God Stick Wife

Chapter 325: :unnatural

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi fell silent for a moment when they looked so charming. If this person appeared in the crowd of ordinary people now, I'm afraid it would definitely cause a great disturbance!

Charm came towards Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi. Bai Qi instinctively stood in front of Lin Xijiu and blocked Lin Xijiu's gaze, "Looking for something?" Charm said.

Bai Qi nodded lightly, "Of course I'm looking for something, don't you know?"

Charm nodded slowly, "Let's go with you."

Bai Qi didn't refuse, just said, "What are you looking for?"

Charm didn't answer this question, but said lightly: "What I'm looking for will appear naturally when you find what you're looking for."

Hearing this, Bai Qi raised his eyebrows.

Lin Xijiu said, "Let's go up first."

Bai Qi didn't say anything anymore.

It was the same cave. In fact, the body of Liu Suifeng's father was placed in this cave before. At that time, he originally said that he would come with Liu Suifeng, and then let Liu Suifeng, his son, bury the body. However, Liu Suifeng did not come over after that, and instead had someone transport the corpse here to the imperial capital.

To be buried in the imperial capital was the request of Liu Suifeng's father during his lifetime.

Therefore, before the giant panda and Liu Haixiao set off to come here, someone came to take away the remains here. It is now in the imperial capital, and was buried after Bai Feng and Liu Suifeng returned to the imperial capital. The person who came to take Liu Suifeng's father's body at that time was the one arranged by his master Jiang Yinlou.

When he was a child, Lin Xijiu failed to enter the depths of this cave, and at most only reached the place where Liu Suifeng's father's body was stored. However, now, they have traveled all over the cave, and the feeling of facing a powerful atmosphere like when they were children is no longer there.

Not to mention, Lin Xijiu clearly felt that the copper coin was in this place.

After Lin Xijiu and the others searched the cave again, he took out the two copper coins that he had found. Now, the first and second coins have been completely unsealed. Last time, he let Bai Qi sense it here, but Bai Qi didn't feel the attraction in the copper coins.

This time, Lin Xijiu decided to let Bai Qi try again while doing his own.

But the result disappointed both of them, because after various methods, no special feedback came out, whether it was the previous two copper coins or this cave.

Charm suddenly said: "Will something happen, the copper coins are not here anymore."

Lin Xijiu was also thinking about this issue. I can't find it all the time, either it's not here, or there are many tricks here.



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