God Stick Wife

Chapter 318: : great

"The one that appeared at Sun's house?" Bai Qi's expression changed slightly.

"Yeah." Lin Xijiu nodded.

"This Mo Chenxi, who is dying, really looks like a nasty fly." Bai Ye muttered to the side.

Lin Xijiu pursed the corners of his mouth, but did not say that he felt that the other party was really dead this time, the kind that had no soul left. Because, although he felt this way, there was no absolute proof. What's more, the man in white was too weird. If he didn't die, he would have misled Bai Qi and the others.

Anyway, if he is dead, he will not appear again in the future. If he is not dead, he will always appear in the future. Just kill him again!

"What's the reason that the man in white trapped you through Mo Chen's exposure?" Bai Qi asked inexplicably.

Lin Xijiu shook his head, "I don't know."

Du Youran's body swayed, and the dead man beside him supported him. Lin Xijiu and the others looked over, Bai Qi said, "It's thanks to Mr. Du that we can find this place this time, otherwise, we would not be able to find this place with so many people.

array. "

"Oh?" Lin Xijiu responded, then nodded, "That seems really powerful."

Du Youran smiled bitterly, "Thank you very much for expelling the soul in my body for me, I really don't know who that person is.

What, when did it come into my body? I'm sorry for the trouble he caused you with my body.


Sun Liuqing smiled slightly, "Don't say that, Mr. Du, you don't know how it happened, so naturally you can't blame you. I see that you look very bad, I'll have someone send you down the mountain first. Take a break."

Du Youran nodded after hearing the words, "Okay, then it's troublesome."

The current state is really not very good, so Du Youran did not reject the kindness of others.

After Du Youran left, Lin Xijiu and others followed them down the mountain one after another.

After returning to the small yard, Lin Xijiu, who had never eaten anything, replenished her energy a little.

Sun Liuqing, Bai Ye and others, seeing Lin Xijiu's safe return, can naturally rest assured to make up for a sleep.

Although it was not yet noon at this time, after everyone had not closed their eyes for a long time, no matter what time it was, they could still fall asleep.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, the two of them did not stay in the small courtyard, but followed Lin Xijiu back to his own home

After entering the room where Lin Xijiu lived since he was a child, Bai Qi looked at Lin Xijiu and said, "I must have not rested for a long time, and I have been tense in that formation, so take a good sleep first. Say it again."

Lin Xijiu naturally nodded when he heard the words.

But of course Lin Xijiu wouldn't sleep alone, he took Bai Qi down. The two lay on the big bed together, no

16:35 Drawing]


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