God Stick Wife

Chapter 313: : oh oh oh

"Oh, okay, I'll pay attention."

"Okay, then thank you dad."

The conversation here comes to an end, at the same time, in the mountains. Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi finally entered the depths of the forest, and they seemed to be trapped here!

"We seem to have walked through here, right?" Liu Haixiao picked up a stone, and on this stone there were traces of road recognition that he deliberately left not long ago.

"Indeed, we have already walked." Lin Xijiu squinted, "It's been a long time, giant panda, come with me." The giant panda followed Lin Xijiu to the side, "What's wrong?"

"Let him come out, I have something to ask him."

The giant panda nodded, and soon, there was a hint of evil in the giant panda's eyes.

Although this other consciousness likes Liu Haixiao quite a bit, but this does not mean that this consciousness likes Lin Xijiu and will see Lin Xijiu. He has not forgotten that this Lin Xijiu has repeatedly sealed him, and the number of times he has been suppressed is not rare.

"What are you looking for from me?"

"What are you looking for in here?"

"Nature is a good thing, why, you want it too?"

"I don't want your things. However, I can't go out now. If you can't help, then I'm afraid you won't have what you're looking for."

The giant panda sneered, "Really?"

"Well, tell me, what are you looking for?"

"Holy Bluestone." The giant panda said lightly.

Lin Xijiu raised his brows, "Is that thing here?"

"Yes, but I don't know if I can get it."

"Really..." Lin Xijiu pondered, "Sacred Bluestone's companion spirit grass, two kinds, if you find them, they are all mine." The corner of the panda's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, "You really... what?"

"You think you can get it alone?"

The giant panda sneered, "Let me remind you, you haven't found the holy bluestone yet? You are actually thinking about the companion spirit grass, you really can dream."

Lin Xijiu glanced at the other party lightly, "I have to make it clear to you first, otherwise, what will you do if you don't admit it?


The giant panda sneered: "Okay, as long as you can find the holy bluestone, then the spirit grass is yours."

"Well. Since you know that there are holy bluestones here, you can sense the whereabouts of holy bluestones, right?"

The giant panda rolled his eyes, "If I have this ability, what do I need you to do? I can find it by myself.



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