God Simulator

Chapter 699 Ignite the Dark Star

Being suddenly promoted to a god made the Dark Sun Dragon a little confused.

It felt that the people around it suddenly froze - it must have entered some special state.

Pasha wasn't even sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

The will of Dusky Star issued orders without any doubt as always.

[You will fulfill the role obligations of the Dark Star gods, enter the ascension channel, and use the Dark Sun to help the Dark Star ascend...]

Only after hearing the specific appointment did the pasha know.

It turns out that I mainly do the work of recruiting people.

It knew before that the Dark Star civilization itself was unable to breed life due to various reasons. This place is in an extreme void area, and the rules of the world are also very strange. The beings of all Dark Star civilizations are Dark Star descendants from all over the world, and they arrived at Dark Star through ascension.

The Dark Star gods, at least some of them like Pasha, need to travel upstream along the ascension channel and observe each world.

If you find a Dark Descendant who has reached LV99, adjust the Dark Sun so that it can set up a lift channel to guide the Dark Descendants into the Dusky Star. If the local dark sun is not in good condition, the gods also need to repair and enhance it to maintain normal projection and channel functions.

This job is not as simple as it seems.

The Dark Star gods will be attacked when they enter the outside world, so they need to be extra careful. The normal operation is to use the ascension channel to hide and use the dark sun as a reflector, so that the situation over there can be observed secretly.

In worlds that are locked by rules like the Shard World and the Masterless World, the dark sun cannot reflect the scene there.

Therefore, the object of Dark Sun's observation is usually the kingdom of the gods, or a part of the gravel world where life exists.

However, whether observing, screening or operating the dark sun, it requires a lot of practice to become proficient.

Pasha thought, in this case, it is better to continue to investigate further.

We have previously learned about the living conditions of the Dark Star civilization’s Dark Descendants. Now we need to confirm the specific number of Dark Star Gods and their strength.

This is not a bad thing.

It has already begun to think about returning to the Yao tribe to report the news while it is out to fetch the An descendants.

But Pasha thought for a moment.

I am not the kind of thoughtful person, so it is best to complete my job.

This is a battlefield, and the most important thing for a soldier on the battlefield is to obey orders.

Or just self-destruct and return after leaving the dark star area.

Suddenly the voice said again.

【You don’t need this anymore. 】

Pasha felt that his whole body was enveloped by some invisible force. There seemed to be something missing and something extra in his body.

It snapped back to reality.

[Heaven and Earth share longevity] The ability is gone!

Dusky Star's will erased the key power of his return!

[This is my "Dusky Star Mark". Even if you die outside, you will not only be reborn, but you will also gain strength from destruction and death and become stronger. 】

[Now you don’t have any worries and can complete your new responsibilities. 】

The pasha felt like he was facing a powerful enemy.

Dusky Star Will knows its origins.

He wants to include himself in the Dark Star gods and instigate himself to rebel!

"I refuse," said the pasha.

[Those who refuse die. 】


The pasha's temper also rose, and he said with a pinched neck: "There is only one supreme god that I follow and respect, and that is Lord Yao! I will not succumb to any other power! Kill or behead, whatever! "

After a while, it found that it was still alive.

The cold voice sounded again.

[Unable to understand. 】

[I gave you better abilities and resources, granted you godhood, and ranked among the gods of Dark Star. You chose to give up and die. Why? 】

Pasha also answered truthfully: "The treatment you have given me is indeed what other dark descendants can only dream of."

Countless Dark Descendants on the earth are looking forward to being favored by the Dark Star's will, and Pasha got what they dreamed of in just seven years.

"I come from the Yao people, and I am proud to follow and believe in the Lord Yao. The Yao people's civilization is my hometown. I don't have to play a role there and can live in my own way. As long as we show our talents, we can also You can get a steady stream of resources, and you can also gain divine status and become a god!”

"My [role] is [Evil Dragon], and [self] is [Pasha]. Coming here to investigate is work, and returning to the Yao world is life."

The pasha knew that he was in danger, so he simply risked his life and said whatever he wanted.

Dusky Star Will still expressed his feelings emotionally.

[Unable to understand. 】

[Special heterogeneous individual. 】

[Failed role. 】

【destroy. 】

A huge sense of oppression was squeezing from all directions, causing the Dragon's brain to burst.

Just when he was about to lose consciousness, the previous voice sounded inside his head again.

[Yao, what kind of god is he? 】

The tone was still cold, with a bit of doubt.

Pasha felt that the destructive power that was crushing his body receded like a tide.

It saw black and red holes appearing in the sky, flames flying and spreading in the sky, and a somewhat familiar figure appeared in the distant sky.

It was a headless warrior with six phantom wings. It held a large ax in one hand and a shield in the other, chopping melons and vegetables among a group of dark descendants that exuded the aura of gods. It exuded such invincible power that even the rules of this world could not restrain and seal it. The outline of its body emitting white light caused cracks in the space.

It's Xingtian! !

Lord Yao took action!

The pasha's mortality ignited the flames of hope.

No wonder Dusky Star’s Will stopped attacking him, Lord Yao God came to knock on his door!


The question of Dusky Star’s will is difficult to answer.

Pasha thought for a long time.

[You are restricted by the god Yao and cannot describe him in any way? 】

Dark Star Will understood it wrong.

