God Stick Wife

Chapter 318: : great

Chapter 318: Very powerful

When Du Youyang's drop of blood was added, all of a sudden, the entire Five Elements and Eight Trigrams formations were activated. At the same time, Du Youyang stood in the center and shouted, "Close!"

As the end of the word for the other party fell, and then, in this one, one of the branches of Rongmu flew out of the Five Elements Eight Trigrams array, and fell directly into Du Youran's hands.

"Go! Follow it to find someone." Du Youran said, and then watched the Rongmu branch fly out, and he quickly followed.

Naturally, Bai Qi and the others followed quickly, and then, following the tree branch, they all walked out of the city. Soon, I came to Beichuan Mountain.

The Rongmu branch continued to move forward, and everyone followed Beichuan Mountain, but it only climbed a little bit, less than a third of it. Then, the Rongmu branch stopped and fell from the air. When it reaches the ground, it is automatically destroyed. This is the energy depletion after completing the task.

"It must be here." Du Youran looked around and said with certainty.

"Is it here?" Bai Ye looked around and saw nothing, and there was no movement at all.

Bai Qi felt a faint feeling, "Guo Guo, what do you think?"

"Well, here, it is possible. I will think of a way to see if I can play the hidden formation here." Bai Guo said. Sun Liuqing also followed, and he didn't find anything.

The monster's senses will be more sensitive, but unfortunately, the two black pythons didn't sense anything! At the same time, Lin Xijiu, who was inside the formation, did not know that Bai Qi and the others had arrived, and they were outside the formation at this time. At this time, Lin Xijiu's figure fell from mid-air to the ground, and then, his entire upper body was soaked in that black aura.


The black breath wrapped Lin Xijiu's upper body. When he fell to the ground, Lin Xijiu's upper body suddenly turned into the upper body of a beast.

In other words, Lin Xijiu at this time had turned into a monster with a half-human, half-beast body!

Lin Xijiu's upper body turned into the appearance of a beast, and the shape of that beast was somewhat similar to that of Mo Chenxi's beast before! The only difference is that Mo Chenxi is pure darkness, which makes people feel nothing but evil. As for Lin Xijiu, the black aura on his body was not completely pure. Especially, in the center of his forehead, there is a little bit of gold.

That golden color was exactly the same color as Lin Xijiu's eyes.

Lin Xijiu's own animal body looked very ferocious at this moment. Then, he seemed to be suppressing something. After a while, the animal shape turned into a human appearance.

However, this process is very slow.

16:34 Drawing]


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