God Simulator

Chapter 599 The Capricorn Raider

There is a proverb circulating in the Principality of Capricorn.

——If you want to become a master, you have to serve Capricorn well.

When he was a child, Jie Jie saw firsthand that a familiar Capricorn keeper was good at raising Capricorns, so he was promoted to Capricorn officer by an iron knight master.

A Capricorn officer is a grassroots official in the principality. Each Capricorn officer has to take charge of hundreds of Capricorn raisers and dozens of mountains.

In front of the Capricorn man, the Capricorn official is the master.

They can crack the whip on the caregivers and decide how food and supplies are distributed.

The only [Iron Warriors] who can protect everyone only listen to Capricorn Officer - they will be stationed in every pastoral area, ranging from ten to twenty people.

If you offend the Capricorn officer, you will not only lack food and drink, but you may also be driven out of the pastoral area. When you encounter a ground snake, you may not be able to receive timely rescue from an iron warrior.

Everyone is afraid of Capricorn.

But everyone also wants to be a Capricorn.

Jie Jie didn't care.

Because the acquaintance who was promoted to Capricorn Officer was his father.

Out of curiosity, Jie Jie asked his father.

"Dad, how did you raise Capricorn so well?"

"Want to know?"

The father reminded: "You are my son, can't you see that my method is no different from others?"

Jie Jie seemed to think so too.

He couldn't understand it even more.

"It's the relationship, I rely on the relationship."

A faint smile appeared on the father's face: "If you have time to take care of Capricorn, why not spend more time building relationships, sending gifts, and getting to know the Iron Warriors and Iron Knights? I gave away almost all my wealth. You know what Mom is? Why run?"

"Didn't Mom run away with another rich man?"

"That's the appearance."

The father calmly took a sip of Bobo tea and said, "The real reason is that I took all the things in the house and ran away. Your mother thought it couldn't be done and said I was crazy, so she ran away."

Jie Jie just said: "Oh."

In pastoral areas, it is normal for men and women to run away.

There is nothing else in the Principality of Capricorn, only pastures everywhere. Except for the low-class people who raise Capricorn outside the city, they are the gentlemen who live in the city.

It's just that the risk of running away is very high, and you will be recognized immediately. If there is no place willing to take them in and guarantee them, they will usually be sent to a worse world.

Only by becoming a master can one enter the city from the pastoral area, leave this smelly and muddy place, and even live in a better world.

Father is still a little short.

As long as he is promoted from Capricorn Officer to Quartermaster, he can move to the city.

Even so, the Capricorn officer in the pastoral area is also a very useful man.

Jie Jie is also inevitable and has to raise Capricorn.

Normally, he wouldn't have to do this. Just like the Capricorn official boy in the mountain pastoral area next door, he walks around with his dog every day, eats and sleeps, and grows white and fat.

His father told him: "You can't be like that, and don't be like me. To learn basic crafts and live in this world, you must learn to get along with Capricorn."

"After I became a Capricorn officer, I realized that as long as we come from pastoral areas, in the eyes of those gentlemen, we will always be inferior."

"Even if you become a quartermaster, you are still an inferior quartermaster. The big shots in the principality are all transferred from other worlds. Only one thing will be recognized here, and that is Capricorn."

"The Capricorns of this world can give birth to the King of Capricorn. The King of Capricorn can travel anywhere without restrictions. Even in the most noble world of [Welso], he will be treated like a big shot. It will choose Once you choose your own companion, you will never abandon it or give up.”

My father drank Bobo tea and said in a normal tone: "Compared to people, Capricorns are more reliable. Trust them more and don't trust people too much."

"Our surname is Jie, and only Jie is the same as us."

Going round and round, it seems that I have returned to that old saying.

Jie Jie doesn't hate Capricorn.

Capricorns are monsters with a direct temper. They look like big sheep, with long horns and sheep-like heads. It's just that their mouths are full of sharp teeth, like blades, and they look very ferocious even when they smile.

Although he looks fierce, Capricorn is a vegetarian.

It grows from plants, starting from seeds, and it takes many years for a Capricorn to grow from a small tree. The small tree will quickly dry up, and then Capricorn will start to walk around.

Capricorns eat popcorn and capers.

Popsicles are found throughout the world, but capers have to be imported from other worlds.

This tart, watery thing needs fertile soil. Most of the land in the principality occupied by Bobo grass cannot meet the conditions. Even if there are a few places where it can be planted, the quantity is simply not enough.

In addition to being much larger than sheep, Capricorns are also different in that they can fly.

As long as he thinks about it, Capricorn will expand his body, become spherical, fly and float in the air.

