God Stick Wife

Chapter 317: :There is a way

"Let me make a list, you can prepare according to the above, some things are relatively rare, you can prepare as much as you can, and don't deliberately force too much, the soldiers are very expensive." Du Youyang said, and then walked back into the room , and found the paper money, and began to write.

Soon, Du Youyang prepared a list. There were dozens of items in total. Bai Qi looked at it, and immediately asked someone to prepare it.

After that, Bai Ye, who was looking for someone outside, Bai Guo and the others all came back.

"Can you really do anything?" Bai Ye looked at Du Youyang suspiciously. Although Mo Chenxi's soul is pulled out, this person does not look so unpleasant, but it is still a little unpleasant!

Moreover, so many of them can't do anything, does this guy really have a way? Could it be that Mo Chenxi's soul has not been cleaned up, so this person is making fun of them?

I always thought it was a very possible thing!

If it's really the guy making fun of them, it's not good, what a disappointment!

His family Xiao Qi didn't know if he could stand it.

Lin Xijiu, let's find it quickly...

"I can't guarantee that I will be able to find it." Du Youyang pursed the corners of his mouth, "But my cultivation method is special, and since I was a child, I have never missed someone in finding someone. No matter how you hide your breath, as long as the distance doesn't count. If it's too far, you can find it. But if there's too little on that list, there's nothing you can do."

Bai Ye walked up to Bai Qi, "Did someone prepare the items on the list?"

Bai Qi nodded, "Well, the surrounding towns can all add up. The time I asked for is two hours."

"Two hours, the surrounding towns are indeed enough to go back and forth. I hope this town itself can gather a lot, otherwise it will take a little longer." Bai Ye said with a frown.

Du Youran was slightly stunned when she heard the words, two hours? He thought it would take at least half a day to wait and collect, after all, some things are not so easy to find.

In two hours, maybe a third of the long list would be difficult to collect, right?

This time, in order to find the person who was kidnapped because of him, he also invested his blood.

After all, among so many things, the most important thing, and the one that loses the most, is the blood of one's own heart...

In less than two hours, one after another, the collected materials were sent over.

Looking at the gathered materials, many of them were two or three, Du Youran fell silent.

How can these people be so powerful...

And for such a speed, neither Bai Qi nor the others were satisfied.

Finally, after another ten minutes passed, the last batch of materials was delivered. Seeing that there were only the last two items left on the list, and they were already on their way. Nothing could be found, Bai Qi pursed the corners of his mouth and looked at Du Youyang

16:34 Drawing]


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