God Stick Wife

Chapter 413: : a miracle

Chapter 413: Supernatural things

Bai Qi was holding the piece of jade tightly in his hand. The piece of jade was struggling desperately, but he couldn't break free from Bai Qi's hand. What's more, Bai Qi was now its owner, who had already shed blood and confessed his life and death. The power is naturally more in the hands of the other party.

After a few moments, Yu Shi honestly confessed that there was indeed a trace of demonic energy on his body, but he did not know how it came from, but only knew that when he became conscious, this trace of demonic energy was present. It is already there, but he can put this trace of demonic energy into his body, and he feels that he is about to change shape, but he did not expect to be held in the hands of humans at this stall.

As for this base, that's the same thing. He came from the bottom of this base, and then he developed the spiritual wisdom. That is, in the past few days, after the spiritual wisdom was generated, he came to the top. Then he found that when the trace of demonic energy in his body dissipated again, it could attract some things, such as those human faces. In fact, there were some yin and other sneaky ghosts before the human faces.

But unlike those human faces, the yin qi that had been attracted before, as well as other sneaky sprites, could not do anything in this base, even if they were servants, because this base was full of soldiers. Soldiers have a lot of yang energy, so. Some sneaky sprites that have appeared here before can't survive here at all, and when I was bathing, I found that whether it was those sneaky sprites or those who appeared later on them, they can all provide themselves with a special breath. And if the special breath is collected more, then he can grow, so he will keep attracting those things.

But it is a pity that this kind of thing was exposed before long. When the two vases appeared, Yu Shi knew that he might be in trouble, and the body of the two vases did not know what was going on. There is a phantom, there is a very powerful soul, that's all, and the breath of the vase itself is very contradictory to this base.

When the two vases were brought back to study, Yu Shi wanted to find a way to get the vases out. His luck is also relatively good. The people in this base got the two vases out, but what he didn't expect was some of the remaining breath on the two vases, and the breath that collided with the base. Under the rush, the evolution of those faces was actually upgraded, and after the evolution and upgrade of those faces, they were not under the control of jade.

Only then did those faces appear in the corridor, and what appeared in the corridor even frightened Bai Ding. Otherwise, Jade was in control here. I am afraid that the problems of this base will be exposed later, which makes Jade very Depressed, he felt that he was about to change shape, but he had to hold on for a while, but he did not expect such a change, when the base here was taken seriously. Later, the faces were also exposed, and Yu Shi felt that he could no longer stay here. Moreover, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi came to look for her once before. Although they did not find him, at that time he used those faces to hide himself. He got up, but he had a feeling that he would be discovered sooner or later.

So he wanted to shift his position when he was in trouble, but his roots were here, and when he first developed his intellect



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