God Stick Wife

Chapter 78: : intergenerational relatives

Bai Jinglin said thoughtfully: "Xiao Qi is on the side of the police system now... With Xiao Qi's temperament, I don't think he is a nosy person, especially that side has nothing to do with us."

Bai Jinghua understood immediately, "That Lin Tianshi?"

"This matter is a bit weird, only the day teacher might get involved." Bai Jinglin said.

A light flashed in the old man's eyes, "If it is that Celestial Master, then Xiao Qi is willing to do this for others, no matter what kind of mentality, at least we can really look forward to it."

The two brothers of the second generation of the Bai family looked at each other, "Dad, you mean... that Heavenly Master said... about marriage.


The old man glanced at his two sons lightly, "What else can there be? Xiao Qi's temper is too stubborn, too strong, too annoying, and too arrogant since he was a child. It would be good if someone like that could hold Xiao Qi. As elders, we don't ask them to be rich and noble, to be extremely noble, or to be kings. We just want their descendants to be safe, right? Xiaoqi has been unhealthy for 22 years, if we can see him getting better One day, even if this old bone of mine enters the pipe immediately, it will still be able to smile Jiuquan."

"Ah!" The two brothers exclaimed, and said quickly, "Dad, don't say that, your health is so good, you must be a hundred years old, but you can't leave, you haven't embraced your great grandson yet. ."

"Yes, Dad... But, Dad, since you also think that Xiao Qi's body is the most important, why did Bai Heng..."

The old man snorted coldly, "Can I think what Xiaoqi thinks is important? What do I want? What Xiaoqi wants is the most important! You two idiots! Well, don't get in the way here. Come on, let's go." The two brothers were scolded with blood on their faces and left in despair. It is said that the relatives are separated from each other, but isn't it too much to be the father of their family? This comparison, the two brothers picked it up completely! No! Picked up can't compare!

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Bai Qi doesn't know that at their house, someone has already escorted him with all their strength, and his grandfather has also trained his father and uncle. Both his father and uncle felt that he was completely picked up by himself!

At this time, Bai Qi had already read the files, and then frowned. Because there is no record of the marbles played by the children in the case file, and because the case is classified as an accidental death, there are really not many records.

There was no such thing as the bead in the child's hand when he died in the case file, so after Bai Qi put down the case file, he could only decide to meet Li Zhengting and his wife first. At this time, their car was heading for Li Zhengting

17:42 Mission


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