As for why Capricorn flies into the sky, no one can explain clearly.

They neither hunt birds nor live in the sky. Capricorn prefers to lie on the grass and chew with his mouth open even when sleeping. Flying into the sky seems more like a pastime.

And this kind of willful activity is also the most troublesome and dangerous time for Capricorn people.

Because Capricorn takes off, the people raising the Capricorn must follow. They lay on its bulging body, grabbed the curly hair on Capricorn's body, and waited nervously for landing.

You must keep them by your side at all times because Capricorns may float far away when encountering windy days or abnormal weather in the air. The person raising the Jie has to land with it and then use Bobo grass to bring it back to the pastoral area.

"Capricorns are actually very simple. Eat well, drink well, brush their fur, pat and massage them, and they will think you are good. If you take good care of them, the devil energy produced by Capricorns will be abundant and good. If you can get good care of them, "

My father passed down the ancient experience of oral tradition.

The Capricorn Jie Jie takes care of is called [Dabai], and it flies like a huge white bubble.

Dabai has a withdrawn personality and does not come into contact with other people of his kind. Even if he is flying in the air, he will fly higher and higher, as if he is flying with some kind of pride and stubbornness, trying to fly out of this world.

Baymax wants to cross the sky.

Unfortunately, it is not the Capricorn King that can travel back and forth.

Dabai became more and more silent, and even developed severe symptoms of anorexia. Jie Jie had no choice but to tell the funny things he saw in its ears.

Who forgot to bring toilet paper when pooping today, who used feces to make a fire and got smoked out, who forgot to close the door and a snake stole all the stock in the house...

Dabai was still lying on the ground, his eyes showing no interest.

Jie Jie finally discovered that it responded to the sound of knocking stones.

So he assembled a variety of stones on a box, tied it with a rope, and beat it with Capricorn's shed horns.

Jie Jie struck this primitive instrument, and the sounds of various stones weaved a simple melody, making Dabai slowly become more active.

Striking while the iron is hot, Jie Jie continued to play the stone piano, and the melody became more and more smooth and smooth.

Under the power of sound, Baymax regained its vitality and spirit, and it even became gregarious. The nearby Capricorns would also come over and shake their heads while listening to Jie Jie playing the stone harp.

Several people raising Capricorns are very happy.

"This thing is amazing. Capricorn is very excited. Maybe he will get a good result when he checks the devil energy at the end of the year!"

"My fat Capricorn is actually willing to get up and run, even though he is panting all the time... Oh my god, Mr. Capricorn's son really knows how to do it!"

"That's great, that's great. What's the name of that thing?"

"I didn't expect Capricorns to like breaking rocks so much. Why didn't anyone tell me about it in the past?"

In response to the endless questions from the people who raised Jie, Jie Jie spoke up when he was happy.

But soon he heard the gossip behind his back.

"That's not the case at all. I've been knocking on stones for several days to no avail. Mr. Capricorn's son lied to us and didn't tell the truth at all."

"That's right, it's useless. I must have saved something."

"This man just likes to lie to people. I was so stupid, I thought he really taught me."

"If we learn it, we will become masters. They will definitely not do anything. Masters are like this and will not tell us these secrets."

Jie Jie felt very disappointed.

What disappoints me is not only that everyone thinks he is a liar, but also that they don't think it was his idea at all, thinking it was a method taught to him by his father.

Jie Jie had a little understanding of his father's words.

You really have to start from Capricorn.

According to the legend of the Principality, Capricorn Kings are all possessing huge demonic energy and evolved from Capricorn. As long as Capricorn is strong enough and has the power to mutate, he may become the king of this clan.

If everyone had a Capricorn, maybe everyone would be better off.

Jie Jie began to focus on tinkering with Shi Qin.

Although others can't understand it and can't play it, he knows that this is the key to turning Capricorns from lazy to energetic.

The key point is to perfect this instrument and find the best melody, so that Dabai can grow quickly and move towards the direction of King Capricorn.

At the end of the year, as long as the quartermaster comes to check the quality of the magic energy, everyone will understand!

Jie Jie continues to improve Shiqin.

He named the instrument "Jie Jiao Wooden Qin Box". The key is to use different stones to produce various tones. He has already completed two melodies - "Happiness" and "Flying".

As the end of the year gets closer, Jie Jie becomes increasingly nervous and expectant.

However, instead of waiting for the inspection day, the end came.

On an ordinary day, those pillars of light that brought death and destruction tore through the sky and landed on the earth.

A werewolf exuding a terrifying aura walked out of the light.

They drew their bows and fired arrows, shooting a person down in a pool of blood. Then they waved their maces and knocked off people's hands and feet so that they could not escape or resist.

