God Simulator

Chapter 584 No, are you serious?

When the plan goes smoothly, every step seems to be perfect, giving people the confidence to win.

However, once it failed, flaws were revealed everywhere, like a broken ship leaking water everywhere.

Lu Ling thought about the possibility of failure.

It has also experienced many positive setbacks, being seen through, discovered, attacked, escaped or killed.

But the process is not like this.

Lu Ling couldn't figure it out.

It carefully selects and invites leaders with ambitions and interests.

The fox man Fox You is leading the orcs to encircle the hunting ground and prohibit hunting without permission. He claims to protect the integrity of the natural wilderness and the orc tradition.

Outsiders who want to go hunting must pay entrance fees and corresponding maintenance fees.

A small part of this money was turned over to the kingdom in the form of taxes, while the majority was retained for use in the construction of the Dominion. Many people in the Red Thorn tribe felt it was unreasonable, and the orc group was also fighting openly and secretly with the kingdom's tax collector over the accounting books.

Beifeng, a native of Zhouzhou, is the founder of the urban autonomy trend.

As the first ethnic minority to gain autonomy, the Zhouzhou people became the second largest ethnic group in the kingdom after the Red Thorns through their actual monopoly on the "Habiting Manatees" and their alliance with the Sharks.

Although the Zhouzhou people appear to be short in stature and primitively dressed, they are the best group of people and are very good at fighting and gathering. Relying on the expensive spice [Seaweed] produced by the sea cows, their wealth continues to accumulate, and their influence in the kingdom is also increasing day by day.

Camel beasts are very good at tea. Although this one looks like an ox and a horse, it was the one who led and planned the recent strike of 60,000 camel beasts.

The entire strike was organized in an orderly manner, with clear demands. It created enough influence and public pressure in public. In addition, it happened to be during the tea-picking season, which made the kingdom even more distressed.

Camels are of great significance to the Kingdom of the Sun, with nearly 100,000 working camels being raised throughout the country.

This work animal has too many tasks, including picking tea and identifying tea, picking and testing medicine, confirming the ripeness of fruits in orchards and selecting new varieties, cultivating farmland and transporting materials, leveling land and building houses...

It can be said that the Kingdom of the Sun is a country living on the back of a camel beast.

Good times, the new generation leader of the Wild Wolf.

Unlike the land faction, it leads the wolf pack to further develop the southern seas, which is a place that the Kingdom of the Sun cannot control.

Beizhou in the island world is the territory of the Kingdom of the Sun, but all the way out of the territorial waters, more than one-fifth of the South China Sea is the territory and paradise of wild wolves.

The low-key and introverted Wild Wolf clan has become a noble among the ethnic minorities after receiving the kingdom's order to open up wasteland at sea. They occupy a large area of ​​the ocean and are becoming a powerful force that cannot be ignored.

These four major ethnic minorities each have their own interests and demands, and they are eyeing the Red Thorn tribe, the current ruler of the Kingdom of the Sun. All phenomena have proved that they are ready to replace them at any time.

For Lu Ling, whether it can completely overthrow the Sun Kingdom is not important.

As long as there is chaos, the elite group of this civilization will be disappointed and shaken, and then they can be absorbed by the country.

The gods will not pay attention to internal turmoil on the mundane level.

To them, the secular realm is nothing more than population numbers, and the fire of faith brought by each individual is no different.

The existing national turmoil and internal disorder will have a demographic impact that will be felt ten or decades from now.

At that time, Lu Ling had already taken away the fresh blood he wanted and fled.


The reaction of the four major leaders was surprisingly unanimous.

——Give us support and oppose the status quo of the Kingdom of the Sun, okay.

——Destroying the kingdom’s base is no good.

——Absorb some people in the kingdom and become people of the heart, OK.

——Let us become people of the heart? no.

Lu Ling couldn't understand.

These guys closest to power actually believe the lie that they have a chance to become gods?

The fox man left a message before leaving.

