God Stick Wife

Chapter 324: : The devil

Sure enough, Bai Qi said coldly: "You and that person have never met before, and what you know about that person is only from your master's mouth, not to mention that person has been targeting you since the beginning, so you are just like that. Don't worry to meet him and don't tell me?,

Lin Xijiu suddenly felt wronged, he opened his mouth and lowered his head in disbelief.

"Lin Xijiu, don't you think I'm the one with you, when you do something dangerous, never think of telling me?" Bai Qi said angrily.

"Or do you think it's your own family business, so it has nothing to do with me, so you don't need to say anything to me, do you?"

"You are part of my family, what do you mean by my family, I'm sorry, Xiao Qi, I didn't think about it that much." Lin Xijiu hurriedly raised her head and said, then took Bai Qi's hand and comforted her softly. "I really just didn't think about it that much, and it's not that I didn't leave any information. I left the shikigami and sent a message to the master. I even knew that the master would follow closely and rush over there. , so it doesn't count as acting alone."

Bai Qi's face finally looked a little better, but fortunately, this person still knew to leave a message, and did not act alone, even this is very dangerous.

But it's not that Bai Qi couldn't understand, Lin Xijiu's concern about this matter and Jiang Yinlou's concern.

"It's not an example." Bai Qi finally said, Lin Xijiu smiled with a cracked mouth, and nodded fiercely.

At this time, both of them heard the movement from outside the door. This door was not outside their door, but outside the courtyard. The main reason was that the people outside the courtyard did not move lightly.

And there was Jiang Yinlou's voice, Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu looked at each other, and then they both walked outside.

When they came outside, they saw Jiang Yinlou holding a person, and that person was Han Yexuan.

Jiang Yinlou was holding the other side and talking to a tree, "It was this tree that I transplanted from the park opposite us, when this guy was about to die, I transplanted it, and then I worked hard every day. It took a lot of watering to grow into such a huge tree."

Han Yexuan didn't remember the tree in the park at all, but when he saw this tree at this time, he felt inexplicably pleasing to the eye, but he was still expressionless. Jiang Yinlou said loudly over there.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi walked over, and Lin Xijiu introduced Bai Qi earnestly, "Xiao Qi, this is my wife, Han Yexuan."

Bai Qishao nodded towards the other party lightly, "Miss."

Han Yexuan: "…"

Han Yexuan's face seemed to be stiff and distorted for a moment, and then he said blankly: "I'm not your wife, don't recognize people."

Jiang Yinlou looked at Han Yexuan aggrieved, "Xuanxuan, they are not wrong, except that you are their wife, who else can be their teacher."

Han Yexuan: "…"



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