God Stick Wife

Chapter 339: : live for me

Chapter 339: Live for me

Du Youyang and Lu Xiangtong were planning to buy some things in the small town that day, so they followed Lu Xiang back to Lin'an.

What Du Youyang wants to buy is naturally related to the Celestial Master, but Lu Tong plans to purchase a batch of medicinal materials in person.

When the two of them were about to go back, they were about to arrive at the gate of the hotel where they lived. Suddenly, Du Youyang felt a peach-colored aura. This peach-colored breath penetrated directly into the tip of his nose, followed by a black figure that fell from the air, and the black figure spurted out two mouthfuls of blood. When the shadow spewed these two mouthfuls of blood, the peach-colored aura suddenly became stronger.

Du Youyang vaguely felt that something was wrong, and quickly closed his five senses. And Lu Xiangtong next to him was breathing heavily, and even his eyes were red. With red eyes, he suddenly turned his head to look at Du Youyang, then stretched out his hand... The next moment, he pinched directly.

Du Youyang naturally wouldn't be pinched, but Lu's abnormality made him have to deal with it. Du Youyang hit him with a palm, causing Lu Tong to faint, then he caught the opponent's body and hurriedly led him into the room.

Then he came out hesitating for a moment and walked towards Charm.

That's right, this falling figure is naturally charming.

It's just that before Du Youyang had time to come ten paces away from Charming, a purple attack force slashed directly at Du Youyang. Du Youyang didn't react at all, and even if he did, with his current strength, he wouldn't be able to react. So he was directly shot out. The purple attack effect was very powerful, hitting Du Youyang directly into the air and landing on the opposite street.

This small town is so big, Bai Guo, Bai Ye and others live in the small town. The yard of the giant panda's house is near here. It happened that Bai Ye and Bai Jin came out to deal with some things, and they encountered the trapeze in the sky.

"It's that kid." Bai Ye pouted, obviously because Du Youyang was not pleasing to the eye.

Bai Jin also glanced at it, "Is this under attack?"

"It seems yes, I don't think he can get up." Bai Ye was gloating, but although he was gloating, as a soldier, even if he didn't like someone very much, he still instinctively walked over there. called professional ethics.

Bai Jin also followed.

"Hey, are you all right?" Bai Ye crouched down and touched Du Youyang's shoulder with his hand.

Du Youyang reluctantly opened his eyes and closed them again.

"Come on, let's carry it back and talk about it." Bai Ye pouted. He had already investigated Du Youyang before, so he naturally knew where the other person lived. Bai Ye didn't count on his fourth brother, so he directly carried Du Youyang up, "He lives there now, I'll give him to Lu Tong, will you run with me?"

Bai Jin followed indifferently.

As soon as he entered the front yard of the hotel they rented, Bai Jin immediately felt something was wrong.



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