The pasha decided to eliminate the opponent's prejudice: "No. Yao Shen is that kind of special...god. He is kind and tolerant to his own people, and even allows atheists and demons to walk. Our world over there retains many beliefs in foreign gods. The god Yao still encourages and protects the local freedom of belief, and he never cares or gets angry when questioned. "

[Unable to understand. 】

"God Yao rarely participates in wars and disputes. He is a god who advocates peace and development. His oracles have always warned us not to be impatient and arrogant. There are countless strong people in the world. Don't sit in a well and look at the sky. We must remain humble at all times. And the mentality of learning, the weak also have strengths, and the strength of the strong also has cracks.”

Pasha tried hard to recall the god's oracle: "Our Yao civilization is completely different from Dusky Star Civilization. The people there will not be bound by the [role] of the gods, but find their own position and desired goals. Of course. , not everyone can get what they want, but everyone is always hopeful because there are always people who can set an example.”

“Some of us create new careers and identities, some can expand powerful abilities and technologies, some are immersed in exploring the mysteries of the world, some live and enjoy the present, and some live in seclusion. Mountains and forests... no matter what kind of people they are, they can survive in the Yao civilization."

"And each of the leaders at the forefront of the entire civilization has a legend, and most of them are ordinary civilians. The level of heroes of the Yao civilization is not high, but they created [tribal war chess] and invented [magic potion] ], found [Elemental Theory], and created [Athletes]... What the world respects and praises is not their rank, but the positive changes they brought to the entire world, and their feats that benefited the entire Yao people."

"This is the civilization created by the god Yao."

"His existence alone is enough to make our world a better place and give everyone the confidence to overcome all obstacles and difficulties. The Yao people will always be proud and honored to follow Him."

The pasha said without fear: "We trust our god unconditionally! Just as he trusts us!"


[Unable to understand. 】

【Strange alien gods. 】

Pasha muttered, still being stubborn, let's see how long you can hold on.

It is indeed not very good at planning games.

But when it comes to the field of combat, the Dragon of the Dark Sun has an innate sense of sensitivity and insight.

The sky is burning like a festering fire, the headless feathered men are killing people everywhere, and there are more and more space cracks, which are enough to prove that Yao God is overlooking this place.

Faced with such a frontal impact, Dusky Star's will remained unmoved.

Pasha knew it very well.

Judging from the hierarchical order of [Characters], Dark Star Will is a god who has a strong desire to control civilization.

If God Yao is a god who is indulgent to the point of being indulgent to the world, then this one is a stern and cold regulator, requiring every individual to act in accordance with the [role], transform themselves into the role itself, and thus integrate into the world he set. world.

[Character] is not so much a trial as it is an orderly arrangement.

No matter what the Dark One is, he must become the [role] specified by the Dark Star's will in this world to meet his requirements.

He is a strict commander who orders the world. Every soldier must obey orders at all times, stand in their respective positions, and must comply with His orders when advancing or retreating.

Such an unquestionable god did not immediately execute himself for violating the order.

Pasha felt that the biggest reason was that Yao's sudden attack put great pressure on him and interrupted his existing plan.

The voice in my head continued.

[The god Yao said that the reason for the war was because you were imprisoned. 】

[Poor excuse. 】

Pasha felt his heart heat up after hearing this.

This is the charm of Lord Yao.

"Although I am not important... but Lord Yao said it is so, then it is so." Pasha suppressed the excitement in his heart and tried to remain calm and said.

[Resources are not equal. 】

Dusky Star Will said.

[A dragon is simply incomparable to the resources needed to launch a god-level war. 】

[To launch a Yumen invasion and create a world-destroying natural disaster, you need to obtain at least 1,000 dragons who have awakened four times to be equal. 】

Pasha now switched to wartime mode and his mind became clear.

It said calmly: "No offense, Mr. Dusky Star, you only have one choice now: believe in Mr. Yao Shen. I am insignificant, but for the sake of Dusky Star civilization and the survival of thousands of Dusky descendants here, I hope you can give it a try Try, this is also in line with what you said about resource equality."


There was no answer from the gods.

The sky was burned to ashes layer by layer, and circles of flames burned brightly in the sky, forming a hole leading to the void and the sky, reaching down to the center of the entire world.

Xingtian broke through the gods and fought all the way to a short distance in front of the Pasha. Black lightning and light streams blocked him along the way, but he just carried it all the way. The gods along the way have been completely defeated by its [Xing Yao Wu Thousand Years Old] momentum and murderous intent, falling like birds blown down by a hurricane.

Pasha was particularly calm at this time.

On the combat level, Yao Shen has taken absolute dominance.

Otherwise, Dusky Star would have expelled Xingtian and stopped the destruction in the sky to reduce the damage to Dusky Star civilization.

The only reason is that He can't do it.

Lord Yao was angry.

Usually when gods fight, He will not send Xing Tian.

I don’t know if Dusky Star’s Will said something that angered Master Yao Shen.

Xing Tian, ​​who was so close, suddenly stiffened and disappeared from the spot.

Pasha was a little surprised.

When it came back to its senses, it found itself in a void.

Some vast and familiar divine will loomed overhead.

"Lord Yao Shen, Pasha reports to you!" The Dark Sun Dragon straightened its body in the air and said excitedly.

——It’s okay.

The gentle oracle of Lord Yao came to my ears.

Pasha felt at ease immediately.

It looks into the distance.

The area where Dusky Star is located is now wrapped in red mist, and the overwhelming flow of fire is wrapping around and melting the black spherical world in the center. The Dark Star civilization, which was originally filled with character cages and was indestructible, now seemed small and weak in the flames.

Not far away, a huge void road sign like a cross crack is slowly closing.

The world-destroying bombardment from another space has been suspended.

Just as Yao God promised.

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