who brought them here, they could not tell clearly.

It is recommended that people work at sunrise and rest at sunset like ordinary people.

Here, farming and animal husbandry are not just for food, but a leisurely way of life.

“It’s really nice that you won’t go hungry in Wonderland.”

Most advocates are proud of this.

Ding Hanzhen checked on the ground and found that the crops grown in the soil and the livestock raised in the pens were all just illusions formed by some high-level magic.

The boundaries of the village are expanding little by little, as if a small world is evolving.

In the eyes of advocates, this is normal.

This is what fairyland is like.

This sentence can explain everything.

Being in the paradise of Xiji Palace, they had no worries and were used to everything here.

Ding Hanzhen took the route Pang Li had patrolled, which was a field near the edge of the village. Now, the fog nearby has further dissipated, revealing large areas of land and grass.

There is nothing suspicious near Tiankan.

According to Pang Li himself, he was always within the sight of General Wei Qixiang and did not see any strange phenomena, but for a moment he seemed to be in a daze.

Ding Hanzhen noticed that there were no people around the field, as if it was some kind of convention.

He asked people nearby and suggested that people avoid talking about it, as if it was some kind of taboo.

He was still a kid riding a bull, and because he was covetous of Ding Hanzhen's kitchen food, he couldn't help but tell him.

"There is a man-eating monster. The foreigner must have been eaten. It must have been a great god who saved him, otherwise he would have died."

The cowherd boy ate the sticky sugar melon, smashed it and said, "There are also people in the village who suddenly disappear, and they are all eaten. There is a monster suppressed under the fairyland. The monster is very scary. It is said that it takes many years to become a monster." Come out once."

"The stranger must have woken it up, so it was eaten."

Ding Hanzhen followed the words: "What does the underground monster look like?"

"Don't know. Can't see it."

"Who is the Great Immortal?"

"I don't know. Do you have any more candy?"

Although the child used exaggerated words, the information revealed is worth thinking about.

Assuming that the prerequisite for becoming a champion is to be on the verge of death, then Pang Li, who was attacked by an invisible beast, triggered a certain rule mechanism at the moment of death and was transformed into a champion.

There is no trace of the monster, only the fact of dying is controllable.

Ding Hanzhen decided to try it himself.

Hongzhen took the initiative to ask Ying to do it in his place.

Even if the group of food spirits dies, they can still manage to unite and revive again.

Through the use of specific props, Hongzhen entered a state of near-death, but in an instant Hongzhen recovered as before, but she had become an advocate.

Ding Hanzhen found some clues.

"Zao Shi" shows that some kind of regular power remains and is synchronized and exchanged with Hongzhen. This scene is exactly the same as the transformation of Pang Li's candy man.

It cannot be observed with the naked eye, and high-precision props also fail to capture it.

It is suspected to be a specific phenomenon of Xijigong formed by a regular complex.

Previous speculations have also been initially confirmed.

As long as the entrant is on the verge of death, he will be immediately transformed into an advocate.

After Ding Hanzhen made a lot of preparations, he conducted the experiment on himself for the second time. He removed some of his own precautions to avoid the failure of the rules.

After a near-death experience, he came back to his senses and found that he too had become an advocate.

But this time, Ding Hanzhen had already planned it and put a mark on his body.

"Hongzhen, I'm going to find all the lost bodies. You go back first and tell everyone for me..."

The food spirit returns after receiving the order.

After separating from Hongzhen, Ding Hanzhen, who advocated human body, used a stove candle to find him all the way. His realm chain is still usable, he just changed into a special body.

The impact is not big.

The flame of the stove candle points straight to the sky.

Ding Hanzhen rode the wind, experienced strong winds and turbulence, and entered a new world amidst tinnitus and dazzling light.

Among the clouds in the sky, he found his body. There are all kinds of bodies preserved in the clouds, only a handful of them remain active, and all flesh and blood bodies are in a state of extremely low temperature.

But in this cloud where the physical body is stored, there is still a flexible living person.

The man was driving a weird wooden-wheeled vehicle with a sail on the top that could glide and fly in the clouds.

The driver spoke a very difficult to pronounce ancient Chinese, and shouted and waved at him from a distance.

Ding Hanzhen could only vaguely recognize that the other party's language was somewhere between ancient Shang dialect and classical Chinese.

After the two sides got closer, he saw clearly the appearance of the person coming.

