God Stick Wife

Chapter 336: :a slap

What I want to find, when I find it, I will return these copper coins to you intact. What's more, what I borrowed is only the copper coins handed down from your master, not the ones you have been looking for now, so you don't have to be so wary of me. "Charming said lightly.


After saying this, Charming turned around and left. He didn't stay in the study, he didn't stay in this room to accompany Lin Xijiu to look at the contents of the bronze mirror.

Lin Xijiu felt a little inexplicable at first, then his eyes narrowed slightly, his palm lightly pressed on the bronze mirror, followed by a woman inside, and that woman was holding a newborn baby. child.

"Xiao Jiu'er, when you read this content, I believe you are already very big. It's a pity that your mother was not able to grow up with you, but will you see how you looked when you were a child? Do you think it's interesting?" The woman smiled and seemed to be able to see the current Lin Xijiu through the bronze mirror.

Lin Xijiu's whole person seemed a little confused, and he immediately realized what the identity of the woman in the bronze mirror was.

The woman in the bronze mirror continued: "Mom doesn't know who will hand this bronze mirror into your hands one day in the future.

, but no matter who it is, this is a kind of debt that mother owes him. If you can help mother pay it back, then help mother pay it back.


The woman's eyes were full of loving smiles, "Xiao Jiu'er, my mother didn't leave this last thing just to say some meaningless nonsense, Xiao Jiu'er, you have to remember, my mother told you three things , you must keep these three things firmly in mind."

"The first thing, even if your master Jiang Yinlou, you can't absolutely trust, although you have half of his soul in your body, but you have to remember your master, he is not a pure person This sentence is what it means on the surface. Your master's identity is doomed that you can't fully trust him. Otherwise, you may one day lose your life. As for your master's identity, mother can't tell you, once mother says Then this bronze mirror will definitely be noticed from above." The woman said, and then pointed to the direction of the sky. And this so-called above seems to be referring to the way of heaven.

At least that's what Lin Xijiu understood, after seeing the woman's actions.

"The second thing Mom wants you to remember is that you must stay away from your own father. If one day someone claims to be your biological father and finds you, no matter how good or how he treats you, You can't trust him. Don't trust any word or word he says, and you have to take 120,000 vigilance against him if one day he can find you."

The woman's expression was very serious, with a hint of sadness. She kissed the baby's forehead in her hands and lifted it up again

head over.

"The third thing your mother wants you to remember is that if one day you can find out your mother's identity, then you will remember that in your mother's hometown, where your mother grew up, in your mother's room, there is a mother who stays with you. The last gift for you, though mom



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