"Go talk to the bird spirit, or Lady Nefeli. Let's just pretend that nothing happened today."

Between quick evacuation and risky verification, Lu Ling chose the latter.

Learn the lessons, and future countries will not fall into the same river again.

After thinking rationally, it realized that the bird spirit must know its intentions, and it knew that the apostle Nefeli also knew, and the master of this world, the King of Light, also knew...

Since those in power knew it but did not kill him, there must be some reason.

Lu Ling is ready. If Death can get an answer, then this sacrifice will be valuable.

So it found the bird spirit.

Both parties are buried spirits, so it is faster and more direct to talk to each other with the skylight open.

Under the setting sun, the two buried souls were walking along the beach again.

Only this time, their mentality was completely different.

"When did you find out?"

"It should be time to enter the Kingdom of Dixin." Bird Spirit stepped forward slowly: "A country without conflicts and contradictions, a country that is strong and rich in resources to cover everyone in a balanced way is undoubtedly the paradise that its citizens dream of. "

"But at what cost? You never said."

"The demise of the Stork Tribe has left a piece of advice to future generations: For a civilization, if changes become less and less and each ethnic group becomes more and more the same, it will be very dangerous."

"Civilization always advances through contradictions and failures. This is a characteristic way of evolution of life. The other side of the plateau is usually a period of decline."

Bird Spirit spoke calmly, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

"I guess you covet the Kingdom of the Sun because you must use outsiders to further allow civilization to operate and progress, otherwise it will fall into a situation of stagnation. Once movement and change stop, destruction is not far away."

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, you shouldn't underestimate any enemy."

"It's just that I don't understand. How did you make those orcs and Zhouzhou people believe that this world has a great future? Why do they firmly believe that they have the hope of becoming gods?"

Lu Ling expressed the biggest doubt in his heart: "How did you convince them of such a ridiculous scam? It's really amazing. I really want to ask you for advice."


The bird spirit sneered: "Why do you think it's a scam?"

"It's okay to lie to outsiders, but don't lie to yourself."

The deer spirit couldn't help laughing, raised its hoof and pointed at the bird spirit.

The bird spirit didn't smile.

Lu Ling's smile gradually disappeared.

"No, are you serious?"

"This is the truth."

"...Are you crazy?"

Lu Ling said: "For gods, godhead should also be an extremely valuable and rare resource. I know this very well. Even among noble sailors, there are very few who hold godhead."

"Higher gods will only grant gifts to races with extraordinary talents, or outstanding apostles who follow them all year round... Just like your King of Light, it seems that he has been stationed in this world since he awakened to wisdom, right?"


"That's right, why would godhood be given to those untouchables below?" Lu Ling insisted on his point of view.

"Because that is Lord Yao."

Bird Spirit said proudly: "God Yao will give everyone a chance, whether it is the Red Thorn clan who just learned to walk upright or a defeated general who surrendered from the enemy. As long as they show their talents and make great contributions to the entire civilization, God Yao will Your Majesty will be kind to you."

"In addition, civilians are never humble. Everyone knows that everyone can become a being comparable to gods, so everyone is full of expectations and fighting spirit, and maintains basic respect for each other."

The other party's voice and demeanor showed a kind of enthusiasm and determination that Lu Ling could not understand.

"His Majesty the King of Light is the source of the entire Red Thorn tribe. He led the Red Thorn tribe from the ocean to the ground. They looked at the sky, measured the earth, built villages and towns, learned to understand the basic phenomena of the world's operation, and offered sacrifices to the gods. Faith and loyalty. Therefore, he was recognized by Lord Yao and became the first apostle here.”

"Later, He risked everything and rushed to the outer world, and had a close encounter with Tai Sui, the death that destroyed countless civilizations. He risked his life to get the [Stork Mayfly Tank] from that incomprehensible and indescribable place of stagnation, and from then on, he made the Kingdom of the Sun possible. It developed rapidly and finally caught up with the footsteps of the Yao people.”

