God Stick Wife

Chapter 312: : are robbing

This is what makes him the most depressing thing!

Next, everyone simply ate some breakfast and continued on the road.

The giant panda and Liu Haixiao walked in the rearmost position, and the giant panda said softly, "Is there any discomfort on your body?"

The giant panda was slightly embarrassed, "That, it wasn't last night..."

Liu Hai smiled and rolled his eyes, "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? Well, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. Hurry up and leave, there is so much nonsense."

The giant panda smirked and followed, but secretly held Liu Haixiao's hand, wrapping the other's small palm in his own.

This hand is really small, it doesn't seem to be half the size of myself!

The giant panda sighed in his heart, and then clenched the human hand a little more.

Liu Hai smiled: "..."

The little poisonous beast let out a roar, and everyone immediately became alert. Immediately following, in the front, another two beasts appeared. These two big guys are like hills, and one of them is covered with thorns. Such thorns directly remind people of the creature like a hedgehog. But obviously, this one in front of me is definitely not the same level as the hedgehog!

The other beast had two huge sharp horns on the top of its head, and it could be seen that gray clumps were coiled around the two horns, and the gray clumps didn't look very close.

Lin Xijiu raised his brows, "Are these two big guys targeting us?"

It looked as if it was indeed running straight towards them!

"How about avoiding the edge for now? We don't need to face them at this time," said the giant panda.

Lin Xijiu nodded, "Well, walk over there. Anyway, we just want to go deeper, this is not the only path. And it's impossible for these two big guys to stay here all the time."

Lin Xijiu said, everyone had no objection, and naturally they immediately withdrew to the side.

If you don't go for it, the effect is still good.

Although, everyone seemed a little embarrassed when they fled.

Fortunately, the two big guys were finally dumped, and the little poisonous beast contacted Lin Xijiu: "This one can't go ahead. My mother told me that there are very, very scary big guys inside, that big guy , will eat people!"

"Huh? Can you eat people?" Lin Xijiu looked at the route. Now that they have to go deeper, there are not many roads to go, and they have to detour. And they just came around here.

"Well, it can eat people. My mother said that I can't go in."

Lin Xijiu told Bai Qi and the others what the little poisonous beast said, and Bai Qi raised his brows, "If you don't go this way, then it means you have to turn around, and it's self-evident that you have to turn around. already."



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