God Stick Wife

Chapter 327: :I swear

I swear.

Just after these three words were finished, a thunder and lightning flashed across the room in the sky, and Han Yexuan's expression changed slightly.

The light of lightning was naturally seen by the two people in the room, and Jiang Yinlou smiled slightly.

"Don't swear randomly! You are a cultivator, don't you understand the truth?"

"Xuanxuan. I understand. Just because I understand, I swear, I swear to protect you. I will never let you leave my side again, life and death will follow."

Jiang Yinlou said softly, then took Han Yexuan into his arms, and finally kissed the lips that he dreamed of.

From their meeting until now, because of Han Yexuan's slight rejection, Jiang Yinlou has never really approached each other except hugging and holding hands, but now, he finally kissed each other's lips...

Han Yexuan's body trembled slightly. Jiang Yinlou hugged Han Yexuan and deepened the kiss. He couldn't wait to pull off the other party's clothes, carried him to the bed, and quickly covered his own. Body…

After an unknown amount of time, Han Yexuan snorted slightly. How many years have you not experienced the feeling of being entered into your body?

At this time, Han Yexuan's forehead was covered with a thin layer of cold sweat, and after Jiang Yinlou entered the other party, he finally felt that his soul was complete.

Jiang Yinlou kissed Han Yexuan's lips, and half-madly branded red hickeys on the snow-white body. Even more fiercely sprinting, the two of them have not experienced such closeness for a long time.

So both Jiang Yinlou and Han Yexuan fell into madness.

This is especially true for Jiang Yinlou. He bent one of Han Yexuan's legs, put it on his shoulders, and sprinted fiercely again and again. This made Han Yexuan's body turn from being slightly stiff at the beginning to a complete trembling.

I don't know how long it took, Jiangyinlou let out a low growl and released it in Han Yexuan's body.

When the heat gradually subsided, Jiang Yinlou withdrew himself. He picked up Han Yexuan and walked to the bathroom of the room.

Han Yexuan looked at the other party, "I wash it myself."

"No, I'll help you."

Han Yexuan was a little tired, and he was too lazy to pay attention to the other party. Anyway, this guy is more domineering than before, and he can't help but object, so Han Yexuan simply closed his eyes, but his body was still slightly stiff when Jiang Yinlou was cleaned.

Especially when the other person's fingers are poking in...

Fortunately, this tiring bath was finally over, and Han Yexuan was also slightly relieved, and was carried back to the bed by Jiang Yinlou.

Jiang Yinlou hugged Han Yexuan tightly and buried his head beside the other's neck. Countless hickeys were printed on the beautiful neck shape, and Jiang Yinlou felt a sense of joy until he looked at the full circle of red marks. And a faint sense of pride!

Han Yexuan pushed the other side, "Do you still want to sleep?"



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