"Based on the foundation and advancement of civilization, and the courage to face death in the face of an invincible enemy, His Majesty the King of Light wears the crown of God. This is the gift and blessing of God Yao."

"This is the god Yao."

The bird spirit raised its wings and pointed to the sky, saying with great confidence: "We have nothing to fear, because we know that God will always shine on us."

Only then did Lu Ling realize a fact.

The island world, or the core of the Kingdom of the Sun, is not a classical country that has become more complete.

The key to the interconnection and consensus among all ethnic groups is faith and confidence in the god Yao.

The King of Light is just the appearance of this world.

Lu Ling recalled.

If you tell locals about the country's many ills, they will curse right along with you. They also say that national welfare is too poor, urban disparities are huge, wealth is unequal, different ethnic groups cannot be treated equally, the country as a whole is backward and slow, and there is graft and corruption.

But you can't deny their belief.

Because in this seemingly contradictory country with constant ethnic disputes, no matter which group they come from, which race they come from, or which interests they are related to, they all have the same consensus.

They firmly believe that following Yao is the most correct choice, and the glory of Yao will be fed back to everyone.

The god Yao represents the infinite possibilities of the future.

As long as a person makes great achievements, he can even have his own statue of a god.

It’s a deep-seated, unquestionable confidence that’s not something that can be acquired overnight.

Even if this country is destroyed, those with different prejudices can still rebuild temples on the ruins and offer their faith and loyalty to the gods. They will continue to build a new country.

This is really terrible.

Unknowingly, Lu Ling found himself in front of the temple.

"bring it on."

The bird spirit stood on the steps and said: "His Majesty the King of Light is waiting for you. He will solve your doubts."

As if seeing it for the first time, the King of Light was wrapped in holy light.

It looks like a human figure, but also like a crack tearing open space.

The surrounding light is distorted to varying degrees by the power of the gods, making it appear that the incarnation formed by the holy light is slowly changing.

Apostle Nefeli stood quietly on one side, her long patterned skirt trailing to the ground.

"Go and see the more core world of the Yao people."

The King of Light seems to have seen through everything.

A distant and ethereal oracle came from the holy light: "Nefeli is with you. If you have any questions, you can ask her. Go, see the outside world, and you will understand."

Lu Ling followed Nefeli to Yunzhong Temple first - it was a huge white vortex world. Lu Ling had seen its outline covering the world when he flew to Zhoudao.

In the desert of the whirlpool world where life should not exist, a vast sand city stands.

Sand roses are all over the roads and exterior walls. Large forests and green spaces have been transformed around the city. The color of life is gradually reborn in the barren gravel.

Cloud roses like paintings by gods floated in the sky. From time to time, spaceships sailed out of these cloud flowers, dragging long strips of trailing clouds.

In addition, Lu Ling also witnessed with his own eyes the phase beetle that covered the sky and the sun.

They occasionally stretch their bodies in the air. Once this giant life unfolds into its full form, it is like a floating continent high in the sky, casting a huge shadow on the ground.

Lu Ling was surprised that this rare species, which is also extremely precious among the gods, and a powerful beast with the function of identifying and marking the virtual universe, was randomly placed in the desert-like whirlpool world by Yao God.

Nefeli told it: "The Bailing tribe here is mainly responsible for observing the sun, studying isotopic resonance, and front-end research on phases. They belong to a special group of scholars."

Then they entered the wind element channel for trial operation in Sand City. This project called [Wind Speed ​​Fairy] is still in the internal testing period and has not been fully announced to the outside world.

The user first confirms the route on the high platform, and then walks into the passage from the high platform. The [Wind Element Crystal Structure] paved on the ground can use the power of the wind element to propel everyone forward at a constant speed, safely and quickly.

Lu Ling passed through the fair wind and arrived at the Kingdom of Fog on the other side of the desert.

In this mythical wonder, three frost giant brothers built the Eternal City, a city filled with vacationers from different worlds.