The werewolves tied a person with a rope and tied them in a pile like dragging animals, turning them into their slaves and property.

Those who resist or escape will be ruthlessly killed by werewolves.

The werewolves began to set fire to houses, capture and gather Capricorns, and skillfully plunder all useful property.

There was blood and flames everywhere, and screams and screams were endless.

Jie Jie in the distance was so frightened that he was trembling all over. Dabai flew up to the sky with him on his back and hid in the cold and moist clouds.

After a long time.

Landing on the ground again, Jie Jie saw that the ground had been burned to the ground, with no grass growing. The tents and houses in the pastoral area had collapsed into rubble. The Capricorns were nowhere to be seen, and no one could be seen.

My father is gone too.

Jie Jie started flying in the air on Dabai, looking for traces of survivors and his father everywhere. But he only saw more people being taken away as slaves by werewolves.

The Iron Knights and Iron Warriors were slaughtered.

The city was reduced to ruins and rubble.

The invaders didn't care about cities or ranches, they just captured everyone available and killed anyone who resisted.

Every werewolf is extremely strong and irresistible. They easily and quickly occupy cities one after another, taking with them all the resources they can take - mainly Capricorns and slaves. The city was then burned and destroyed.

In war, for the first time, everyone becomes equal.

There are no masters or inferiors, everyone is a captured slave.

The wandering life in Dongzang XZ made Jie Jie increasingly tired and numb. He felt that most of the time it was Dabai who was saving him and leading him to escape.

The only thing Jie Jie can do in return is to play the piano for Dabai in the clouds.

Only by hiding in the clouds could he feel at ease without fear of being discovered and hunted by werewolves. The werewolves were unable to go to heaven so far, but he didn't know how long they could hide.

Food became scarce. Dabai could eat the pop grass on the ground. Jie Jie was also eating grass and various tree roots. The food was basically burned by the werewolves.

Every time Jie Jie felt that he could not hold on any longer, he always managed to survive. His desire to survive was much stronger than he thought.

Only by playing the xylophone box could he feel that he was still alive.

What the future will bring, he doesn't know.

But live.

Gradually, Jie Jie adapted to the mouse-like way of life. He collected edible food everywhere, competed with ground snakes for sweet potatoes, competed with birds for grains, and avoided places where werewolves were seen.

One day, Jie Jie played his beloved xylophone box in the clouds and enjoyed a rare forgotten time with Dabai.

A big golden rat appeared from the clouds.

It was carrying a large backpack, its eyes were rolling, and it looked very smart.

"Your treasure is pretty good."

The golden-haired mouse spoke in the local dialect.

Jie Jie was stunned.

"It's mine now."

The Golden Rat said again: "You and your mount are mine too, and I will dedicate you both to the great God Yao."

"Who are you? God Yao...isn't the god of this world Lord Mist?"

Before Jie Jie finished speaking, he felt it getting dark.

When he came to his senses again, he found himself standing in a strange place.

There are skeletons walking around all around. They are either wearing armor or carrying swords and shields on their backs. Some are even wearing armor and riding bone horses...

Am I dead?

Just when he was confused.

A cold female voice sounded in my ears: "This is the place of the great God Yao's oracle. A wanderer who has gone through many hardships, are you willing to dedicate your faith, follow Lord Yao, and obtain the protection of the gods?"

In front of him was an elegant and solemn girl.

Her eyes were covered with black cloth, which made her delicate skin look even paler. She was floating above the ground, the skirt of her black robe drooped naturally, and a strange book rested on her arm like a falcon.

There has never been such a beautiful girl in the pastoral area.

Jie Jie nodded in a daze.

"Then from today on, you will be a member of the Yao clan."

The girl said loudly: "You must abide by all the norms and laws of the Yao people's civilization, and offer your loyalty and faith to Lord Yao. And your life safety, personal dignity, and private property will be protected and defended by the Yao people."

A smile appeared on her face: "Welcome to join, I am Isabel, the apostle of the Yao tribe. Take your Capricorn friend to rest first. There is food, water and change of clothes in the house. If you have anything, you can talk to Captain Luka discussed.”


Jie Jie stammered, "Werewolves, those werewolves."

"Don't worry, even the Wolf God can't cross this camp."

"Go and rest. You are very tired and need to rest."

Until he sat in the hut and felt the long-lost fire, warm blankets, and hot water, Jie Jie still felt that everything was unreal.

He looked at Capricorn Dabai next to him, gently played the xylophone box, and sang casually.

Go to sleep, go to sleep.

After waking up, we change our way of life.

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