This man was between thirty and forty years old. He was wearing a turban, dark clothes made of linen, and a short coat. He looked dark and thin, and looked at him with curiosity in his eyes.

Ding Hanzhen used the ability of [Kitchen God] to identify the other party's identity, and he used his divine power to smooth the language barrier and communicate with the other party.

"You have to wait until people can complete it. Don't be anxious."

The man waved his hands and said: "Don't be in a hurry, you can't be in a hurry. If you are in a hurry, you will damage the body. You can move around now, but please don't fight or damage this body. Only when the final creation is completely completed can the fake be confused with the real one. Become a human being.”

Ding Hanzhen asked him: "Master Yan, did the Emperor Zhou send you here?"

"Yes, I will obey the king's order, imitate the art of human transformation, and create an exchange of life and death."

Yanshi was very straightforward: "Sir, does the emperor have any new orders?"

He regarded Ding Hanzhen as an aristocratic minister sent by King Mu of Zhou Dynasty.

The two sides had a discussion from simple to profound.

Ding Hanzhen gradually figured out the context.

Yanshi mastered the unique technique of making advocates. When he heard that Emperor Zhou was returning from the west, he went to perform his skills in order to make more advocates with the help of King Mu of Zhou.

The Emperor of Zhou was so impressed by Yanshi's exquisite skills that he brought him back to the Zhou Kingdom and sent him to the West Ji Palace so that the craftsman could continue to make people.

Yanshi's creation of human beings can be completed in an instant, but there is a prerequisite: a living person of flesh and blood must be used as the template and raw material.

The created advocate has a mind-to-heart connection with the deity.

If the deity is not dead, it will be like a person with two bodies.

The Xiji Palace was transformed by Emperor Zhou, integrating it with the power of Yanshi. Yanshi can transform any flesh and blood body that enters the Xiji Palace anytime and anywhere in the cloud, and complete it instantly with [authenticity and falsehood overlapping] The exchange of life and death bodies.

People who were dying were sent to the top of the clouds in the Xiji Palace, and Yanshi was asked to help those people recover from their broken bodies in this way.

After the advocates are made, they will be put into the world below to confirm that their various actions are okay. This period can range from a few years to decades.

During the activity test, two of the most common failures experienced by advocates were the inability to feel pain and being too happy. These two points are very weird in normal people and require long-term observation and adjustment.

In the end, those who have completed the whole process of resurrection will be sent back to the outside world. As for where they are sent, Yanshi doesn't know.

I don't know which day, Xiji Palace suddenly broke down and it was impossible to take the advocate out.

Yanshi hadn't seen a dying body come in for many years.

The lonely craftsman said: "Are you sent by the king to extract the advocates? Excluding those who were taken away, there are now a total of 18,436 advocates alive here. Except for their different body structures, they are different from the others. There is no fundamental difference between ordinary people and their lifespan is very long.”

"No. I have something else to ask you."

Ding Hanzhen took back his and Hongzhen's bodies from Yanshi, and also brought back an advocate's body, making two agents inside and outside.

After finishing speaking, the old man took a sip of tea.

Lu Yao discovered the key problem: "There is something wrong with Yanshi."

According to the reign of King Zhou Mu, Yanshi has been working in the Xiji Palace for 3,000 years so far.

Considering that the West Pole Palace is in the virtual universe, according to the ratio of at least 1 day in the real universe to 10 years in the virtual universe, 3000 years is 10.95 million years!

Can anyone really do something repeatedly for ten million years?

Lu Yao was very skeptical about this.

When he was in college, he had a part-time job, packaging chocolates in a factory. Just two days left him numb and he felt unbearable.

The ancients had greater endurance and survival ability, but could they really achieve this level?

"Did Xiao Huang find out?"

Both Ding Hanzhen laughed.

The advocate Ding Hanzhen looked at Lu Yao: "You are right, I saw it clearly when I met him. Master Yan is not a normal person, he is a divinely inspired person."

"And Yanshi's order was to create as many advocates as possible."


Ding Hanzhen looked at everyone in the group and said famously: "Master Yan has three eyes, and his left hand is a prosthetic hand. But the eye on his forehead is covered by a scarf, and his left hand is also covered by a sleeve. King Zhou Mu could not have discovered this back then. But we still brought him back to the country..."

"I'm afraid Yanshi's identity is not simple."

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