God Stick Wife

Chapter 314: : ask if

words come.

Liu Haixiao rolled his eyes and said, "If you are tired, take a rest. Don't feel like a middle-aged teenager. If you are not tired, go on your way. You also said that I am a child. I don't think you are as good as a child."

The evil giant panda suddenly felt that he had been hit. Got hit hard!

Finally, the giant panda said, just go forward.

In this way, everyone followed behind the giant panda without a single step. After walking with each other for an entire hour, they finally walked out of that area. No longer trapped inside.

And when everyone walked out of that area, they suddenly came to another area. Here, the terrain looks flatter, and even the weeds are not as high as everyone's calves.

But it doesn't look desolate, there are many trees not far away, and there are many flowers and plants that grow naturally.

Even, in the northeast, there is a beach.

From here, Lin Xijiu and the others could even see some small fish playing on the water, and even jumping into the air.

"Holy Bluestone, have you sensed the specific location?" Lin Xijiu asked.

The giant panda glanced in one direction, then. Walking towards the vicinity of the inlet, Lin Xijiu signaled the dead soldiers to wait here.

Liu Haixiao naturally followed.

The giant panda stopped and carefully surveyed the vicinity. The location he sensed was here, but which place was it? Moreover, no matter how specific the place is, the panda itself cannot sense it.

Lin Xijiu shook Bai Qi's hand, "It is absolutely impossible for this place to be as calm as it looks on the surface, especially the holy bluestone. When it is discovered, its guardian spirit beast will also appear. This is a good thing against the sky. Things, there will never be no guardians!"

Bai Qi nodded, indicating that he would definitely pay attention.

Lin Xijiu didn't say anything more.

Liu Hai smiled and looked at a purple flower bush not far away. He didn't know what kind of flower this flower was, but the color made him look good. Looking at it, he felt a little confused, so Liu Haixiao unconsciously walked to the purple flower bush.

Just when the other party was about to walk there, his arm was grabbed by the giant panda, and Liu Hai's laughing consciousness finally regained a touch of freshness, and his eyes were no longer as blurry as before.

The giant panda looked at Liu Hai and smiled, puzzled: "What are you doing?"

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi also looked here.

Liu Hai smiled and scratched the back of his head, frowning. "I don't know. I just thought that the flowers here look pretty, so I wanted to come and have a look. Now that you are pulling me like this, I seem to think that the flowers here are not so pretty...?

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi looked at each other, and then they both walked over.



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