Tourists come here to play ice hockey and Frisbee, eat sweet and iced local specialties, go to the [Treasure Box Party] to draw prizes and play with the Mimics, and the Nibelungen children act as their tour guides.

The tourism industry is very mature.

This scene shocked Lu Ling greatly.

It's clear.

If the gods want to turn a world from yellow sand into fertile soil, or turn fertile soil into desert, they can do it as long as they have enough faith.

But to allow a world of death to give birth to life and allow a hundred flowers to bloom at the cultural and technological levels, it is not just something that can be accomplished with enough power of faith.

This requires a highly developed civilization as a foundation, with strong tolerance and diversity, so that relocation and transformation can be quickly completed in a desert.

Lu Ling was finally determined.

The Yao god was indeed a patronizing god who cultivated intensively. He was not the kind of short-sighted god who just piled up the population and squeezed out faith.

"Let's go to Tianwai again and have a look."

Nefeli took Lu Ling into the launch platform again and boarded a crystal structure spaceship.

The person controlling the airship is a skeleton pilot. It expertly accelerated the spacecraft into the sky, broke through the clouds, squeezed past the boundaries of the world, and arrived in the lonely and boundless void space.

Lu Ling looked out the window.

Around the whirlpool world, the Yao tribe has built a partial circuit made of world fragments.

There are scattered flying boats parked on this ring road, and tall towers are erected to guide the flight. There are skeletal ancestors, ghosts and earth elemental beings working with sky lanterns.

The flying boat flew at a constant speed and smoothly beside the ring road, circling around Yunzhong Temple.

"How is this done?" Lu Ling asked cautiously: "Even after breaking through the boundary, how can we break through the traction and restraint of the power of the world's rules?"

Nefeli smiled: "I don't know much about this, and I haven't been outside for a while. Pilot, please introduce your technology to us two laggards."

"Lord Apostle, distinguished guest, this place relies on magnetic elements."

The skeleton pilot said proudly: "The power of the magnetic elements is spread throughout the ring road, allowing the airship to easily travel in the designated navigation area around the ring road. We pilots only need to control the direction and decide to move forward, slow down and stop."

"According to Master Fahai's recently revised schedule, it is estimated that in about a hundred years, the first phase of the ring road around Yunzhong Temple will be fully completed and can smoothly connect the two nearby worlds. At that time, please two You must come and experience it...”

Lu Ling was silent.

This is not the power of gods, but the power of civilization.

The Yao civilization is trying to control the world.

After landing from the spaceship, Nefeli said: "At the last stop, we will go to a distant world. There are other gods there, and it is a testing area under the command of Lord Yao."

Crossing the border, Deer Spirit followed Nefeli to the world called the civilization of the Sleepless Ones.

It immediately realized that something was wrong here, it was a leap zone!

The White Bone Ancestors are the main ethnic group here.

Different from the dull undead system that Lu Ling believed, the skeletons used bones to build offensive and defensive towers and mobile fortresses, built chariots and detachable houses, and planned large areas of farmland and pastures...everywhere. It is a scene of vitality.

Lu Ling saw with his own eyes an ancient dragon carrying destructive power running against the sun on the ground, enjoying the simplest happiness.

It is comparable to the body of a god, but here it looks like a large pet being kept free.

"That is Assi, also an apostle."

Nefeli said: "But Asi has only joined the team not long ago, and is still adapting to the Yao tribe's life rhythm... He is currently studying with Maocao. I heard that this is his morning run time, so don't worry."


Lu Ling took a deep breath: "If Di Xinguo wants to worship Lord Yao. Is there still a chance?"

"Of course."

Nefeli said without surprise: "Instead of dealing with an enemy, we want to gain a friend and a friend."

"I can only suggest that I can't make the decision... I need to return to [Die Xin Country] and discuss with everyone before making a final decision."

To show his sincerity, Lu Ling also told the secrets of the country.

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