God Stick Wife

Chapter 315: :be found

It was nothing but the aura that strayed between the heavens and the earth. Compared with the ancient times, it was really hard to know how many times it would be inserted.

And this Beichuan Mountain, his master once told him when he was a child, is deep in this mountain. Not only does it have the skeleton of a strong man, but after so many years of changes, the skeleton has been demonized.

A few decades ago, there seemed to be a group of Celestial Masters who also wanted the skeletons of the powerhouses left over from the ancient times. You must know that such a skeleton, even if it is just an ordinary bone, is a good material if it is used to make magical instruments.

Therefore, there are naturally many people who want it.

According to what his master said, those people who entered Beichuan Mountain that time were also quite strong, at least they were quite famous at that time. It is precisely because of this that those people are very confident in their own strength, but under the result of such self-confidence, those people are all trapped in Beichuan Mountain, if it is not for his master to help later. Those who entered Beichuan Mountain might not have a single one left, but even with the help of his master, in the end, there were only two of the whole group of people left.

One of the remaining two people is Liu Suifeng's father's master.

It was probably for this reason that his master got to know Liu Suifeng's father later. And also became close friends. Maybe so, it is also considered a year-end friendship?

Could it be that this Du Youyang is also targeting the bones in the depths of Beichuan Mountain? If this is the case, Lin Xijiu has to say, this person is simply courting death! Of course, Lin Xijiu wouldn't remind anyone who was courting death like this, and he always felt that Du Youyang's aura was a little weird.

This gave him an instinctive sense of disgust.

A twin soul? So besides Du Youyang, who is the other soul? It made me feel a little disgusted instinctively, is it this Du Youyang, or another soul in the other party's body?

Lin Xijiu followed the other party, but seeing that although this person entered Beichuan Mountain, he did not go all the way to the deep mountain. Instead, it seems to be finding something here.

What can I find in this bare mountain?

Lin Xijiu felt that this person's actions were very strange, and it was at this moment. In the place where Lin Xijiu was hiding, suddenly the atmosphere between the whole world changed slightly. Immediately, Lin Xijiu noticed the traces of the formation. Immediately, Lin Xijiu realized a problem, that is, he seemed to be trapped.

This realization made Lin Xijiu narrow his eyes, and then instinctively noticed. Maybe tonight is just a trap, the real purpose is to capture myself, so this Beichuan Mountain may just be a cover.

Moreover, such a silent formation, if you want to arrange it successfully, it cannot be done in a short period of time.

No wonder this person always disappears for two or three hours for no reason. It turned out that he came here to arrange the formation. And this formation is arranged to deal with Talin Xijiu!

"Who the **** are you?" Within the formation, Lin Xijiu was not in a hurry, he said lightly. Then look at



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